Page 54 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 54
Page 61Western Maryland College/February 25, 1988 -----~---~------------- ---_--- _ J. Scott Moyer _ Use common sense BLOOM COUNTY to prevent date rape The next time you are in a cumb to the social pressures to large class, count all the female drink alcohol to have a good lime. students in the room, including A few suggestions for yourself if you are female. It will women to avoid being caught in happen to one out of eight of these this situation are: 1) Avoid the women before they graduate. In a consumption of alcohol on the first recent survey conducted at the few dates with someone new. University of South Florida, 27 per Alcohol dulls your awareness and cent of the male respondents said clouds perception. 2) When dating they would consider doing it if they someone for the first time. do it in a knew there was no possibility of social setting where there arc being caught. What we are talking people around. 3) Be wary of the about is the national campus epi- datewhoutcstodominateor subtly demic of dale/acquaintance rape. If inhibit you in a social setting. Odds you think that it is happening eve- are he will continue this dominance rywhere but here, it is time to pull when you are alone with him. 4) your head out of the sand. Don'tgo somewhere that is so pri- Date/Acquaintance Rape is vate that there is no way for you to one of the least reported crimes in seek help. 5) Communicate your the United States, yet based on in- feelings as to what you want and formation from surveys and rape don't want from the relationship at counseling centers, it is one of the the onset. fastest growing. Itisalsooneofthe It is time to tum the tide on most psychologically damaging this sad situation and the way to types of sexual assault. Many see it accomplish this is through educa- as a manifestation of the violence tion. The Department of Campus and degradation our society en- Safety, in conjunction with the dorses toward women through tele- Carroll County Rapc Crises Cen- vision, movies, and advertising. ter, offers programs for both men Young college students are espe- and women on date rape prevention cially susceptible because they are and education. For additional in- away from home for the first time formation on these programs con- and become careless with their new tact the Department of Campus freedom. They also easily sue- Safety at Extension 202. FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT oowr-. w_ seW .... InS!. _19 97&-3166 COcIdaII .... ice Qulct
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