Page 105 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 105
April 2, 1987/West~rn Maryland College/Page 7 _ Bill Desciak Leonard takes heart, Elizabethtown crushes but Hagler will take bout Terrors in 187 opener Welcome back from Spring by Cynthia Schafer Break, sports fans. I hope your Thl\ Lady Terrors struggled at break was as fun as mine was. the pla~ in their season opener on Well, I've already heard March 26 at Elizabethtown. In enough harassment for going 0-4 the twin bill, WMC took a on my final four picks to last me beating in both halves by until next year--most notably dropping the firsegame by a score from my economics and statistics of 8-1 and the nightcap, 13-0. teachers. Come on guys, cut me The Terrors were only able to a break, at least three of my picks accumulate seven hits in the two went to the final eight. So that's game series.·\ Senior third not too bad, is it? baseman Jennifer Bertrand picked I think l'11 switch over to up two hits in the first game and boxing for awhile. Hagler versus drove in junior Lisa Sullivan with inning. Sophomore Tammy Kile Leonard, power versus finesse. a fifth inning double for the was the losing pitcher in the rust Both boxers have been Chiding sport (Hagler-32, Leonard-3D), and Or the fight could go like Terrors' only run of the day. The game. In the nightcap, Kile got one another during pre-fight true, there is 12 miJIion involved. this. Hagler will causally work Jays took the early lead in the the only hil for WMC and interviews, Hagler saying Leonard which would be enough to get me his way across the ring. and first game by scoring a run freshman Michelle Cirone pitched has been out of the groove for too to go after Tyson. But there is proceed to beat the pulp out of without getting a hit in the first for the loss. Elizabethtown long and hurting for bucks, another side, the fact that these Sugar-Ray. He has the strength. recorded 26 hits on the day. Leonard saying Hagler has been two fighters are probably the best toughness, and he has more to Phoenix sponsors "living the good life and out of in their weight class ever. Here's prove than Sugar-Ray. Even shape." Thomas Hearns, who the two things that could happen. though he has been champ for a Sugar- first essay contest lost to both of (hem, stated "He The fight could go on until long time, he never really received [Leonard] has been staggering out the later rounds with Leonard the notoriety he deserves. there with the drunks, and all of a riding his bicycle, popping Hagler Ray Leonard has been a household Okay, okay. So we're going faculty members, and reporters on name for awhile, Hagler's Marvin . sudden he wants to fight?" have been when he sees the opening. Hagler only been one for the past few to try something new. issues, participate. (Sorry guys.) eligible to The Phoenix are not will begin to gel frustrated, start True, both fighters For the past several and it easy lately into a defeat, 7 taking in last two years; (Hagler Leonard two throwing wild roundhouses, Leonard years . My heart is for Sugar-Ray, The Phoenix has been trying to 4. Entries will be judged on tie himself fights only once since 1982). True, has the quickness and boxing but I have to take Hagler in no find some way to get readers more both content and grammar. The with the of decisions newspaper. both are getting a little old for the savy. more than five. That's all folksl involved this, for better the or worse, is committee will be final. judging And Golfers defeat Wesley, one of the things we came up award 5. There will be a $25 cash This with. entry. for the best WMC following The essay contest is developed prize will not be awarded by a If student default: tennis clobbers Gallaudet chiefly by staff writer Angela entries satisfy the judges' without Coleman, whose qualifications, no money will be inspiration and dedication we issued. The golf learn started the 1987 Men's Tennis probably never would have tried 6. The contest winner and season on a rough note. Their ~ The men's tennis squad was anything at all. honorable mentions will have first match was on March 23 at victorious in their Iirst outing Read on and enter. their entries published in this Loyola against three other teams. this year against Gallaudet on Rules: semester's final issue of The WMCfelitoallthreecompetitors-- March 23. Gallaudct was knocked 1. The theme of the contest Phoenix. Loyola, Georgetown and off by a score of 8-1, but the is "Gentle Moments. ft Entries 7. Contest begins April 2, Millersville. Terrors could not maintain their must describe what a student 1987 and the deadline ts April 16, Saturday, March 28, the Green winning ways against their next considers to be a gentle moment, 1987. was a bit more successful, two opponents. and employ an example of such 8. All entries must be typed splitting a ut-meet. Washington WMC fell to Juniata on an experience. or word-processed, and double- College fell to WMC, but the March 27 by a score of 9-0 and 2. Entries VIe to be 1,000 spaced. Terrors went down by the hands f\\ then to Susquehanna on March 28 words or less, 9. Entries are to be mailed to of Wesley. Freshman Nick \.Y by 7-2. Senior Wes Manger 3. This is strictly a student the following address: GENTLE Rausch had the top score on the distinguished himself by being contest, and only WMC MOMENTS CONIEST! C/o WMC team with a 79, and junior the only Terror to play for an undergraduates may enter. Coleman and Spectorl The Todd Staub came in second with a next home match will be April 7 individual win in the last two Therefore, College staff and Phoenix ~83~.__Th_e__ WM__ C~g~O_lf__Sq~Ua_d_·s~a~:_·~'_M_l_S_am_,_Mruy~_·S. m_~_~_. -,~====::::==::::::::==::::::::::::::~ One of the nation's oldest and largest college organizations forwomen FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Phi Mu announces the pledging of: Hunan D Jill Alt Linda Marriott Lynn Fangmeyer Chris Mattox Downtown Amy Farrow Wendi McQueeney Szechun Westminster 59 W. Main St. Leigh Filer Holly Morgan cantonese 84tH1919 Polynesian Margaret Gemski Cassie Schneeburger American I 976-3166 Tricia Haller Sandy Smith Pam Hamm Jenny Suddith Connie Harrington Stephanie Wagner Cocktail service Qulckey Lunch & Carry Out Amy Heebner Heather Willever 11AM-10PM Sun.-Thurs.11 AM11PMFrI.-Sat. Tania John Tricia Yingling SCHOLARSIllP . .sERVICE ... FRlENDSHIP
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