Page 53 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 53
February 25, 1988IWestern Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus What should be done about dormitory damages? Kathleen McNulty Photos ......;"""- I There is no excuse for I feel that security At present it's.the only Someone.should .take More housing is letting a building dete- should somehow systemthatworksbut I responsibility for the needed if the school is riorate. You can't tighten up and that the would like to see the damages because it's to take on more stu- blameall the damages people responsible money that's being not fair for everyone to dents. Renovationsin on the students espe- should pay for their collected used for re- have to pay for one the older buildings will cially when we pay for own damages. pairs and renovation. person's careless- be costly and never- the damages and ness. ending. nothing has been re- paired. Debbie Dean Theresa Gutierrez Mary Martha Peel Sarah Stump Harry Colson _Jonathan Slade _ Eight ways to eliminate the listless aftermath of love When a romance ends, the first minaI. lint from driers. clothing, and bed trapped in a void of nothingness, tear out several explicit centerfolds thing you find on your hands (not 2) Watch television. There arc linen in order tooffer a diversity of going nowhere, with no hope. and place them about to brighten including fingernails, which, of hundreds of culturally enlightening texture in my new spring line. Then do a statistical survey to see the room. Shouldanyoneotimpor- course, have always been there) is experienccsjuston the other sideof how many get so depressed by tance stop by, simply blame your time. Too much of it, in fact. So, that tube. Delve into the mysteries As a rule, though, avoid clip- being around you that they opt for roommate. the sooner youcan find a way to fill of life: Did the Cleaver household ping coupons as a hobby. This can suicide. this void. the quicker you reach full ever have to deal with concrete be extremely addictive and re- 6) Go visit your parents. Listen 8) One final way to fight your recovery. realities like constipation? Is Bob quires the useof a sharp implement to people who are suffering from way back to stability after a r0- Barker still alive? And how docs (which you shouldn't be handling real problems. like how to keep the mance has ended, is to make lists of Thus, as an expert in this field, I the Six Million Dollar Man,ifhc's at this point). It can also lead to cal from bloating itself on kitty things-lists that have absolutely offer eight non-alcoholic ways to always running in slow motion, other. more lethal addictions like litter,and whose tum it is to epoxy no relevance to anything. This deal with lost love: manage to get everywhere first? comparison shopping, collecting the downstairs toilet seal back to- lakes up large chunks of time, 1) Get a pel. Size and tempera- antiques, and holding garage sales. gether. demands a measure of discipline, ment are of no importance as long 3)Pick up a hobby. This field is 4) Throw yourself into your 7) Redecorate your room. Take and for some reason, seems ex- as the animal has a bladder control wide open. Recently I've been work. This is not recommended, down those pictures of your former tremely therapeutic. problem. This way, you can spend weaving bird nests out of belly however, if your career involves amour, and replace them with Sa- Coming soon, then: Twenty all your free time shampooing car- buuon lint in the hope that I can mulching or smelling pig iron. tanic heavy metal posters of a lead ways to pluck nasal hair, eighteen pet, re-varnishing table legs, and save a couple sparrow families the 5) Spend time with friends. Use guitarist beating the appropriate uses for leftover tapioca pudding, making excuses to guests about trouble next winter. I've even been this as a chance to discuss with sex over the head with an electric and a hundred and one strategies why the house smells like a men's considering branching out, as it them your views on the meaning- amplifier. If, however, you wish for prime-time prophylactic com- room at the Port Authority bus ter- were, and have started to collect lessness of life and how we arc all instead to nurture a sense of hope, mercials.
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