Page 79 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 79
April 10, 19861We.tem Maryland CoUegeIPage 7 .. Dan Moskowltt ... Gettysburg ousts Hopkins as #1 foe For the athletes here at mobbed Scott S. Bair Stadium our Pennsylvanian neighbors Western Maryland, who is on game day. By the confron- came to the Hill with talent public enemy number one? tation's close, Gettysburg had and an expected contingency It is safe to say that in years defeated our Terrors and of supporters. The Terror past, Johns Hopkins Univer- taken the conference champi- squad, before a large home sity has held a special place onship. At that moment, a crowd of its own, took an , in the blackness of WMC contingency of Gettysburg early lead and went on to students' hearts. Bitterness Bullet fans stormed the field defeat the visitors, 7-5. An between the two schools in an attempt to tear down the early season game against spanned through nearly every goal posts. any other opponent would not sport -- especially football Of course, the Western have drawn such an intense where it was most visible Maryland fans began defend- and verbose crowd, for each when the two squads faced ing their school's property goal scored against the Bul- -each other at the close of and a great brawl took place lets was treated by WMC each season. between the two factions that spectators as a personal in- Those games in the last lasted quite some time. sult to the Gettysburg fans. week of the regular season Gettysburg, in that one inci- In fact, each goal scored often turn into nasty confron- dent, transformed itself into became a proverbial "in your tations between individuals, the "evil empire" in the eyes face disgrace" and all those and sometimes outright wars of many students here. there in support of the Terrors between large coalitions from Just a few minutes up the were tovin' every minute of it. both sides (which is the ni- road into Pennsylvania, Get- The only fair conclusion to cest way to describe a brawl). tysburg is a school very simi- make is that there will always And so the JHU hatred and lar to WMC, both be a rivalry between Johns rivalry has been burning academically and athletically. Hopkins ang WMC as long as bright for years, but somehow The proximity of the two insti- the two compete, but for now, it seems to have grown less tutions to each other, as in Gettysburg reigns at the top intense since the spring of the case of Johns Hopkins, of the Terror hate mail list and 1983. only serves to fuel the fire of will remain there for quite That season a new rivalry an already intense blaze because of the success of experience the preparation for some time. took shape Athletes here will tell you Gettysburg athletics in recent a contest with Gettysburg and As one spectator at a re- Gettysburg had traveled to that beating Gettysburg holds years. spectators who watch those cent lacrosse game in Scott the Hill for a lacrosse game a special meaning to them. Traditionalists here on the contests, can feel something S. Blair Stadium said, "This that would clinch for them the The Bullets are often the team Hill wilt argue that Johns Hop- extra when sticking it to the isn't just a lacrosse game conference tWe if they won. our Terrors are "gunning for," kins is still the team fa beat. Bullets. going on -- that's Gettysburg Large groups of supporters and things remain that way But athletes here now, who At a recent lacrosse game, au! there." JUNIOR FOLLIES Thurs., April 10 Fri., April II and Sun. April 13 8pm Alumni Hall Ticket priceĀ·52 This advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association
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