Page 107 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 107
Marlene Clements ----------1 April 2, 1987lWestern Maryland College/Page 9 Smithsonian must accord _ dignity to other cultures Visit Well ness '87 new and intriguing and The foUowing is a list of "Harmfully Involved: Drugs on continued from page 8 unexplained. One realises how events for Wellness '87 which Campus and Beyond." The event, category error to house artifacts very much indeed one has to learn will take place this month. sponsored by the President's On Monday, April 6 from 11 Office and the Student Health from the majority of the world's about the range and diversity of am-S pm in Ensor Lounge the Service, will feature a five cultures under the heading of human experience and Women's Concerns Alliance is member panel to be mediated by natural history. It implies a very imagination. And it is this sponsoring a Rape Awareness Dr. Rick Carpenter, Director of "unnatural" history of the human human quality of these other Exhibit Then, later on in the day Athletics at WMC. The panelists '. species indeed, one in which cultures which captivates the eye at the Forum from 6:30·7:30 pm, include: Mr. Kurt Schmoke, and the mind and the heart-- not, western and European models are uncritically supposed to offer the cenainly, the same reaction one there will be a film and panel currently Baltimore's Slate's discussion Auorney and a member of the campus on paradigms for "culture." But it is has to exotic species of flora and acquaintance rape. Entilled "Is Maryland Slate Bac Association's really much more than just a fauna. Sex Ever an Emergency? Special Task Force on Adolescent category error. I am embarrassed So what would I like to see? Rethinking Rape," the event is Addiction and the Governor's to admit that what we really First of all more from other sponsored by the Student Health Commission on Drug Abuse; Mr. exhibit in the Museum.of Natural cultures, more properly situated, and Counseling Services, the Max Jones, Executive Director of HiSLOry is an ignorant, 000- and more convincingly described. of Philosophy and Wellway Centers, an addiction And maybe it is also time for a Department colonialistic attitude which Religious Studies, the Women's education and treatment center in uncritically treats nine-tenths of respectfully done; they usually little conceptual housecleaning Concerns Alliance, and the Fort Worth, TX; Dc. John the people of the world as if they are. Indeed, they are for me down at the Smithsonian. Wel1ness Affinity Housing Steinberg, Medical Director of the were animals or savages, probably the most colorful and Maybe we should ask ourselves Group. Chemical Dependency Program at primitives unfit to take their palce intriguing comers of the whether the people and peoples On Tuesday, April 14 from 11 Greater Baltimore Medical Center; in or halliowed halls of culture. Smithsonian. After about the we interpret in our national 810·3 in Ensor Lounge, Ms. Joanne Levy of Baltimore's pm For all practical purposes, tenth visit, one tires rapidly of the museums would recognize College Activities is sponsoring Criminal Justice Division and a cultures not in the mainsteam, of old airplanes and used space themselves in our interpretation. Campus Drug Awareness Videos. member of the Baltimore European history are stuffed and capsules in the Aerospace I look forward to the day when will City/County Task Force on Wednesday. though, mounted as if they were Museum. And much as I love the visitors to our nation's capital bring the most ambitious set of Crack; and Ron, a recovering dinosaurs. But there is more than Hirschom, you can only make the discover that Americans accord events. From 11 em-S pm in the addict and Baltimore attorney. one way to be human. and these rounds of modem sculpture and other cultures at least sufficient Forum, we'll be holding the After five minute statements from other cultures may in fact still painting so many times before the honor and dignity that they are no WeUness Fair, which will feature each guest, the program will be offer vital and viable alternatives novelty wears off. But the longer classified as animals. a number of booths and exhibits. opened up to questions and debate exhibits from other cultures at the Such a simple move might do stifling increasingly the : to "System" of Western culture. Natural History Museum are wonders for our foreign relations . And, at 7:30 pm, studems ace among the panelists and audience. invited to a Drug Abuse program We look to your forward This is not to say these endlessly fascinating; at every .. and I think we might feel a in McDaniel Lounge entitled participation in WeUness '87. exhibits are not artfully and visit, one always spots something little better about ourselves, too. HEY! EDUCATION FOR ALL SEASONS Was your last program a bust? Earn Transferable College Credit This Summer Do you have to beg or bribe your friends or your Term 1 students to attend films, lectures, receptions and June I-July 7 (6 weeks) recitals? June I-Iuly 21 (8 weeks) You're not alone. Term 2 Term 3 We all dream of standing- June 22-August 11 July 8-August 13 room-only crowds. But most of us would be happy (8 weeks) (6 weeks) with just a few extra people. For phone-in registration or information on Imagine the possibilty of someone you don't know courses, schedules and transferring credits showing up just because he Call 269-7241 heard about your program and thought it might be fun. Rm Choice In Quality Education Help these desperate people P!'.~ find something to do. Tell them about your event in... Anne Arundel The Phoenix Community College We offer a 40 per cent Arnold. MD discount off our regular advertising prices to WMC departments and organizations. Just drop us a line at Box 61 or call 857· 4296.
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