Page 74 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 74
Page 2lWe.tem Maryland College/April 10, 1986 Senior protests turn Weitzel n~med WMC's administration heads 3rd Fulbrtqht scholar toward changes When Nancy Weitzel opened her mail and read her name on this year's list of Fulbright grant recipients for continued from page 1 Alumni Weekend information study abroad she felt a packets listed campus apart- charge go right through her. Weekend] at the expense of menta and other senior dorm :'It was like ,sticking my finger our 'to be' grads." facilities as "available" lodg- In an electric socket" Senior class president ings for visitors to use "at A Sykesville resident and Sharon Eimer agreed. "Sen- modest rates." graduating senior, Weitzel is iors felt the administration was The graduation problem, one of approximately 550 more concerned about 'the though, has been solved, at young American students and conference' and making least for this year. artists who win receive FUl- money," she said. "Seniors were very happy bright grants, and one of only Eimer suggested that reser- {when they heard the deci- three students at Western vation forms sent out by the sionj," said Eimer. "They felt Maryland College to ever re- college to the alumni seemed like -- for the first time -- the ceive this prestigious and '-::=================:::::: highly offered through award. Her to substantiate this, for the administration listened." competitive grant the Aus- r Irian-American Educational Commission will cover full A,.,tJ N. ",.u. . transportation and living ex- penses, and tuition costs to 410•• $J.p . study at the University of Salzburg. No stranger to study abroad, Weitzel spent her jun- tfie largest selection of tfie Jlowers ior year taking courses at the University of Salzburg and you want for your fonnal while there fell in love with the beautiful Alpine country and ~=================~ says, explaining that her Aus- its history. "It's heaven on earth," she r tour guide. "I even met my FAN'S CMeJE RESTAURANT trian roommate acted as her :::. ~5P~~=:; and discovered her to be a German pen pal of five years practical joker like myself," Polynesian 84&a119 she adds. Because of her interest in American . 876-31'66 Austrian history, Weitzel has Senior Nancy Weitzel, Fulbright grant recipient. chosen to research the intel- lectual roots of the Revolution CockIaiIIlllllce
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