Page 48 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 48
Page 4IWestem Maryland CollegelFebruary 12, 1986 Editorial ~1]/l1E0 dO ~ ~ HEs j;IlCl(, HE's 5TILL MAD, fiNT> MoST of ALL, HEs GoT p~tSIPEi'/r.rIlL BtlCI<;J:r.Jb,l S"PER:r:o~ F:Ii!.E- In a not so Po~E~ wASN'T 600D ENQuc,H! tJo'-J,H~s GoT....• distant classroom It has been a little more than two weeks since the soul- shattering explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, and still the tragedy gnaws at the very heart of a nation. Perhaps time has afforded slight comfort, but it has also allowed us to pause and ponder the might-have-beens of the ill-fated mission, including the intended role of the Concord, NH social studies teacher Christa McAuliffe. McAuliffe was supposed to conduct two televised lessons from the Challenger as a part of NASA's "Classrooms in Space" program. As history would have it, though, she was never even given the chance to open her lesson plan. Even so, we still learned a great deal from her presence on board the shuttle, whether or not we realize it. First, as a result of the disaster, we were enlightened as to the sheer fragility of mankind. Indeed, this may seem a trivial lesson, but consider if you will how frequently we think ourselves indestructible. We constantly tell one another that the homo sapien sapien is the most intelligent of all earthly creatures. And yet, sometimes we forge ahead recklessly, forgetting our mortality. Shuttle flight 51-L has brutally reminded us of our flesh and blood reality, hopefully dampening our cockiness and forcing us to retract our caution from the winds. The second major lesson McAuliffe and the other six crew members re-taught us concerns the fallibility of machin- Greek persecution only ery. So often we place our lives in the hands of a mechanical apparatus, not once questioning our own safety. We forget that our automobiles are high speed projectiles, and that our space craft are flying warheads, both of which can fait and kill without he hurts WMC's future warning. Man, therefore, must realize the risks when employs such artificial means, for we have far outgrown our technological childhood and no longer play with mere toys. Indeed, if we as a species have actually learned these by Tracey Kennard What exactly is the problem on campus drinking in club- two vital lessons, and this knowledge in the future spares us with Greek organizations? rooms than promote drunk some agony, perhaps McAuliffe the school teacher completed College for many students Upon retuming from my se- driving by underage stu- her mission after all. is a home away from home mester abroad, I have leamed dents? (Granted they should Education, a sage once said, need not always occur in and finding a niche in this from many classmates that not be drinking in the first the classroom. life on the hill has changed, in place but..) Fewer students new home can become a regard to Greek fife. One endanger their lives walking major dilemma. At Western student even commented on home from the quad than r---------------------, ~~~~~~ga~f~~~~~ ~o~~in~ : the fallacy surrounding has been driving home a snowy Friday which drunk from created the on Maggie's The Phoenix possible that is. During - until re- issue. What that the independ- afternoon, agreed? prides it- answer ask? you fallacy cently the past The fallacy Maryland Western been year, with certed there effort has made by a ceo- ents are unhappy fife and hous- self on treating its students as the that ing and campus people. individual Discipline, administration to undermine something needs to be done. Ihat unpleasant topic, comes the Greek tradition. up time and time again con- This tradition has strong Let's face it, independents tradictory to this philosophy. Editor-in·Chief..... ..._... . Bill Mann roots as well as a long his- are independent and if they Too many times, I have seen Managing Editor .. Kelly Connor tory. Western Maryland's fra- form a coalition then they are entire fraternities and sorori- Copy Editor Jonathan Slade ternities and sororities are a an organization like the ties penalized for the actions Production Supervisor _ _ C. Lloyd Hart family tradition for people like Greeks. Either by choice or of individual members. Why Sports Editor.. . Cynthia Schafer myself. I can recall annual circumstance, they remain in- not discipline the individual Photography Editor Margaret Gemski summer picnics with Phi Sig dependents. The Greeks pro- first and then the organiza- Business Manager... . Eric Greenberg (then Sigma Sigma Tau), Phi vide them with social activities tion, if necessary? Generallza- Advertising Manager . Unda Rippion Alph, Delt and Bachelor al- that no other campus group tions serve no purpose here. Production Assistant. _ Beth Jones umni. All these names can rival. Reporting Staff sounded foreign until my ar- Traditionally, the Greeks Greek organizations are an Barbara Aber, Robin Adams, Joanne Colliflower, Chuck Cruise, rival freshman year. I became have been purely social in asset to this college and Chris Ginther, Tracey Kennard, Michael Norkus, David Owings, quickly oriented to the letter, function. A crucial aspect of tampering with their future Tina Pagliocchini, Cindy Sharp, Beth Spangler colors, and stereotypes of the the issue: ALCOHOL. Has the could have wide reaching ef- various groups and soon purpose of the Greeks gone fects, mainly in the purse. found myself a member of the astray? The administration Consider that Greek alumni Greek community. strongly nods affirmative. I Published. by and lor the students of Western Maryland Last 'fall, segregated hous- have watched clubroom par- will not be quite so generous, College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not ing was introduced as a pes- ties become a thing of the the present Greeks will not be necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. The sfbte solution to the "Greek past. With the change of the willing to recruit new students Phoenix reserves the right to headline. edit for length, problem." Gradually, this has drinking age in Maryland, this and part of Westem Mary- clarity and libelous content. All letters to the editor must be been phased in and now a action could be anticipated land's character will be miss- signed. authorship will be verified. desegregation proposal has However, who will be respon- ing. Think about it: will We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please ad- been submitted to Dr. Cham- sible for off-campus drinking segregating housing, then de- dress all mail to The Phoenix. Western Marytand College, bers as a counter solution. and driving which do not mix? segregating it, and eventually L_.:W_.:es:.:_"":.:__ins.:.;'.;_.':._._Md_._2_11_5_7.~~ -J The question still remains: Wouldn't it be better to allow phasing out the Greeks bring the desired results?
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