Page 38 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 38
Page 8IWestem Maryland CollegefNovember 14, 1985 Transylvania 6-5000 _obln Adamsl/ J()anne Colllflower Night Beat wanders into absurdity Jeremy's Whatever happened to Sta- bar can be seen from the by Jonathan Slade emphasis on the absurdity in and Begley, though it is not ter's Inn? Rumors flew over entry way and tables sur- his project that scenes which explosive, does light up cer- the campus that one of West- round it, leading to a more If you dial Transylvania 6- could have received a laugh tain scenes. In one instance end up confusing the audi- Gill Turner, Begley's charac- minster's night-spots had dis- extensive dining area to the 5000, expect to be put on ter, interrupts a romantic en- appeared this semester left. There is another bar hold. ence. Thus, we have no alter- counter that his partner is native but to brand them as Dismayed, the Nightbeat crew aside from the dance floor This recently released com- went in search of this lost which itself is raised from the edy from New World Picture overly bizarre. Why, for exam- having, and nearly gets stran- ple, does a butler abuse a gled to death. Goldblum's landmark. Travelling to the dining area. Dancing space is tries to offer a tongue-in- familiar location of Stater's Inn large and is well IiI with cheek peek into the land of hand puppet while welcoming control emerges here in that he manages to maintain his in Fairground Village behind colored spotlights and mirrors bats and bloodsuckers, but several guests at the door of the 140 Village Shopping on the walls and ceilings. unfortunately it never gets a hotel? What? A puppet? It calm and collected counte- makes no sense. And neither nance during an off-the-wall Center, and turning into the The Nightbeat crew visited around to being funny. parking lot, the crew was Jeremy's on a Thursday night Jeff Goldblum stars as Jack does the shriveled old fortune sequence. The man is so deadpan that he even fights a teller who insists on breaking relieved to see that the night- and found a friendly crowd, Harrison, a frustrated journal- tables with her forehead. In- smile after he releases his ist trapped at a muck-desper- spot still exists yet with a new great music, and fairly inex- deed, much of the movie fellow journalist and tosses name and a new image. 'Pro- pensive drinks. Wednesdays ate scandal sheet. His involves physical humor the gasping nuisance aside. assignment: take the editor's per Dress Required - no tank they have "Steamed Shrimp which fall flat on its face. Goldblum, therefore, plays tops, shorts, caps...." a far Night," with all the salad and naively ambitious son, played The most annoying aspect cry from the hard-core rock shrimp you can eat for a mere by St. Elsewhere's Ed Begley, of the film, however, is that the straight personality in the movie, and Begley portrays and roll crowd that was $10.95. The menu, (Jeremy's Jr: go to Transylvania; and known to frequent the inn in is a restaurant and lounge) dig up some "real dirt" (or at characters frequently burst the idiot. Had this comic team actually been offered creative years past The owner has carries a variety of dishes least a vampire). The only into hysterical laughter when changed the music from hard from King Cut Prime Rib to problem, though, is that nothing even mildly entertain- material, the film could have rock to top 40, and the place Chesapeake Crab Cakes. somewhere during the course ing has occured. Perhaps the been hilarious Instead, though, we are left seems to be meeting with There is also a section of of history, Dracula's homeland producers, Mace Neufeld and to grapple with a poorly or- Thomas Brodek, want to re- much success "munchies" and the prices has become a tourist trap, mind us that this is a comedy. ganized production that just and substantive fodder for a are very reasonable. We certainly can't tell by plain lacks the laughs. Maybe The doorman collected one We were able to speak with tabloid news story seems no- Hollywood has forgotten how dollar (standard cover on the doorman during the night nexistent. simply watching it. to be funny And yet, through the lack- Thursday through Sunday) and one of our questions Admittedly, the basic prem- Whatever the case, Transyl- and checked our t.D.'s concerned coJlege students ise of Transylvania is amus- luster lunacy shines an occa- vania 6-5000 ought to hang it sional ray of success. The (driver's license or their equiv- and this new nightspot "I ing. However writer/director chemistry between Goldblum Rudy DeLuca places so much alent - college I.D.'s will not would encourage college stu- up. be accepted). You can hear dents to come to Jeremy's," the sounds of Ihe DJ's disks he says, "We do not however, Extremities examines violence as you walk into a classy accept college I.D. 's, just atmosphere. The tables are driver's licenses. We hope we covered with a white and a can keep up the image that through varying perspectives red tablecloth with silk flowers has been started with this and clean ashtrays. A large transformation into Jeremy's." the situation. As the play in our country. She has no progresses, the audience evidence of the attempted With an explosion of movies sees the many new dimen- rape and no witnesses; there- Rambo and Com- What if such as violence seems to sions developing in the char- fore, she cannot prove any- thing in court. Marjorie feels acters of Marjorie and her mando, you dorit get have become exciting and roommates. The violence of no one in the law will listen to the first scene manages to her. She is aware and afraid glamorous. The play 'Extremi- intothe ties which examines vio- weave itself into following of the stereotypes which sur- round a rape victim, such as scenes. lence in another way I and grad school probes deeper into the effect Professor Max Dixon, direc- the "she asked for it" type of reaction. Tokar feels Extremi- ofvour choice? it has on both the victim and tor of 'Extremities chose the ties is important because it the attacker, be per- play because he feels "it is will formed in Alumni Hall's Un- necessary that we examine deals with both Marjorie as Ofc:ourse, you may get into derstage on the 22, 23, and violence in some other way the victim and Marjorie as the another school, but why settle? 24 of November at 8 p.m. than the popular media which victimizer. "When we are Prepare r",the!SA! GMAT. In the first shocking minutes cater to the 'Rambo' mind." forced to deal with a situation GRE, MCAT or any gradschool of Extremities, the audience He believes that "these mov- and the social masks we put eneance exam with the best test sees the violence up close, ies tend to glamorize and on are gone, we feel the prep organization- Stanley H. cosmetize violence and cuts emotions we usually deny," Kaplan. not on a movie screen or a us off from its negative as- she said. Extremities asks For nearly 50 years, Kaplens television set. Marjorie, played test-taking techniques have pre- More people by Sue Lawless, is at home, pects." Mastrosimone, the not only the question of pared over 1million students for relaxing, when Raul, played play's author, chooses to women's justice, but also the admission and ncensmg tests of have survived by Jeff Kirkwood, carefully show the violence and the question of who is the at- all kinds. So call. Why go to just and skillfully forces his way social implications it brings tacker and who is the victim .any gradschool.when you cancer than into her house and her life. He His portrayal of rape shows it in this situation -- Marjorie or can go to the right one? refuses to leave. Finally, Raul for what it really is -- an act of Raul? now live in attempts to rape Marjorie, but violence that uses sex as a A panel discussion will fol- the City of she fights back and turns the weapon to control and humili- low opening night's perform- 3121 51. Paul 51. tables on her attacker. ate the victim. Extremities ance of the play, which uses Baltimore, MD Los Angeles. Throughout- the next few deals with this violence inten- graphically violent behavior I ~l Please scenes it becomes uncertain sively. It takes it apart, looks and offensive language to confront prevalent social is- at it piece by piece, puts it who really has the power back together with the feeling sues. The panel will discuss Fearful that she may not have the issue of rape and also the a case against Raul, Marjorie of both the victim and the ] I S~(EYH test prep organization. ~CANCER takes action and imprisons attacker, and makes the audi- a topic of women's treatment in I support the him in the fireplace. With the our justice system. ence do the same AMERICAN Tickets can be purchased OJ'IJo.NEOUCAl'IONAlCENTERlTO As Marjorie develops entrance of her two room- ahead of time at the perform- The worlds leading mates, Terry and Patricia, need to strike back, it be- ing arts department or by comes clear that her vengeful Susan (Tracey Tokar and of the criminal justice system yet two more perspectives of L_ _J '- ~SOCIETY' -" Mills), the audience receives attitude emerges from a fear calling ext. 599.
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