Page 72 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 72
Page IOIWe81em Maryland College/March 13, 1986 FIX successfully blends fantasy and reality by Jonathan Slade knowledge of Hollywood trick- ing immensely to the power of ery to try to stay alive. "Fan- the film. Certainly FIX is testa- Mixing fantasy and reality tasy," then, becomes a tool ment to Dennehy's versatility. has been a favorite film-mak- by which Tyler attempts to Sadly, however, most of the ing tactic for some time. Pro- maintain his ftesh-and-blood other cast members don't ducers take a heaping reality work out so well, for as much spoonful of make-believe, add Indeed, Brown offers a as Dennehy and Brown suc- a dash of real life, and come competent· performance as ceed, the remaining perform- up with movies like A Night- ers are simply annoying mare on Elm Street and Diane Verona, who plays one Beauty and the Beast. In both of Tyler's girl friends, is so of these cases, though, the bland that you almost wish plot pulls a character back the actual special effects and forth between a mundane whizzes for would make her setting and an ethereal realm, disappear. And Cliff De- employing special effects only Young, as a member of the in the "other-world" parts of Justice Department, would the film. need tons of foam rubber to Orion Pictures' FIX, how- give himself a three dimen- ever, tries something new with sional personality this: It turns fantasy into real- Thankfully, though, we ity so that both can exist aren't given much time to within one cinematic plane. dwell on such imperfections And even if the movie does because of the speed with suffer from several below av- which FIX clips along. Direc- Emmitt Nelson Quartet brings jazz alive Sat. March 1 erage performances, this plot tor Robert Mandel keeps the innovation and the sheer pace fast throughout and speed with which the story is tosses in numerous plot told make it an entertaining twists. Often the audience is The Place for that Special Occasion entry into the intrigue/adven- the hunted genius - he is so sucked in by the whirlwind ture genre. nervous yet calculating - but of action that we find our- "THE MILL" Tyler, an Brown plays special Brian Dennehy dominates the selves saying, "Who cares if Bryan Rollie Australian renegade cop let us cater your next... effects whiz who is hired by screen as the on to the Justice so-and-so is is obnoxious or impractical who catches this-and-that Justice Department officials to Department's scheme. A vet- It's all entertaining" Wedding Reception, Dance, Birthday, Retirement, fake the assassination of a eran of Cocoon and And so it is. Anniversary Office and Holiday parties Mafia-boss-turned-informant Silverado, Dennehy plays a Indeed, Orion Pictures has (Jerry Orbach). Using every totally different character in FI finally found a pleasing way or any special occasion trick in his book of movie X. Unlike his passive, re- to blend both fantasy and 4041 Gill Avenue, Hampstead, MD 374-6644 magic, Tyler pulls off his as- strained portrayals of previous reality into one palatable tidbit signment, only to find himself projects, here he manages to for the viewing public. Surely, victim of a double-cross. As a create a bulky cross between it's no masterpiece, but FIX is ICarriage House Liquors result. he is forced to use his Baretta and Kojak, contribut- something special. "At the Forks" Kilbourne probes advertising 113 W, Main Street, Westminster Dr. Jean Kilbourne, a na- specials this week, .. tionally known media analyst and lecturer, will present a Becks Beer $3.99/pk. slideshow the and Influence: entitled lecture The Under Andre Champaign $2.69/ bottle Pushing of Alcohol Via Adver- 1986. The April 8, tising on presentation will begin at 8 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. Ad- Youhave an appointment 'the public. is free and open to mission current research with Paul Mitchell has Kilbourne's on the images that been are used by the advertising world to glamorize the use of alcohol. She is extremely in- terested in the relationship between advertising, alcohol, and young people. Her pres- entation, Under the Influence, deals directly with this rela- tionship. Women and stereotyping in the media have also been a topic of concern and research for Kilbourne. She was in- volved with the women's movement in the late sixties and began collecting adver- tisements after becoming in- Dr. Jean Kilbourne, noted media analyst terested stereotyping. media's sex the in ad- These role l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=_Jvertisements into were lecture and WMC last spring. she brought to the The event Board. Pro- by Truth: Advertising's Image of is sponsored eventually formed a College Activities Women, which The Naked slides how entitled gramming
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