Page 77 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 77
April 10, 1986/We.tem Maryland CollegeJPage 5 60 Seconds on CamfJJ,lS What do you think of the U.S. Libya conflict in the Gulf of Sidra? If Libya can't recog- We need to show We didn't belong in Reagan may have We had to be there nize international that the U.S. has there but I think we- overstepped his to make a stand, water agreements, some strength to should fire back bounds. He knew but we were asking then they deserve fight against their when fired upon. there was going to for an attack. trouble. enemies. be trouble. Eric Hirtle Michele Cruikshank Althia Ellis Lynn Stone Nancy Boore ... Susan Lauzau' • Secular humanism: a crusader scapegoat Perpetuating an age old being taught in the public Perhaps the most conspicu- vocal parents presides over are rejected as unsuitable for ritual, Christian defenders of schools. Since one of the ous harrowing of progressive the moral standards of an students the faith have heaped their basic tenets of secular hu- education occurs in Texas, entire state's school children. troubles with the public manism, as expressed in the where textbooks can be Gradually, any outlook con- The National Congress for schools upon the head of 1933 Humanist Manifesto, is adopted only after acquittal at trary to Christian teaching i~ Educational Excellence secular humanism and are the denial of "any super- a hearing before the State being eliminated, and this (NCEE) issued a list of words .. currently trying to drive it into natural or cosmic guarantee Textbook Committee. A group denial of various viewpoints and phrases that will help the desert. I hope that this is of human values," irate Chris- of protesters, led by Norma seriously limits education. Ad- parents identify the presence one scapegoat that will not tians may evaluate as "hu- and Mel Gabler, gathers each vocates of pluralism and free- of secular humanism in their be easily hustled out of the manist" any discussion that year to object to everything dom of thought need to be child's curriculum. Among way. does not result in an affirma- from "negativism" to "moral aware of this narrowing in them are "self-analysis;' "un- tion of traditional Christian permissiveness" to "anti- education and must realize derstanding , " "human absolutes. Values clarification, Christian bias." If the pub- that labeling as "humanist" growth:" and "academic free- Precisely because of its ne- sex education, and new math lisher, who defends the texts, everything objectionable is dom." If these are the sins of bulous character, secular hu- are all seen as part of the is overwhelmed by the protes- only a ploy Programs secular humanism then this manism lends itself to attack humanist plot to undermine ters the books are con- shrouded behind the stigma scapegoat deserves help in J. by Christians who assert that the faith of the American demned of secular humanism merit escaping the sacrificial this "godless religion" is youth. A small group of stridently close examination before they slaughter
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