Page 70 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 70
Page 8IWestem Maryland College/Marcb 13, 1986 WWMC broadcast deadline Rouzer organizes sets April 1 as kick-off date continued from page 1 were all ordered at a confer- new lecture series explains that the problem can ence Robey & Miller recently attended in New York be attributed to miscommuni- Robey, then, is enthus- cation, mistakes in designing, iastic about WWMC, describ- on foreign travel and managerial difficulties.· ing it as a "very genuine" and With almost all of these "wrin- real" station, Such a "for kles smoothed out," and professional atmosphere will Robey and SGA President be reflected in the fact that all Mike Miller at the helm, potential OJ's will be required continued from page 2 abroad. Thomas and Nacrelli WWMC will be prepared for to take a test for proper will also give tips from their take-off around April 1, Sa- oratory and grammar skills. own experiences because, as para claims. Also, the format of the station, unusual places. That's where Nacrelli added, "There are Robey doesn't believe, he explains, will be wide in the real flavor of the countries some things that the travel though, that the delay due to scope. Robey, Miller, and can be obtained." guides don't say." Thomas mismanagement during the senior Chris Ozazewski who She also stressed that one explained that the session will first semester will injure the will be assisting them, want to of her aims was to find speak- demonstrate the "accessibil- future of the project, indicat- attempt to "satisfy everyone's .ere who had strong Interac- lty'' that the students have to ing that there was simply no tastes." Mainly, though, tions with the natives and different countries. Applica- "serious effort" put into the WWMC will be playing classi- culture of the countries vis- lions for passports, intema- station until recently. The cal, jazz, rythym and blues, .ited. tiona I student identification former staff, he adds "had progressive, and top 40 "We're trying to give stu- cards, Euro-rail passes, and little idea as to how much 'A_ .... olU..L._ mUSIc In addition, Robey empha- ~ae~~~a~n~w~~~u~~s~~go~~; ~~~~~bre~stelpasses will be ~fr~rW~~n\~~~!,v~~~,e%~%e~ Andy Robey, Station sizes that those seriously in- areas," Nacrelli said. Thomas and Nacrelli both continues, WWMC was initially Manager, WWMC terested in WWMC will be met The second lecture was believe that touring foreign "overhyped," yet eventually "looked like the living room on enthusiastically, and that ded- given by Dean Philip Sayer on countries is essential to a suffered from apathy. As a Christmas morning." Warran- icated and reliable students March 11. He spoke about his student's education. They result, a majority of the former ties were on the floor beside are a must to ensure smooth year-long sailing excursion each stated that they hoped staff was dismissed, and Sa- half-opened boxes of hastily- operation of a station which from Nova Scotia to the Baha- the completed lectures has para to put Robey and Miller purchased turntables. In addi- will represent our college. mas. On March 18, Dr. H. "excited" people to pursue at the wheel of the SGA- tion, the window to the sound Anyone who wishes to partici- Samuel Case will discuss his this kind of experience. funded organizalion. room remained unlocked for pate should get in touch with trips through Northern Eu- "Touring Europe has tradi- But WWMC still has a long an extended period of time, Robey, Miller, or Sapora be- rope. Also, President Robert tlonally been seen as the way to go to prepare the leaving all of this equipment fore spring break. Chambers is scheduled to rounding out of one's ecuca-: station for its debut. Sapora very accessible to vandals give a talk on Brazil. His tion," said Thomas. "We hope describes the remaining prob- Robey explains, though, that Having been a brainchild of lecture and others are set for that the lectures will encour- Ierne as "down to engineer- these problems have since collegiate broadcasters for April. age the students to add this ing." Robey adds that back in been rectified. He adds, how- years, and a vision of Robey's The last session will deal finishing touch to their college October, after the initial pur- ever, that not all of the equip- since 1982, WWMC will atlast ~=================~'rm_e_nt_, chases of incorrect equip- men! has arrived yet, but that make its debut on the err- with the "how to's" of going experience." _th_e_W_W_M_C_ro_o_m__ t_he_r_em_ai_n_in_Q_ne_C_e_88_it_ie_8.,waves in April Treat Shop Seniors . angered come stop In for homemade continued from page 6 revoked to allow room for Easter candy ~~ho:;i~6~ertn~~~,te~~~~~a;!i: '-::=================~'-::=================~ voiced views over the COSI, r r involved in moving off cam- PHONE MAN pus and then back on. When Sayre was asked 10 if com- pensation would be given to 848 0944 'S ~AIN $» students who had to travel great distances, he said no. possible Five solutions, though, were drawn up by the 14 PENNSYLVANIA AVE WESTMINSTER, MD. 21157 conclusion of the meeting: 1) keep with the old system of saLt~· I~TAlLA110~' ~lPAIr{S ~*' DELI ~~ commencement, 2) go ahead with the new policies, 3) allow RICH HALL 848-9518 ~ SHERWOOD SQUARE ~ seniors 10 stay on campus extra during the disputed 17 EAST MAIN STREET week, 4) allow seniors to keep their belongings in their room Sitter Wanted Breakfast > Lunch· Dinner while vacationing,or 5) store 876-1802 senior belongings in a desig- "Call Ahead, We'll Have It Ready" nated storage facility. Before Chambers renders School age children Free Delivery a ruling, . he will meet with the Calendar and Schedule flexible hours ($6.00 Minimum) Committee, and the Faculty Council, to determine the fea- JoAnn Monroe 857-0468 l sibility of each option. A deci- next by dent's office. L- ---, ___J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sian is expectedweek, according to the presi-
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