Page 73 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 73
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College April 10, 1986 Senior protests alter graduation schedule school could clean and repair by Michael Norkus the premises for upcoming senior conferences and Al- The class of 1986 is breath- umni Weekend. Graduation Ing a little easier now that now, though. has been , President Robert Chambers pushed forward to May 25, and the Faculty Council have and the "problem" extra week rescinded all plans to clear nolongerexistsintheschedule. out dorm-dwelling seniors be- "In all honesty, I can't fore this year's commence- fathom the gobbledygook es- ment exercises. tablished by the administra- According to one potential tion and reported in the last graduate though, who re- Phoenix, Basically," the repre- quested to remain anony- sentative continued, "proper mous, the student body planning was not executed should still be enraged by the before they jumped the gun Vera Strothman tested her lungs Tuesday on a way administrators made announCing that they were spirometer featured at the Wellness Fair. Sponsored plans to prepare for Alumni going to force the seniors off by the Student Health Services, Wellness Week runs Weekend at the expense of campus a week earlier than agreed upon when the sen- through Friday. the present seniors. iors enrolled for their fourth "Their rationale for displac- ing us," suggested the senior year of studies here. representative, "was one "It boils down to the Admin- where a choice of expediency Sharon Eimer, senior istration making a choice in favor of making space for the class president Connor wins first versus accomodation was at leave campus during the former graduates, [those who hand." be Alumni attending will Chambers and the council Dean's scholarship originally wanted seniors to week between their final class continued on page 2 and graduation, so that the vacate their dorm rooms and come from the field -- by MD Attorney General to speak Kelly S. Connor, a junior communications major. has talking and working with na- been granted a cash award tive Americans one on one. Maryland Attorney General cases involving white collar the Supreme Court Bar in from the Dean's Fund for Connor will also survey a Stephen H. Sachs will speak crime and public corruption. 1965. The recipient of numer- Student Research. "She is the number of native Americans at 7:30 pm on Monday, April Sachs received his BA de- ous civic organization awards first student to be so hon- from different age groups. 14, in Alumni Hall. Often de- gree from Haverford College and citations, Sachs served ored," says Professor Melvin The proposal ties in well with scribed as assertive and in 1954, won a Fulbright on boards of the Baltimore D. Palmer, Dean of Academic her course at WMC in cultural competitive, Sachs will talk Scholarship to Oxford Univer- Urban Coalition, Sinai Hospi- affairs. Connor's project is to anthropology, and with her about his campaign for Mary- sity and spent two years as tal, the Baltimore Regional study native American humor interest in intercultural com- land's governor. an enlistee in the United Red Cross, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and the Balti- States Army before graduat- while she does volunteer work munication. Professors Earl Before being appointed At- ing from Yale Law School in more Bar Foundation. this summer on Navajo, Hopi, Griswold (sociology) and El- torney General of Maryland, The event and the reception 01 Apache reservations. eanor Schreiner (communca- the Baltimore native was a 1960. tions) are Connor's advisers successful prosecuting attor- He was admitted to the to follow are free and open to Most of her material will in this project. ney in Baltimore, prosecuting Maryland Bar in 1960 and to the public. Sideliahts: ShOUld the US con- RA selection process tinue nuclear testing in spite of the Soviet Union's overtures for completed for coming fall a test ban? . average of 'at least 2.5 (al- students when needed. John by Beth Spangler though others were consid- Lambeth, a junior and an RA no Associate Dean of Stu- ered), posess leadership on the fourth floor of Rouzer dent Affairs Charlene Cole, potential and the desire to Hall stressed that the commit- and Assistant Directors improve the campus living tee which made the final yes George Poling and Cathy environment. In return for ac- decisions sought out "candi- cepting the responsibilities, Compton announced dates who showed a high their - student staff choices for including supervising a floor level of maturity in under- standing school policies and of residents while on duty two 1986-87. The fifteen positions undecided who think in an organized or more nights a week, RA's for new Resident" Assistants (RA) were filled this week, receive credit for the cost of manner, enabling them to up- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 following an extensive inter- room and board for two se- hold school policy. In keeping with this standard, applicants mesters or the cash equiva- view process designed to sin- gle out those applicants with lent. for the position underwent a Number of people leadership qualities. The Residence Ufe staff is series of interviews designed To merit consideration for responsible for administering to assess their ability to deal survey sample: 125 source: Phoenix the AA position, applicants the daily routine of dormitory '-_,;__,;_ __' must have a grade point life and assisting individual continuedon page 3
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