Page 75 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 75
April 10, 1986IWestem Marvland Collele/Page 3 An interview with ... Warren Smith A philosopher with a badge, Annual Barthel poetry walkie-talkie and harmonica contest submissions conceded, "but it's not what's due by April 15 "It'S not a bad lite," Smith by Jonathan Slade The cigarette between his most important to me." He fingers had burned down to added that this outlook proba- The WMC English Depart- subject matter for the centes- nothing. Its last few ashes fell bly developed during his to the floor. Looking up from childhood where he was ment has announced the sec- tants is "the home and tarn- Each entry ond annual "John P. Barthel ily." be must the desk and his half-finished "into" being unique. report, he crushed out the Growing up in Pikesville, Memorial Poetry Competition." limited to not less than 14 nor more than 30 lines. Judging butt and pulled a harmonica MD with his father and Cash prizes of $50,00, win $30" be of the competition will be and from the drawer. younger sister, Smith dropped 00, $20.00 awarded for the first, second, done by a selected poet of "I've been playing this thing out of high school at 16, for six days now," he smiled, much to the dismay of his and third place winners, re- national distinction. "and you've getta hear this," relatives. spectlvelv. The deadline for the poetry A wavering blues riff wafted "When I turned The competition has been competition is April 15. Sub- he 'endowed 17," through the office, and for an explained, "my father and I by a gift from missions should be typed, instant the room became a got into an argument. He Mildred P. Barthel in memory with the entrant's name and of her husband. Both Or. and ~ampus number in the upper clearing in the woods and his said, 'Why don't you join the Mrs. Barthel received their fight hand corner of the page. desk a campfire. Navy' and I said 'You've got B.A. degrees from WMC. All entrants will be asked to "Not bad, huh?" Thus an- to be 18 to do that.' Then he Mrs. Barthel's gift has been grant a limited license for other hobby had sparked the said, 'No, you've got to be 17 given to Western Maryland to reproduction of their work in interest of Warren Smith. the with parental consent and support an annual poetry an anthology. 26 year old Western Maryland you've certainly got mine.' " competition at the college for Winners of the competition campus safety officer whose Consequently, Smith went out ten years. Only students of will be announced in early ~ri~~O~~Ubgehl~ni~~~a~~~Si~~T-Warren Smith, campus WMC may enter. The required May. ~n~1e~~n~?t~:eN~~~s~;~:r:s vidual. safety officer. an act of rebellion to his'-:=================~ "My interests have always a very short time and I think been diversified, everything we should all leave something father's suggestion and partly r because of a personal philos- from sailing and backpacking worthwhile behind. to model trains and playing "My mother died in July," ophy. that I'd much Annapolis Theatre of Magic "I decided the harmonica," he explained. he continued, "and she really rather be serving my country "I'll probably never get very didn't leave much. I feel kind good at anything, but I'll enjoy of bad about that. It just by helping at home than pre- an of it." seems all for naught, you paring for a war that I may Now hiring Smith though, whose brown know." Smith wants to make not be sure , want to fight hair and dark eyes suggest his contribution with writing. anyhow," he said. By the time part time positions his predominantly Jewish herj· "1 think it would be kind of he left the Guard, though, he had received his equivalent to tage, also likes to write and neat to have kids some day read .. especially fiction. And who could read something of a high school diploma, as well as a letter of commenda- it's not uncommon to find him mine," he smiled again. • Professional quality on duty at 3 am digesting the One of Smith's most funda- tion for participating in a sea male/female dancers 8200lwk rescue during a gale force works of Friedrich Nietzsche, mental beliefs,however,is that Ayn Rand, or Stuart Mill. In he should be an individual, wind • Ushers "This time of my life may fact, he's a philosophy major his own man. • Box office personnel on campus, and owning to his "I feel like I have to be give me some things to write about later," he said. nature, he occasionally loves different in some way. 1 have • Concessions personnel Pulling a new cigarette from to delve into deep tangential to forge ahead in different a pack, Smith carefully held a • Stage hands musings during the course of areas," he said, fingering the lighter up to it, drew in a a conversation. harmonica. "The idea of hav- breath, and shifted again into • Technicians "1 feel like everyone should ing a house in Columbia with leave his mark," he said, 2.3 kids, with a Mazda and a his metaphysical mode. lor more inlormation tall (301)-263-7469 "You know, I used to be an biting on a black ballpoint station wagon, and a job at a pen. "When you get right computer firm just doesn't 8 down to it, we're only here for r-ap_p_e_al_t_o_m_e_:· co_n_tl_· RA selection Carriage House Liquors I completed c, lAAIN s conlinued from page 1 "At the Forks" ,~ ~+ with pressure situations. They 113 W. Main Street, Westminster ~e~~~e~::~~~et~c~~;~~~ specials this week. .. s:*' wii~~u~~~~~~~~~~a;r~:~~~~ St. Pauli Girl $3.99/6 pk DELI ~ abilities were assessed eel $159/6 k through interaction with other ~====oc=a:-=o=a==.===p====~ ~ SHERWOOD SQUARE ~ candidates. The pool was r 17 EAST MAIN STREET then narrowed down through Breakfast • Lunch > Dinner individual interviews. The new staff will join the For that late night snack ~ 876-1802 returning staff for what is or when you take a study called "Spring Training". They break, stop in at your local "Call Ahead, We'll Have It Ready" youth hostel in Pennsylvania, Roy Rodgers. We offer drive ..8:!t.._ Free Delivery will spend a weekend at a getting to know each other better, as well as attending thru service and menu variety ~:t ($6.00 Minimum) ~~:~a~~lItr~~ni~~c~e~~io~:~~~~ Show this ad and save 100/0 EOE L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Aug. 26, one week earlier on any order over $10. than other returning students. L- __J
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