Page 52 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 52
Page 4fWestem Maryland College/February 25, 1988 Editorial ,_ Parking peeves Western Maryland College is a small, liberal arts school - with equally small parking facilities. The dilemma of finding a parking space has always been an issue here for as long as anyone cares to remember. Rccently though. with the sudden growth in enrollment, this situation has worsened significantly. Early morning at WMC is now characterized by motorists speeding around the campus "drag," with one eye on the road and the other busily scanning for that rarest of commodities, a vacant spot. Eventually, some unlucky motorist, or worse, a pedestrian, will wind up the loser as that "one eye on the road" doesn't quite suffice. In any event, by latemorning, securing any parking space at all is a feat comparable to winning Lotto. The Phoenix has printed numerous letters throughout the past few years from concerned, and often angry individuals, detailing the horrors of parking and the unwillingness of the administration to take any effective action. Members of the Commuter Organization have met with Dean Sayre and J. Scou Moyer on several occasions to "discuss" the problem. To date, there have been no results from such meetings. In fact, Moyer has offered the only conclusion, stating that there is indeed ample parking on campus, especially anhe Harrison House lot. The Phoenix invites Moyer to venture around the campus parking facilities on any given weekday morning at about 10 am to witness the falsity of that claim. Before this situation deteriorates any further, one of two things need to be accomplished; a reduction in the number of vehicles on campus or an increase in the pool of available parking spaces. ---- LetterstotheEditor---- The majority of colleges and universities across the country place a ban on resident freshmen keeping a vehicle on campus. This year at WMC, with the largest freshman class ever, comes the smallest amount seriously consider emulating other institutions in this regard. While on Athlete asks for support Perhaps the administration should start to ever of available parking. the subject of removing cars, can we really spare the loss of space due to The administration has no legitimate reason for ignoring the possi- for Deaf World Games certain vehicles (i.e. the Baunobile)? bility of paving a new parking lot; the college owns ample amounts of undeveloped property. How about some of the unused area direct! ybelow Editor: as a participant in Women's Vol- the Winslow parking facility? leyball. Paving that grassy strip would create about 75 new spaces. If the "When these aihteses win, they Imust raise this on my own proper minds collaborate, room for new parking facilities could be found. don't hear the applause" . by July 15, 1988. With the help of AsWMCcontinuestogrowandprosper,andtheenrollmentclimbs, my family and friends I hope to so too will the parking problems. The Phoenix believes now is the time As the clock ticks toward the reach this goal. I am a graduate to solve the problem, not only for the present, but for the future as well. 1989 World Games for the Deaf, student at WMC working toward a your continued support for our U.S. Masters Degreein Deaf Education. athletes becomes more and more The Olympics falls between vital. semesters so it will not interfere At the XVI World Games for with my schooling. the Deaf in Christchurch, New Any financial help toward The Phoenix Zealand from January 7-17,1989, this goal would be greatly appreci- the United Slates will be repre- ated. sented by approximately 200 ath- All donations are tax-deduc- letes who know how much it takes table and all checks should bemade to win over a disability. Editcrs-in-Chiet.... Andrew J. Raith, Craig Cecil out to WORLD GAMES FOR Managing Editor. . Mary Baschoff THE DEAF/US TEAM and spec- Copy Editor.. . . Beth Jones Our young athletes are work- ify for NANCY MUMME, Sports Editor.... . Cynthia Schafer ing harder than ever to become ADVBA. Business Manager.. .. . C. Lloyd Hart winners. They are straining to News Editor. . Roshini George photoqraphers.; . Kathleen McNulty, Eileen McNulty, extract the last ounce of strength Please send to my college Cynthia SchAler, and Andrew J. Raith that will assure them of surpassing address: Nancy Mumme, Western Reporters. . . Jonathan Slade, Bill Desciak, Jim Vowles, the total number of medals gar- Maryland College, P.O. Box 92, Tammie Gitt, Royce Day, Lee Spector, nered in 1985,andofperformingto westminster, Maryland, 21157, as Laura Bekoff, Douglas Hitchcock, Dave Sailer, and Christopher Davis their personal best. I would like to acknowledge each Advisor.... . Pamela Regis It isn'tjust agoJd medal these one. Thank you! athletes are working for. It is PRIDE. Knowing deep in their As a donor, you will defi- The Phoenix is a bimonthly publication 01Western Maryland College. The hearts they've done their best for them as they follow our colorful nitely share their pride in doing opinions expressed in columns and letters 10 the editor do not necessarily the USA and the people who make flag into the opening ceremonies? their best and you will share the reflect those oltha staff or administration. Ecitorals are the responsibility of it possible for them to compete. Will you give our athletes the final applause. Thank you for any sup- the editor-in-chief , and are approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix Will you join these Ameri- indispensible push they desper- port you can offer. reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, clarity, and libelous content. All letters to the editor must be signed. Authorship will be verified. cans now, as they come into the last ately need to win? Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, demanding days before the Each athlete's share of the MD21157 Games? team expenses is $4,500. I have Nancy Mumme Will you be marching beside been selected to represent the U.S. Graduate student
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