Page 51 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 51
February 25, 1988lWestem Maryland College/Page 3 'ROLM phone system impresses new users directly without having to go 1987 so that the radio could be continued from page 1 through the switchboard. heard in every donn, and we were ity to camp-on someone's line," If someone doesn't know a almost finished when our wires were cut," said Program Manager exclaimed Helen Wolfe. "1 also person's number, he can dial the enjoy the fact that I'm not dialing first three or four letters of the Dave Sweezey. "But now our sig- thousands of numbers." person'slast name and it will put nal is back and is working better "By camping-on sorneone's the call through. than ever. We hope to be heard line, you force a person to call you "This will eliminate mes- ~ throughout the campus very soon." back when the line is busy," said sagesattheswitchboardanditwill Ernest Ogle. "1 am very impressed also be possible to receive and "In time, I hope to gradually without having to pick up the re- "I hope that someday the stu- with the ROLM system." transmit calls faster," said Sabo. make more use of us possibilities. ceiver. And it has great capabili- dents will have the opportunity to Every user has his own direct For those who are having but for right now, I feel that it is ties," stated Kip Darcy. utilize this new system," remarked dial number which includes the old trouble with the new phones, there serving the college's purposes A side effect of connecting Wolfe. extension number and a new pass- isa user'smanual,and acomputer- well," said Carl Dietrich.professor the new system is that it cut For those who need to know word. By dialing 857-2 + the old simulated voice that taIks the user of music. WMCR'sradiosignal. "We started more about ROLM, training ses- extensionnumber,apersoncanCall.-!h_ro~ug:...h_th_e_,_an_·o_us_r_ca_tur_e_s. ·_'I_lik_e_th_e_ra_C!_!ha_!I_C_an_d_ial__ IO_C_o_nn_cc_!_th_e_w_ir_es_in_M_arc_h_o_r_si_on_S_be~g:._in_on_M_ar_c_h_I_6._--, Intramural "Mom saysthe playoffs set house just isn't the same without me, continued from page 2 even though its Hogans by 10. Faculty vs. Idiots: The Fac- a lot cleaner." ulty nipped the Idiots in double OT in the regular season. This proves to be one of the better match-ups in the tourney. If Ethan Siedel gets hot, anything could happen. If Chris Lambertson gets hot. its over for the Idiots. The Faculty's main problem is keeping their big man in the paint. He likes lO come outside too much. This will prove to be the difference as the younger Idiots will run and gun down the Faculty. Idiots 60- Faculty 54. Ministers vs. Ballzz: After an inspiring win over the Sig Eps, the Ministers are going to get their bubbles popped. Ballzz have too much fire power, especially from' the outside. The Ministers have the edge in the paint, but it will not be enough. BaHzz 74- Ministers 58. The Semi Finals Odes "A" vs. Hogans: The Hogans will be pumped for this Just because your Mom one, looking toknock off the over- is far away,doesn't mean confident Beres. And if the Betes you can't be close. Youcan do have a flaw, it is over-confi- still share the love and dence. Not enough of a balanced laughter on AT&T Long scoring auack on the Hogans and Distance Service. that will be their downfall. The It COSlS less than you Betes will key on the Hogans big think to hear that she likes guns and shoot down the upstart [he peace and quiet, but Hogans 75-63. she misses you. So go Ballzz vs.ldiots: This will be ahead, give your Mom a a bam-burner, The Idiots have the call. Youcan clean your room later. Reach out and Ballzz weak-spot beaten, the big men. However, Ballzz have too touch someone'" many guns to cool down. Ballzz 56- Idiots 53. The Finals Ballzz vs. Betes "A": the Betes already beat Ballzz by 20 in the regular season, but were not missing anything, having three ATILT players with 20 or more points. I doubt they will be that hot again but The right choice. the Betes have seven quality play- ers, the Ballzz only four or five, and the Betes have been playing longer. Betes78- Ballzz62. L _j
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