Page 43 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 43
December 5, 1985IWestern Maryland CoUege!Page 5 ~JOnathan Slade _ _Chuck Weinstein Cynicism and apathy, a killer combination In search of unity "There's nothing to do at them were off-campus enthu- people set out to find other Whether or not we want to Bete," "a Spud," "a Delt," "an W~stern Maryland College!" siasts. reasons. for not. attending. face reality, this campus has Omeqa,' "a G.D.I." or the like And so goes the moronic Another example: Eight When "TIp" O'Neill, Speaker a problem. Recently, I at- Why can" you be a student fler-class exclamation which stale and county officials held of the U.S. House of Repre- tended the MAC girls volley- from Western Maryland Col- as risen to a new pinnacle in an open forum in McDaniel sentatives. spoke on campus ball tournament held at lege?' popularity over the past few Lounge on Oct. 24. And how Nov. 18, many members of Western Maryland College. It President Ronald Reagan months. It seems that many many students came to par- the WMC community ques- was pathetic to see more fans went to Geneva a short while esidents on the Hill much ticipate? Five. I admit that a ticned his reason for being from other schools than our ago to build world peace. refer to sit around and con- el"plale the extent of their ~g~~i~~1licuk~st;~~-~~t~~as~~w~;:~~~a;~~~ ~~~~~~~ t,~:tb~~~ o~~'iS problem isn't just in ~~~~ i~t ti~~r ~::eoSnCeh~le~~ ~oredom, instead of seeking a rock concert or the. relaxinq tant attempt" by President volleyball. Have you ever create an inner peace? p~t the numerous. events atmosphere of an afternoon Robert Chambers to improve been to a football game? If Greeks are against each ~hich do exist on this cam- matinee, but critically bored the image of the college by you are one of the few, how other, students don't know pus members of our campus associating the school name long did you stay? How many what is going on with admin- could have drawn a subtle with that of a famous person- dances have you been to in istrators, administrators do Case in point: On Nov. 9, sort of entertainment by 'ana- antv. Whether this is true or the forum? Probably not the not seem to care about other the WMC Star Trek Club Iyzing Senator Raymond not, though, is irrelevant here. one's that your sorority or students, and there are other sponsored Genesis I. a mini Beck's double-talk. Whatever Chambers' motives, fraternity was not a part of. conflicts science fiction convention, in But the problem goes rnuch students still had a chance to Or, you had obligations else- Everyone at this school has the Forum. This was the first deeper than the claim! that lake advantage of a unique where. something valuable to offer such activity in the entire WMC lacks amusing extracur- opportunity--and to have' The reason we have this each other. It is time to join t!Ountry, and how did the riculars. In fact, it seemsI that avoided O'Neill's speech on apathy is because we lack forces. We should not only be local population choose to when a sizeable event does the grounds of Chambers' unity. When someone asks, proud of graduating, but of respond? Less than 40 tndt- come along whose existence possible intentions is mere "What are you?" why does graduating from Western viduals attended, and m..:os~t~O~f.s~im~p~IY;_C~a~n~no~t~be;..i;gn~O~re~d~,.;;bo:v~in:e~r:at~io~na;li~tY~. ..:~t~he~re~s~po~n~se~h~av~e;;;to;;b;e;;"a~M~a~r;~la~n~d~c~o~lIe!g~e;;;;;;;;;;;;~ _Suzanne Brazls. Women disgusted with the 'Boys of Blanche' Scene 1 - On first floor TIm, Steve and Joe, three the administration at Western own the place. The stairways fectly when bagging, or that Blanche, Tom and Mike get in Bete club members, then pro- Maryland College allowed are cluttered with half-filled you can play your stereos on a fight with one another. Mike ceed to "bag" _. that is, boys to reside in Blanche beer cans, torn-up books, volume 16, and your Dolby picks up the trashcan full of drench with water -- four girls Ward Hall, previously an all and graffitied walls, and the speakers do not blow. We just want our "old Blanche" back beer cans. tossing it toward walking out of Blanche. womens dorm, the atmos- carpets are stained with the quiet, clean and humble 10m. And, of course, the phere has changed tremen- spilled grain punch. -garbage misses its target, Scene 1\1 - Four girls on dously. If one was to walk Do these boys' homes look place like home. If only Phil Sayer, Dean of crashes against the wall and second and fourth floors are through the first and third like this? If so one must feel Student Affairs, could stroll splashes aU over the carpeted sitting in their rooms trying to floors, undoubtabley they very sorry for their parents hair. study or watch their soap would notice the stench of and maids. Why must they through the first and third operas on television at a stale beer and rotten pizza, feel like they have to keep up floors of Blanche with a per- Scene 1\ - The "Bete club" is normal volume. not to mention the loud echo- their "studly" reputations of spective student and their starting off the weekend on What is wrong with this ing clatter of Led Zepplin. being rowdy and massive parents. Then maybe he Tuesday by playing their ster- picture? The first and third floors partiers? Believe me guys, we would realize what a deadly eos full volume and drinking Obviously, there is a conflict harbors these "wild animals;' women really do not care if mistake it was to allow boys their 15 cases of Schaefer. of interests here. Ever since who walk around like they you can hit your target per- in Blanche 'I------Lettersto the Editor------ Finally, I would like to share The lesser Crop Walk and Big Brothers with you an experience that bers of the Greek system. rape on college campuses indicates that one woman in program. Also, there is no Ann l. Kessler of two injuries other group, organization or illustrates the importance of Delta Sigma Kappa five has been raped by some- one she knew and that one the Greek system on this system on campus that can provide 114 volunteers to campus. Last spring I was man in ten admits having Editor, serve at the President's Inau- privileged to be part of a Another statistic ~~~~c~~~:~ca~i;~c~t~ot;::~~ This letter is written in re- guratjon dinner and provide committee of DelIS that met with the Greek Life subcom- against her will. sponse to your article entitled ~~~~~~~i~n~~rv:e~ t~~U~~~~ Editor, Although statistics on "Greeks: Of trials and tro- ents' Weekend dinner. All mittee of the Student life The weekend before .Incidence of unreported crime Council. At that meeting the t ~:~~" to' e~~~~ p:~ j~~~~:these projects are undertaken first question asked of the Thanksgiving the Performing , may vary from study to study, men! on the part of the edito- willingly by the Greek s¥stem, Delta College was "would you Arts Department presented we may safely assume that rial staff. and. Greeks h<~.vecontinually continue to be a student at Extremities, a play about rape there are women at Wester~ From the first sentence until, recelve~ very tittle th~nks for Western Maryland College if and violence, before full- Maryland wh~ have expen- the last one I feel this article performing these services. you were not affiliated with a houses. At the opening per. enced the vlolenc~ of un- portrayed a bias against The second reason I feel Greek organization?" Every formance the themes of pow- wante~ sexua~ relations. The Greek organizations that is this article exhibits poor single student in our meeting erlessness and violence Co~fuslon, quilt, and ang~r unworthy of any reputable judgement on the part of the answered "NO!" That answer which emerged from the which follow. such an expen- ence often linger for m.ont~s. drama stimulated a lively dis- newspaper. I cite as an ex- editors is that it contradicts was put forth because the cussion between the audi- It helps to talk about It With ample the first sentence of another article in the same students realize that the ence and an invited panel of women who understand. The the article, "finally there is edition. Your article discusses Greek system not only offers something so spectacular the "hazing violations". In the a social life and fellowship persons who have had expe- Carr~1ICounty Sexual Assault Service IS a qroup of volun- rtence with rape victims and happening in the Greek sys- article entitled "Bachelors, with other students, but it .,.tern..." I feel that this state- Delts await sanctions," it is offers a chance 10 learn re- rapists. As a .member of that teers who are trained to work panel, I was concerned, but WIthv!ch~S ~f sexual assaul!. ment indicates that stated "the groups had their spcnsibility by helpinq others I spectacular things do not charters suspended for viola- in the Westminster commu- not surprised, that the ques- The .servlce IS free and conft- dential. Cal.1 the twenty-four tions tended to focus on the usually occur in the Greek tions which have not yet been nity. Next time you would like system, but that is far from publicly announced." I find to find fault with a system you legal issues which might fol- hour !:i0t line, ~8-2724,. or the truth. I do not know of any these two statements to be in do not fully understand, re- low as a result of the action the offIce answenn~ m~chlne, a on stage. IS lust Help 857-0900. other groups who willingly direct conflict with one an- member that many of the Those of us who work with phone call away. give their time to help the other and consider it unpro- most successful and respon- Westminster community fessional for any paper to sible individuals to graduate rape victims know that "Any- Dr. Mary Ellen Elwell through projects such as the allow such a blatant example from Western Maryland Col· one can be a victim." Recent Fall Fest, YMCA swim-a-thon, of poor journalism to occur. lege got their start as mem- research on the frequency of Social Work Program
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