Page 76 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 76
Page 4IWealem Maryland College/April 10, 1986 Editorial Divestment dangers Ms. Mpho Tutu, daughter of Bishop Desmond Tutu, will be at WMC to speak this Sunday. Go and see her. The woman has tjV~d with Apartheid and this may be your only chance to learn first hand about the hottest issue of the eighties. onby~~:rd~a~"i~~tb?~~a~~~t~~~~ri~~~!~i~~dinw~~u~~g:fr~~.U~~ think the attention given the issue is good and hope that Apartheid will be stopped peacefully. However, The Phoenix is not in aqreement with the bent that most college students have taken In order to make South Africa free: For Americans to divest their interests in the companies of South Africa would cause severe damage to everyone in the country. Everyone. If you lake the money and jobs away from the nation, you not only hurt the companies, you injure the people who rely on those companies to feed their families. In South Africa this means Blacks too. A South African supporting divestment, then,. would be like an American auto worker voting for robotics, knOWing that he will be replaced by this new technology. Certainly there is a way to end Apartheid and it can be done without severely hurting those people in the most trouble For ~me reason, though, students of American higher edu?atlon have taken the first available path without really looking at the alternatives. One avenue that we have yet to see come to fruition is a meeting between world leaders and P.W abstained from taking any formal, hard-line stand. And as long 8 d " Botha, president of South Africa. So far the superpowers have as the bread and butter is still there, without expressed rea k pro uces puzzling concern from outside nations, no reason seems to exist for the ~~~t~eA~~~~ ~~:~r~~;~~j~~~a~: t~~~~i~~~iveto reform itself. attitudes senseless de th a Unfortunately for the Blacks there, .they do nol have, enough accessible leaders hke the American Blacks of the 1960's had in Martin Luther King, Jr., Andrew Young, and Malcolm X. One of the major leaders of the South African by Tracy Kennard this year. AI.'of this has taken were just a way of life in movement is Nelson Mandella, and though the man has place against the gloomy Lauderdale. The community backdrop of rain. Five to may now feel abused by the ~:g~re~ t~~js6npr~~sey~~~,st~~~Si~~ f~rsthoe:~er:~h~~,~~ts~~~ Every year just before seven inches fell and hail- maniacs who invade the re- assistants. Easter, thousands of college stones were reported one day sort at this time. We do nol yet know what Ms. Mpho Tutu will say when students flock to Florida's in Ft. Lauderdale. The "fry all she goes into Baker Chapel Sunday. She may support the beaches for some fun in the day, party all night" lifestyle Meanwhile, the people of practice of divestment in her native land. We, though, simply sun. After a week of the was curtailed as heavy rains Daytona Beach tried to snag cannot condone the possible destruction of the admittedly unimaginable and the unmen- hit the southern coast of Flor- up on those who did not opt poor conditions that do exist in order to affect a change that tionable, spending mega- ida and kept people inside for the antics of Ft. Lauder- would leave Blacks with even less than they have now. bucks on this bacchanalia their hotel rooms, where maxi- dale, as M-TV sponsored con- ,------------~----___, ~~~~rnk~~I~~~y)~~~etu~~~ur~~~ mum capacity regulations certs on the beach daily. prevented them from congre- Some Western Marylanders are declared "Survivors of The Phoenix to develop a new attitude gating in lobbies or other may have found themselves Spring Break." People seem areas. common The only there. One student said of Ft. place they could drink was when they are away from their rooms. The resulting Lauderdale, "It's what every- body says it is - beaches, school and in the sun with vandalism was the worst in bars, bikinis, sand, surf and friends. It's almost as if you years. Caryl Sickel, director of sex." I guess it's the sun Editor-in-Chlet . Bill Mann have a reason to go wild. Sales at Ft. Lauderdale's which affects students in such Managing Editor ... .. Kelly Connor "Oh, I'm on spring break," Days Inn said, "They did a way that they do things Copy Editor ... .. Jonathan Slade may be the rationale for $50,000 worth of damage in which the would never con- Production Supervisor .. . C. Lloyd Hart some. But I don't think the an hour." Local merchants ceive of when on campus. Sports Editor . . .Cynthia ScMfer producers of the 1960's flick however want to control but But then again how many Photography Editor . ..... Margaret Gemski Where the Boys Are (which not stop the kind of horde that colleges sponsor wet T-shirt Business Manager .. Eric Greenberg institutionalized Ft. Lauder- spends about $120 million contests? The combination of Advertising Manager . .. Linda Rippeon dale's spring) realized that Ft annually. The drinking age alcohol, freedom, and atmos- Production Assistant . .. Beth Jones Lauderdale 20 years later was raised to 21 this year and phere account for some of the Reporting Staff would be such a tragic place. a new city ordinance prohibits frolics in Florida. It's scary to The headlines in one major drinking on the streets and Chuck Cruise, Patrick Dail, Chris Ginther, Ben Rickson, Tracy news magazine read "Deaths beaches (What other city in think that the leaders of the future would act in such a Kennard, Michael Norkus, Tina Pagliocchini, Beth Spangler and Riots mar the Collegians' the country needed to pass way just because "THEY'RE Annual wingding." The recent such legislation?) There is ON SPRING BREAK'" After publicity of nine tragic deaths also a five feet high concrete it's all over, students seem to The Phoenix is a bimonthly student publication of Western in Florida over Spring Break wall that runs along the infa- develop the after spring break Maryland College. The opinions expressed. in columns and indicates that maybe the fun mous strip, AlA, to keep blues. Westem Marylanders letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of the staff has turned sour. drunken people from wander- who have just returned from or administration. Editorials are the responsibility of the editor- ing out of bars and into traffic. the south can empathize. You in-chief and approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix Fort Lauderdale, the most The Elbow Room, a popular may be amongst these ranks reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, clarity, and populated resort for college bar which opens for business as you lounge in the quad or libelous content. All letters to the editor must be signed and students, reported 1,800 ar- at 7 am, was cited for violat- play a few holes of golf to authorship will be verified. rests for drunkeness and dis- ing fire laws last week. Maybe keep alive the spirit of Spring orderly conduct this year. This the problems of Ft. Lauder- Break. Having this type of Address aU mail to; The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, figure is double that at last dale are just now starting to attitude seems prevalent as .. Westminster, MD 21157. season. Five people fell from hit the press. In past years, we return for the second halt '-------------- --.J hotel and motel balconies just contests and happy hours of the spring semester.
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