Page 47 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 47
February 12, 1986IWe81emMaryland College/Page 3 Tours bring pleasure, tragedy Relief money raised conttnued from page 1 trip. "The incident brought out Lourve. They also toured continued from page 1 communications department, the togetherness and unity of Chartres Cathedral and Ver- the college community to per- and reported that the WMC these were sailing, snorkeling, the group. Helping hands sallles. sonally decide who in her donationwas received by the and hiking. They also found came out to comfort others." Badlee explained that there homeland could draW_Jh__fl_'General Hospital of Mexico time for other adventures The close quartered living were three 90 minute ses- most benefitfrom the money. City. This hospital that serv- aside from this schedule. and necessary delegation of slons on the WMC campus in "This is our way of bypass- ices low-income families was responsibilities among the 15 preparation for the journey, ing the large relief orpaniza- "the one where you saw pic- While sailing, students had members of the excursion and that in the future she tlons and getting it right to tures in your newspapers of the chance to witness a proved to be an essential part would like to expand the so~eone who needs help," babies being pulled out," she school of surfacing whales. of the experience, Fender ex~ number of these classes so said Chuck Weinstein, student explained. "It was so surprls- "We were only a few miles off plained. Students shared the that students will be able to member of Network, a new ing to them that at a college shore. It was like seeing it in cooking and cleaning for the obtain more background in~ organization within the Corn- I-we don't know ... they care your own backyard," said stu- duration of their stay. "I was formation on the places they mu~ications department. lL_Bnd show such concern for dent Mark Riley. Others met impressed by the degree with will see. Via ~telephone from Mexico the sake of other human up with a shark and a large which we managed to live as While in Paris, a former City, Armida talked with Dr. beings. All the people who eel while snorkeling. a group," he said, adding that WMC student was responsl- Eleanor Schreiner, head of the knew were very touched." In an unexpected activity, "everybody came out of the ble for tossing a television set - - the group participated in the trip a better person." Mark from a seventh story hotel search and attempted resus- Riley explained, "I feel better room, smashing the wind- citation of three drowned Boy about what WMC is doing to shield of a parked car below. Scouts. Eight Scouts had enhance me and my educa- "Some students were re- been floating in the water in a tlon." peating actions from the rubber dingy when an air But St. John was not the dorms. Irresponsible drinking 1- compartment was punctured. only non-traditional Jan-Term. didn't go over well in Eur- The art tour of Europe was pope," Badiee added. Three of them fell overboard also "culturally enriching" ac- To avoid this in future art and, when found, could not cording to Dr. Julie Badiee tours, she explained that an be revived. who led the group. Students interview process Will be insti- "It was a very quieting, tak~ng her course visited 20 luted to screen out irresponsi- c thought provoking confronta- malar art museums in Eng- ble individuals. 1986 tion with life and death," said land, France, Belgium, and "We only want those who instructor Roy Fender who Holland, including the Van will appreciate the trip," said 6000, was in charge of the St. John Gogh Museum and the Badiee. ' Student, staff switch planned SEE US TODA Y-FOR THE BEST to I/////IBbl"~"n~.p by David Owings create more student input into quality, diction, ability the workings of the college speak to groups and individu- ~I" r"••'11/MII Ci) administration. It will also als, as well as enthusiasm Hours: Mon.·Fr;' 9·BPM; Saturdoy 9·3PM allow students who are plan- and reasons fOr""""·enteringthe 192 Pennsylvania Ave. 848-7720 The S~ude'~AtAoffairsOffice is ning to go into the manage- program. The applications will Westminster, Md 876-6669, sponsoring ay in the Life ment "field to Obtain viously chosen members of'-:=================~ then be reviewed by pre- of a Student Administrator," a experience in handling the program in which students day-to-day activities of a the student body, and r Little George's $!: "busy" department. narrowed down to three appli- will be given an opportunity I· for one day, to serve in any of in the managerial phase will winner will be chosen from cants for each position. The "I'm semi-hoping somelhing the major positions in the St~~:i~~a~~~r~e3~:c~.College by the these semi-finalists Activities Mitchell Alexander ~f~~:n~r~~r~~~ ~~~~~gg~~~~ ~~~~t?~nW~~nO;i~~~~e~011o~.theConvenience co • developed the idea "to make the permanent office holders Interested students are students more aware" of the will outline duties and be on urged to get applications from Stores . duties a college administrator hand to help student substi- the information desk in Open 7 days a week tutes with any serious prob- must perform. The program is Decker College Center. When Student Affairs Office and to ,o_n_a_p_p_e_ar_a_n_ce_._sp_e_a_ki_n_g_9_tl4_b_Y_F_e_b,_26_,-, ~========:::::=========~ designed to give students a lems. completed, return appuca- 6 am to 10 pm 848-6633 Applicants will be judged better understanding of the tions to Bill Mann. P,O, Box FAN'I CMeIE RESTAURANT' Affinity SzecIuI W88Iminst81 7h..2~~,.~ Housing c:amr- ' ~1r1IOWn ~ W. Main St, ,Art auppllee GALLBa,'YOl'PINJI.AIlT4~-~ PoIynealan 84&a!19 American ,876-3166 IIY1Illable All those interested CockIaiIIIIVice Cluickey Lunch & carry Out .If..,...... '. . 11 AM-10 PM Sur>-Thu.. 11 AM-11 PM Fri-Sat in affinity housing Catering lor 1IanQueta.' Parties. Hors d'08lM8S ~=.~::;:7 ==: are invited to attend a House of Liquors discussion Spinet-Console Piano Thursday, Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Feb, 13 at 7 pm Wanted: Responsible party to- take over specials ._. in McDaniel low monthly payments on spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Call Mr. White at 1- Lounge 800-544-1574, ext. 608 Heineken 12 pk/ $7.99 .' I or 2 6 pks. Heineken Dark
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