Page 78 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 78
Split contests mark weeks scheduled games Mary's on April 4, 405-439, 400 hurdles in 59.5. Desciak by Cynthia Schafer and losing to Loyola, AprilS, and junior Darrell Guyton 392-415, and Catholic on the combined for second place in same day, 395-397. The the long jump and third in tne SOFTBALL Green however gained a for- triple jump at the Western feit win over Shenandoah Maryland College Relays on The women won one of Sophomore Chris Conklin and April 5. The two leaped 39-4 three games in the first week senior Gordon Digby led in the long jump and 78-5% of play, defeating Messiah WMC posting impressive was their placing in the triple April 1, 10-9, and dropping a scores against all three oppo- jump. The women's team tied doubleheader at Franklin & nents. Conklin posted a 75 Lebanon Valley, 62-62, and Marshall by the scores of 8-6 against the Mount and a 77 received a forfeit win over and 3-2. A seven-run third against Catholic, while Digby Ursinus. Sophomore Kris Twi- inning was the downfall for posted a 78 against Catholic ford and classmate Sophia the Terrors in the opener and Mount SI. Mary's. Welsh led the Terrors with a against F&M, while a three- pair of victories. Twiford won run surge in the bottom of the the long jump at 14-8% and sixth gave the Diplomats the TRACK AND FIELD the triple jump at 32-11 %, game in the nightcap. Senior while Welsh captured the 100 Nicky Pesik and junior Cindy The men's track team split a in 15.3 and the 200 in 29.6. Boyer each contributed three meet with Ursinus and Leba- Twiford and Mary Martha Peel hits in the twinbill. non Valley on April 1, defeat- combined to finish second in ing LVC, 52-29, but falling to the high jump (9-4) at the Ursin us, 98-29. Freshman Bill WMC Relays. The men fin- Desciak paced the Green ished ninth in the relays while with a pair of victories, win- the women placed sixth over- ning the 400 in 52.4 and the all Earn UpTo $200 In Extra Credit! Now you can earn credit dollars-c-uptu a $200 cash rebate=L-wlrhthe purchase of an Apple®computer frornan aUlhorizedAppledealerbelwe€nAprillandJune30,1986.lfscaUed ·Apple·sStudent Break." And all thai's required Is wmten verification of your fulr-nme status as a student in a too-or four- year college or university. lt couldn't be any easier than that Or any more worthwhile. Because you can use your new Apple oompulertoresearchandwrite,organizeandcreatehigh-qualil)' presentations. And with access to hundrerlsofeducational seftware programs, you can increase your knowledge in hundreds of sublects In fact, you won't find a better learning 1001 than an Apple computer Ora benet lime to buy one. See us today for funher detarls Westrninster Computer Center 330 Oneforty Village Rd. Westminster, Md. 21157 848-0333 875-5454 "Rebates of $75 with an Apple® Ilc, $150 with an Apple® lie, $175 with Macintosh™ and $200 with Macintosh Plus Appl.tuOd~Appl.-I"",a"'''r;.'''''Iti~Is"-'wilII • .,,,.!U_·m...
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83