Page 58 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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....-c---~----------~- Page 2IWestern Maryland Conege/March 10, 1988 Wrestlers compete at MAC's wrestled well in the initial competi- lation match. Dan Scariccattoli of by Cynthia Schafer tions and earned his way to the Elizabethtown College was semifinals in his respective weight toppled by a score of 10-2 to give The WMC Wrestling team division. Slnak fourth place overall in the finished ninth out of twenty col- Sinak dropped his semifinal 167-pound weight class. leges participating in the Middle match to last year's winner of the Bovit wrestled in the 142- Atlantic. Conference Champion- 167-pound weight category, pound class semifinals and ships at Messiah College on Feb. Randy Warrall of Delaware Val- Dengler in the 158-pounddivision. 2/j.27. The Terrors were lead lO ley, by a score of 4-1. However, Each fell in their matchups but their strong finish by three solid Sinak, who was seeded fifth in the were able to achieve a fifth and performances from Jon Bovu, Skip tournament, came back tena- sixth place finish respectively in Sinak and Bill Dengler. Each ciously toreccrd a win in theconso- consolation match action. MAC .champ Ehlman sets record in 50 meter freestyle Dr. Melvin Palmer, Dean of Academic Affairs Survey measures broke a 15 year-old pool record as shooting for." by Bill Desciak well. Ehlman also broke the school faculty morale Not many people gel the ahead "I beat the two guys seeded record in the 4OO-yard himself a Freestyle the regular Relay while of me during earning chance to be an MAC Champ. Itis season, but they had faster times in fourth place in this event to go continued frdm page 1 small, "academic" colleges across what every athlete here on The Hill the other meets," stated Ehlman. "I along with his fourth in the 100- the nation, and reported that morale shoots for. just got myself psyched up and yard Freestyle. Dean of Academic Affairs, washigheramongthecoUegesthan Swimmer John Ehlman not everything fell into place." Joining Ehlman on the relay Palmer, stated that the expected. Nearly all the respon- only reached that goal, but set three team were Fred Waltz, Mark Iadmtmstrauon has taken the find- dents planned to remain at their school records toroot. All this and Ehlman also lowered the Woodard, and Dan O'ConnOT. ings of the report to heart, and wiU present position, while few ex- he is only a sophomore. school record from 50.3 to 49.5 O'Connor also took a sixth in the continue to work on improving the pressed the desire to move to Ehlman went down to the seconds in the tOO-yard Freestyle, tOO-meter Fly, while Steve Hegna morale of me faculty. Palmer larger,moreresearch-orienteduni- Feb. 25-27 MAC's held at Widener missing the national qualifying took an eighth and a ninth in the found the report a very positive versities. Other findings from the College, seeded third in the 50-yard time by just two-tenths of asccond. tOO-meter Breaststroke and 200- experience- and said he hoped the survey indicated that colleges are Freestyle, He not only won the "I think next year I can make meter Individual Medley respec- faculty and administration would becoming more teaching-oriented event in school record time. he it to nationals, that is what I'm tively. leam from it, and use it to improve and are moving away from the SeiIer's reIeases Pub man ager ~th=eCO=~=I~:=e~=u",=eY=I=()()=ked=a=1 =14=2 =;:='~=~:=;k=.on=pUb=IiS=hi=ng=p=mf=:es, _n FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT continued from page 1 Hunan D·. Paul said, 'What am I supposed to DownIOwn caught he was back. Just 59 w. MainSt. cantonese Westminster do with this?', then, and went to put it ... and blamed." Polynesian , 114&-09'9 Mr. Dick Traegler, director _'_ Amertcan 976-3'66 of Seiler's Corporation at WMC, indicated that it wasn't just the Cocktail service Qulckey Lunch & cany Out 11AM'--'OPM SUn.-ThUrsm AM 11PMFri.-Sat. ANW incident which brought :==================~ about Fitzsimmons' dismissal. was the icing on the ''That Rape Myth # 10 :~. ~~g~:::~e~~ '::~ ~~~ Myth: If she agreed to go back to his apartment with him, then she and the school was unhappy with agreed to have sex. Paul's performance there. He 'i') Fact: Wrong-- all she agreed to do was to return to his apart- handled himself in an unprofes- ment. To assume anything else is fantasy on the part oUhe sional manner." '<, c") male. This situation demonstrates clearly the need for Traegler would not comment communication up front by both parties about sex on other reasons for Fitzsimmons' ual desires and limits. Failure to do otherwise is im- termination. One allegation is that mature, unrealistic and sets the stage for problems. he was fired because of frequent For help or more infonnation, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. "partying" with students. When Our services are free and ail inquiries are confidential. asked about this. Traegler re- Cynthia Sdlafer photo ,-::===:H:o:tI:in:e::8:48:.:27:24=:O:ffi:ce:::8:S7:.()9::00====~sponded, "We encourage our em- r ployees to fraternize with the stu- Mr. Dick Traegler, director of Seiler'S Corporation at dents, but there's a difference be- Western Maryland College. ADOPTION tween that and other things. Being a manager comes first" in his behavior," said one of time of the occurrence, said, "He Adoption is the only way we can have a A 1986 graduate of Alvernia Fitzsimmons' former co-workers. wasn't drinking here. He did noth- family. We are a happily married childless couple College; Fitzsimmons began work- Another added, "I can't say any- ing to change my opinion of him as ing at WMC in March of 1987. a manager." thing goodabouthimasamanager. who wish to adopt an infant. All medical and legal There are mixed reactions to He wasn't manager material." A freshman who was also expenses paid. Confidential, Please call us collect. his dismissal. Employees of present added, "Their policy of no Seiler's in the Dining Hall did not Students, on the other hand, social contact with students is un- (301) 762-9285 John & Jill seem unhappy about the term ina- seem to view the "Glar Man's" fair. His free time should be his themselves They're hurting dismissal uon. negatively. own. One student, ''We were very disappointed who was with Fitzsimmons at the by firing him."
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