Page 45 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 45
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Affinity housing latest works for the rest of theI dormitory innovation I" by Beth Spangler campus. Rouzer wilt be occu- pied exclusively by freshmen With the beginning of spring next year, as well as three I semester comes the thought undetermined floors of White- 1 ford Hall. The remaining floors of where one will be living in Whiteford will be filled withI next year. Due to the renova- tions of Daniel MacLea Halt upperclassmen as decided and the shuffling of living by a lottery. Also, Blanche arrangements in various other Ward Hall will be renovated, dorms, some residents may but this will not greatly affect find themselves surprised at the housing of the Greek their room assignments this population in this dorm. The September. remainder of the Greeks will Last week students re- be housed in McDaniel and ceived a pamphlet in their ANW, Compton said. mailboxes outlining the nec- With 400 new students ex- essary steps to take to be included in the affinity hous- ~ ~~~~Idy~~;,:~:c~~~~~in~ ing program which will begin there being an "abundance of in the fall. Any academic Kathy Compton, Assist- singles" is slim. McDaniel, group on campus is eligible ant Director of Residence though, will continue to utilize to try for one of the 12 suites Life its present singles this fall. which will be open to these The Office of Housing and interest groups, according to house seven, nine, 11 or Residence Life has not yet Kathy Compton, Assistant Di- 13 students. released its policy concerning rector of Residence Life. Each In addition, some other Dave Marsh, former assistant editor of Rolling Stone labels newly-renovated suite can major changes are in the continued on page 8 magazine, discussed the hazards of warning Lounge. on rock albums, Tuesday night in McDaniel Public Info. offices robbed Study tours bring by Jonathan Slade "It was discovered at 6:55 "The city police are giving us a lot of latitude on this," am," said Director of Security Moyer said, "but we're basi- tragedy, pleasure Not everyone was asleep Scott Moyer, explaining that [. during the wee hours of Jan. the 'thief or thieves forced cally working together." He by Beth Jones arrived at their destination, suspects that several individ- 24, for by the time office their way through the back they were instructed in the door. "You can look at what uals were involved, but has workers arrived at Harrison house on this Friday morning, was taken and determine that drawn no formal conclusions basics of snorkeling, and at- approximately $12,000 worth whoever it was was in there as of yet. An exploration of St. John, tended lectures on the native of college property had been for a long time." "One of the rugs was six one of the US Virgin Islands, plant life, coral reefs, and the stolen. A window air conditioner, a feet by ten feet," he ex- and an art tour of Europe economic and social condi- Among the missing items digital dock, and two evcto- plained, "and it may have were just two of the recent tions of the area. Each stu- were two Oriental rugs, one rtan figurines were also taken. taken more than one person Jan-Term excursions that cen- dent was also given a list of valued around $3,500 and the Both the local police depart- tered around non-traditional required activities. Among othes $2,500, and a memory ment and campus security learning experiences. typewriter worth $3,000 are investigating the incident continued on page 2 Before the St. John group continued on page 3 Sideliahts: hat is the most Students raise $2,000 appropriate way to celebrate Martin Luther King's Birthday? for Sudan's children Close all federal, state, and local concerns Nineteen student groups children in the country are President Robert H. Cham- combined efforts this fall to severely malnourished. bers. raise over $2000 for the Save "It takes a nickel a day to Funds were also raised dur- the Children Federation (SCF) feed a child," said Rex, ing the fall semester to pro- Special in school programming and targeted funds for food adding that the money raised vide relief aid to Mexico City aid in the Sudan. would feed 100 children in the following the devastation The campaign was organ- Sudan for ten months. Over caused by October's earth- ized by communications ma- 300 students took part in quake. Guest speaker to the Business as usual jors Karen Rex and Karyn activities ranging from pump- campus and native Mexican Upton and advised by faculty kin sales to a dance mara- Armida Guerrero-Galdeano member Or. Ronald Tait, who thon was taken by surprise when a created the theme "An Op- Speaking at a recognition $304 check was presented to ~ 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 portunity to Make a Life-time ceremony, Or. Earl Griswold. her following a lecture to Longer." According to SCF's professor of sociology, emeri- WMC students and faculty. annual report, the Sudan has tus said "Your generation can Returning home to be with her Number of people been exceptionally hard hit by solve the problem of hunger family, Armida was asked by the recent drought, and it is in the world." Congratulations a.;S:;;u::.rv,;,;e~y....:;sa::.m;;lp::.le:;;:_1:.:2::6.....:So=u:.:rce:;;;_:;_p;;;hoe:;_;;;;n;;;jixestimated that over half the were also offered by Tait and continued on page 3
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