Page 60 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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Page 4IWestem Maryland CollegelMarch 10, 1988 Editorial Honor thy neighbor About three years ago, Western Maryland College instituted a new admissions plan to attract the "honors" student. The new program can be confidently labeled a success, with respect to its main goal. However, there are underlying, overlooked concepts that lie outside the main objective. For example, an attractive benefits package offered to each "hon- ors" student mayor may not offer the student scholarship money, but always includes a choice of housing. These students can live in me freshman dormitories or in the special housing provided by the honors crogram. But, Daniel MacLeaseems to have become the "stomping grounds" for the students of the honors program, particularly the freshmen. And still, the program has been given several houses along Pennsylvania Avenue to occupy next year. But, should the honors program command ", such a large part of the "best" dormitory space? 'l" The answer is yes. But with a condition. Living in a dormitory is an essential college learning experience. It is as important as attending lectures and studying regularly. But the ---- LetterstotheEditor---- honors program has overlooked this fact 'Indeed Daniel MacLea is a The suggestion here is that freshman "honors" students should be Sailer responds the women to keep them safe. several recommendations to dormitory, but it doesn't exemplify typical dormitory life. government suggested a curfew on met numerous times and has made required to live ina freshman dormitory ,i.e.,Rouzeror Whiteford, for one to date rape Golda Meir responded that the men handle the parking problem on full year, before residing in honors housing. After this one year, "honors" should be curfewed rather than the campus:" The Phoenix printed that uudents may live anywhere they wish, including honors housing. But article women, for it was the men who mcmbcrsofthe Commuter Organi- vhy should "honors" students live in a freshman donn? were causing the problems. zauon had met with Dean Sayre Because the freshman dormitories like Rouzer Hall are filled with Editors: If WMC is truly interested in and Moyer on this issue. Moyer the realities of life: lousy furniture, loud music, loud people, etc. Humil- In the Feb. 25 issue of The helping Slaprape, they will encour- also stressed that illegal parking is ity, patience,and stress management are among the important personality Phoenix, J. SCOLtMoyer wrote an age more programs which raise the not an issue that should be brought charactersitics that can be built up in one year of Rouzer (or Whiteford) article discussing the ways women awareness of those responsible for up under the argument of whether living. can avoid date rape. While I ap- rape-men, and withdraw support or not there is not enough parking. And what about the student who did poorly in high school, and plaud Chief Moyer's efforts to for environments where rape and At the end of our 11 am stroll finally got his ect together in college? He never has the chance to live in raise awareness of this important violence against women are im- through the parking lots around me quiet honors housing. No matter where he lives, he will have to spend topic, I feel that he misdirected his plicitly condoned, through "hu- campus, we found 15 illegally nest of his time in the library (or some other semi-quiet place) in order comments. The article does not mor" or general attitudes which parked cars, 57 open student park- .0 get those good grades, because "it's too loud in the dorm." address those primarily respon- allow these ideas to fester unchal- ing spaces, and 21 faculty spots So, in order to be fair to the "honors" freshmen and all other stu- sible for rape: the rapist, who is, 99 lenged. vacant. ferns of WMC, perhaps the honors program should be revised. First, all per cent of the time, a man. 42 out of the 57 open spots 'honors" freshmen should berequired to live in a freshman dormitory for Unfortunately, Moyer's ar- David Sailer were found behind Gill gym and me year, after which they may live anywhere. Second, in order to allow ticIefits lntcapauem of placing the Harrison House. This does not or upperclassmen who want to live in a quiet study-conducive aunos- responsibility for stopping rape on answer our question about parking mere (and haveeamed the chance), the honors program should add a new the victim. Moyer focused his at- Parking editorial availability, however, it raises section for the "new" upperclassmen honors students. tention on the potential victim, and many more. With the addition of these changes, the honors program can fully what she/he can do to avoid being challenged My problem with these va- ~ome the honorable learning experience it was designed to be. raped. The article perpetuates the cant spaces is that they were not attitude that rape is necessarily part Editors: marked with white lines as stated in of unintentional "blame the victim" Safety J. Scott Moyer was taken up the student handbook and the fac- quo. status On Feb. 26, Chief of Campus This the ulty staff sign was misleading. The Phoenix ideology goes a long way to in- on The Phoenix's challenge, and Students do not help the cause by parking illegally. Often they park the final conclusions were aston- creasing guilt feelings, and the trauma of rape for the victim. ishing. their cars wrong, when an available Andrew J. Raith, Craig Cecil The point of focus, then, In the Feb. 25 issue of The space is only a few feet away. Managing Editor.... . Mary Baschofl should include men, and specifi- Phoenix, "Parking Peeves" invited Student laziness should not be the Copy Editor... . 8eth Jones main cause for the parking peeves. Sports Editor.... . Cynthia Schafer cally, men who condone and en- Moyer to venture around campus Maybe if the remaining stu- Business Manager.... . C. Uoyd Hart courage rape. I commend Campus on any weekday during the morn- News Editor.. . Roshini George Safety's efforts to increase the ing, and prove his claim that there dents truly got together with Sayre Photographers Kathleen McNUlty, Eileen McNulty, availability of services for women, are enough parking spaces at and Moyer a solution could be Cynthia Schafer, and Andrew J. Raith found. The Phoenix's solution of Reporters ........... Jonathan Slade, Bill Desciak, Jim Vowles, for example the self-defense work- WMC. Todd Staub and I, in an using the undeveloped property for Tammie Gitt, Royce Day, lee Spector, shop recently announced, but more unarranged and surprise meeting. laura Bakoff, Douglas Hitchcock, should bedcne tofind a way tosend asked Moyer to walk around cam- parking is one of the most absurd Dave Sailer, and Christopher Davis the message to men that it is not pus [0 see if the Phoenix's state- ideas. Why would we want to Advisor .... .... Pamela Regis develop our grass for parking? okay to force women to have sex. ment was substantiated. The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication of Western Maryland College. The "No" means no, and men who use During our investigation, For The Phoenix to simply opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor do not necessarily physical and emotional intimida- Moyer-stated his disappointment in state ideas without speaking to the reflect those of the staff or administration. Editoratsare the responsibility of tion and coersion do not recognize the Phoenix claim because he felt it proper people or do the proper re- the editor-in-chief , and are approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix was partly untrue. Moyer ex- search is both unprofessional and reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, clarity, and libelous content the simple truth of this statement. All letters to the editor must be signed. Authorship will be verified. In Israel, many years ago, plained, "A parking committee, uojoumalistic. Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, when there was a problem of formed by the President, myself, MD 21157 and a commuter representative, has Robert Ballinger women being attacked at night, the
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