Page 106 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 8IWestern Maryland College/April 2, 1987 _ Scott Thomas Eastham Smithsonian needs conceptual housecleaning Like most Baltimore- East Asian cultures, Central and Goddess would probably rate only Washington area residents, I am South American peoples a niche over in the bowels of quite proud of that magnificent they're all locked up in the Natural History. complex of museums we call the Natural History museum, while Consider the reaction of a Smithsonian. Whenever I start to what is offically recognized at visitor from, say, Asia, or Africa, show an out-of-town visitor the "culture" is down the road or or India to the Smithsonian. sights and splendors of across the street in the "art" There are hundreds, perhaps Washington, the Smithsonian is museums. thousands of them passing .' usually-by demand--the first stop Now all of this might just be through, the museum every on the tour. And once they enter a problem of space. Maybe weekend. What do they see? the museums, even the most there's more room in Natural They see the way American footsore visitors rarely want to History and so that's where they culture looks at them. And lhey leave until closing time. put the mannequins of Indians and see themselves their own cultures All this is well and good; the Eskimos and Polynesians, right mocked. They see dummies of Smithsonian, as they say, has next to the stuffed animals and themselves. They see their something for everybody. But extinct reptiles. But somehow I highest religious values last weekend, taking advantage of doubt it. . the Indians never trivialized. (Some exhibits are the beautiful weather to make the really made it into the new better than others in this respect; tour with yet another delighted American History building, where the receru African displays are visitor, I noticed something I a little space might have been quite detailed as to religious should have noticed long ago. found between knickknacks from practices, however the older The Smithsonian also has a place Martha Washington's attic. I American Indian displays are often for everybody and for every think there's something else downright silly.) In short, they culture, but not everybody is going on here, something a little see caricatures carefully afforded the same kind of place. more worrisome. An example of drawn, sometimes, but caricatures Look at it this way: The the kind of skewed perception that nonetheless. Perhaps it's an Smithsonian offers "culture" and troubles me. The Smithsonian American blind spot; we seem "art," all beautifully displayed in Museum offers the same sort of Smithsonian buff knows well, it loves Henry Moore's "Reclining unwilling or unable to see other the National Gallery and the satisfaction to the worshippers of is only in the museum of Women"--there are half a dozen of cultures according to their own Hirschom and the American modem technical wonders. "natural" history that you will these beauties, in various degrees lights. The Native American History museums. Last weekend, The Smithsonian also offers find exhibits documenting tne full of abstraction, scattered around the displays are a particularly crucial long lines of people circled round an exhilirating excursion into the and extraordinary range of human various "art" museums. Their case in point, since the dominant the comers, waiting and hoping to wonders of Nature, past and cultures. And it is here that I am source and inspiration, as Moore American culture has all but get a glimpse of the art show present, in the Natural History very deeply troubled about the himself has testified, is the destroyed so many tribes whose housed in the National Gallery. museum . minerals, gems, way people and, indeed, entire mysterious Chac Mool figure only vestiges are maintained in This is what we call culture: stones and bones, flora and fauna peoples are "placed" in the from precolumbian Chichen Jtza . the Smithsonian. If nothing else, recognizable artifacts form of all sorts. And this is as it Smithsonian's scheme of things. . yet if the Smithsonian were to it is a massive and insulting mainstream Western sources. I should be-culture is culture, North American Indian tribes, acquire one of her statues, this suppose the Aerospace nature is nature. But as any vast panoramas of African and great and powerful Mayan Rain continued on page 9 Campus services offer information on rape Just when you think that victims know their attackers-- Be supportive to friends education has been successful in dates, casual acquaintances, who tell you they have been pointing out the seriousness and classmates, etc. Still, rape raped. Advise them to TELL and prevalence of rape, these largely remains an unreported to seek support services from the comments surface: crime. Media focuses on the communny. Volunteer to go "I'd rather die than lei unusual incident of a woman with them. Initially, being alone someone rape me" -from a law falsely accusing a man of rape. can be an insurmountable enforcement officer who was later Unfortunately, it has not focused obstacle. raped. as much on the fact that only Talk about it with your "Dressed like lhat what else about 10 percent of rapes are ever friends: Rape is on your mind could she expect?"--from a male reported. Not only is the rape and will not go away. Men can college student in discussion of itself a tragedy, but the reactions be just as supportive and sensitive acquaintance rape. that we have to victims make us as women. Give them a chance. "[A girl] with bazookas like accomplices to the crime going all right to force a woman to have education on this campus. If Remember that several that, I can't say that I blame the unreported and unpunished. In sex if "she says she is going to eight per cent of the women are services remain available to you guys"--from a male college many cases, victims are as afraid have sex with him, then changes being sexually assaulted, we need in this community: Campus administrator in discussion of of our reactions as they are of her mind." to work to change attitudes Safety, extension 202; why date rape seemed to be on the their attackers. (4) More men believe that towards force and coercion in Counseling Services, extension increase. Marlene Clements, Director of men rape for sexual gratification, relationships. Does either sex 243; Student Health Services, "That only happens to girls Student Health Services, recently that "they are overcome by have the right to impose by force extension 600; and the Rape who ask for it" --from a female conducted a survey of the attitudes uncontrollable sexual impulses." their desires and needs on another Crisis Intervention Service of college student in a dormitory WMC students have regarding Twenty seven per cent of all person? Carroll County at 848-2724 or 857-0900. discussion of campus crime. rape. She found that of a sample respondents believe this. To help yourself and others, In spite of our stereotypes of 175 undergraduates (1l3 (5) More men believe that this is what you can do: To learn more about resolving about the victims of rape, rape is females, 62 males): rapes occur in "out-of-the-way" Remember that WMC is a part of the rape problem, join your peers a crime. On college campuses it (1) Twenty six per cent of places, e.g., alleys. the larger community and protect for a program entitled, "Is Sex is also an epidemic. Researchers women and 15 per cent of men (6) Eight per cent of the yourself and your property Ever An Emergency? Rethinking such as Andrea Parrot, Bacy had engaged in sexual intercourse women surveyed had been accordingly. Rape." This will be held in the Burkhart, and Mary Koss have when they did not want to. physically forced to have sexual Report a rape: This Forum, April 6 (Monday) at 6:30 helped us put the problem in (2) Three per cent of the intercourse. No men reported the behavior is violent, destructive, pm. Along with panelists, the perspective. More than 20 per students feel it is all right for a same. and dangerous. Reporting the audience will explore attitudes cent of college women are victims male to "hold a female down" and crime can remove the attacker as a associated with rape. of rape or attempted rape. At force her to have sex if "she led Based on the survey results, threat to the community and Also, Baltimore City is Western Maryland College that is him on." Ms. Clements concludes that support our intolerance of being sponsoring Rape Awareness Week about 117 women students. Most (3) More men feel that it is there is still a need for rape victimized. from April 20-26.
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