Page 40 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 40
Page 2IWestem Maryland CollegelDecember 5, 1985 Cole tightens alcohol Alumni name 6 athletes " policy enforcement to Sports Hall of Fame continued from page 1 ~~~s. a+~?:~~r~~sIf~:~~rn7t'i~~ continued from page 1 open beer in the hallways," and sororities to either hold she says. parties in their living area or man Smith '66 distinguished The school, Cole points out, go off campus. herself in field hockey, bas- is really only enforcing the "No problems have been ketball and volleyball. During Maryland Slate Laws con- brought to my attentionabout her career, Smith was hon- cerning alcohol. Students who the Greeks," says Cole con- ored with the "M" monogram are under the age of 21 'ere cerning this banishment of for exceptional achievement not permitted to drink alcohol alcohol from the club rooms. in athletics at the College. anywhere in the state, and One Greek student who Smith's efforts as a player, "that includes WMC campus." asked to be unidentified, coach and referee have been On the other hand, people though, explains, "I feel that it acclaimed as a key factor in over 21 are allowed to drink in is ridiculous for those of us opening new opportunities in their rooms, as long as they who are legal. Drinking is women's sports. do not disturb other residents. going to occur regardless of The Alumni Sports Hall of Students who violate the the policies, the only areas Fame .Cornmittee also hon- policy are subject to such that I t~ink are. 8ftected are ored two former athletes pes- disciplinary actions, Cole ex- the ~oclal functions on cam- tumously. James W. Dunn was a keystone of the Terror plains, they are required to pus. attend Alcohol Awareness Fliersdealing with the West- backfield in the early 30's, the meetings while on alcohol ern.Maryland.Ccileqe alcohol hey day of WMC football. WMC Sports Banquet award winners Dunn led the team to two probation, and they are not policy were distributed to st~- allowed to drink liquor any- dents through campus mall, consecutive Maryland State where, including a dormitory a~d Cole ~rges any stu.dents titles and was a three time All career with 12 years as an three selections for the An room. Repeat offenders may With questlo.ns to Inquire at Maryland halfback. Following assistant coach in the Cana- Maryland team, Neal served lose their campus residency Student Affairs. his college days, he served dian Football League. as assistant coach for the . "We really are not out to get as an assistant coach at Har- Orville E. Neal '29 was also 1929 team, helping the Ter- The only major. change in anyone," she says. "If stu- vard, Lafayette, Brown and recognized as one of WMC rors to an 11-0 undefeated policy, however, Willaffect.the dents abide by the policy, Yale before taking the helm at best running backs, leading season. Neal was named Greek system. Such orpamza- there is no reason 10 be Northeastern from 1937 to the team in scoring for three head coach at Virginia Tech nons are no longer allowed to written up." 1942. Dunn capped off his seasons. In addition to his in 1930. Christmas concert Manilow to the classical Along with these selections, style of Handel - this is the other types of music will be variety of music performed by included in the program. the WesternMaryland College Classic Christmascarols such Choir in their upcoming as "The Birthday of a King" Christmas concert. The show and "How Far Is It to Betnle- will be given on Dec. 8 at 7 hem" will be performed. For p.m. in Baker Memorial the sake of tradition, some Chapel. classical pieces have been The choir, under the direc- included such as Handel's tion of Beverly Chandler will "And the Glory of the Lord" depart from its traditional and the "Hallelujah Chorus." classical theme to include Also featured in the concert Barry Manilow's "One Voice," will be a variety of solos, a modern version of Christ- duets, and trios. mas classics, and the con- The performance will be temporary selection of "Let accompanied on pia 10 and There Be Peace on Earth." organ by Ms. Evelyn Hering. Parts of Daniel MacLea remain gutted awaiting renovation ~===;N;EE;D;E;D=:;W;R;IT;IN=G==T=U=TO=R====~ Beginning next semester, the Writing Center will need Workers to finish Mac Lea at least one tutor. If you are interested in tutoring _o writing and in helping students write papers on the begin on A section. ago. "Ninety percent of the Macintoshes, please pick up an application in the by Rod Smith Last year's projections had work is being done by our Memorial 200, or Memorial 212. placed the completion date at own people", Sell proudly Loud banging, grinding Jan. 1 but the project got states. The only items han- Writing tutors earn minimum wage. Preference will be noises, and the voices of men bogged down early. Sell re· dled by outside contractors working float through the air are the installmentof sprinkler given to freshmen and sophomores in any major who plies, "After a slow start we ,::c:om::::pu:t:e:rs:.==============:::: ~d W~C':ec~i~~~u~f T~:ni~ are now making adequate systems, bathroom tiles and skills and an interest in the writing good show progress and we should finish carpet. PresentlyC and 0 sections by Feb. 1:' MacLea are being renovated r Changes in the sections are still in the primary stages in an attempt to upgrade.the include drop ceilings in the I I PHO" "E WI" dorm's housing capacity. The television. However the Col- of construction. There are " plaster chips, boards, and hallways and outlets for cable rooms have been transformed into suites. ''They (suites) will rubble strewn all over the R44 house between 7 and 13 lege's cable television com- lower floors. On the upper _o mittee reports no progress in 848 O !J people", says Ed Sell, Dirac- obtaining a contract with a floors however, walls are par- tor of Maintenance. tially painted white and most 14PENNSYLVANIAAVE The completion date is set cable company. of the debris has been re- WESTMINSTER,MD.21157 for Feb. 1 and if the rooms The MacLea renovation is moved and exposed. Electri- are fully renovated and fur- the second housing project cal wires sometimes SAL£S· IN.STAlLA110~·~EPAI~S nished aU residents of A and involving WMC's own mainte- crisscross the hallways. On the fourth floor the rooms are B sections will move to the nance workers. The first was RICH HALL 848-9518 new sections. Once the trans- the gutting and remodeling of cleanswept and stand await- '- ----' fer is completed} work will Albert Norman Ward a year ing furniture and carpet.
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