Page 42 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 42
Page 4IWestern Maryland College/December 5, 1985 " Editorial Convenient publicity A recent Parent's Weekend handout included a reprinted version of the college's portion in a book entitled The Best Buys in College Education. The article first featured the factual statistics and then presented comments from administration and students. Of course, the administration painted a glowing picture of the Quaint tittle college on the Hill, but the students descriptions were a bit more realistic. For instance, one student Quoted student life as a "struggle" as well as dividing il up inlo segments by saying it is "one-third prep, one fifth punk." High school graduates considering the college were also warned by current students that WMC was not Ihe place to be if you were looking for M issio~ Conty-ol, ther-e's Cl I'>IQ" aboa.r-d culture or a strong program in any of the arts. Instead, the W~o ,'n5i5+5 on landin3 in Beir-u+. adminstration touted business-aeon and social work as two of its stronqest programs, as well as emphasizing the computer integration occuring everywhere on campus. This handbook should have never gotten into parents' hands as publicity about our school. Not only did the students' overly negative comments hurt the picture the a small, academically-oriented institution located in a pastoral Christmas spirit lost college conjures up, but our own administration tried to sell us out on all the wrong ideas. When it suits their purposes, we are setting, always emphasizing the strong liberal arts back- ground, and its concomitant cultural aspects in the cabbage patch Instead, in that handout, the administration shifted gears to sell parents on two rather modern and innovative majors that are "hot" sells for students now, but not necessarily good liberal arts training. Why wasn't a single word mentioned about Dolls. Since only a certain rarely seen. As one attempts the departments that have proved the background of the by Kip Koontz number of these "precious to enter a store, the "zorn- school's academic life for well over a century--like English, gifts" were available the first bied" hoardes would rather history, and the sciences? Western Maryland does all of these season they were in our crush you than part to allow things extremely well, but they received nary a word of Hurry, Christmas is almost stores, consumers literally you in. Pushing and grabbing praise or commendation. here -- there are only 364 fought to obtain them. Ac- are commonplace. Baby- We must stop pretending to outsiders that this is an ideal days to go! Get your shop- cordingly, children were ex- strollers are used as bulldoz- world on top the Hill. It is not, but it does have a core of ping done now -- before its pected to display their new ers by frenzied mothers -- not programs that will always be the true liberal arts--a sense of too late! Buy now at the Post- gains to aU--much to the cha- to carry junior, but to scrape the past, and understanding of literature, art, and music, and Christmas/Pre-Christmas Holi- grin of those who "lost out," the heels of those in front untit the skills with which to communicate. These are the true "sells" day sale! This may sound of course. Ihat person moves. "Excuse of any liberal arts college--and these are the backbone of unreasonable, but this is what Is this really Christmas, or me" is neither used nor WMC.--guest editorialist Brian Ditto you hear from Christmas to are we bowing to the whims heeded. Christmas. of manufacturers and adver- But this appears to take # Perhaps Americans today tisers? Parents spend precedence over the true are bypassing the true spirit hundreds of dollars every spirit of Christmas. Giving The Phoenix of t.he holiday as they get year on "bigger and better" food for those less fortunate, caught up in the pre-season toys because society guilts donating toys to spread hap- rush. Year after shopping piness to children who have year. Christmas cards, wrap- them into it. People simply none, giving warm clothes to must prove that they too can ping paper, and decorations afford the latest trend. Chil- those who are COld, visiting Editor-in-Chief Bill Mann appear in our stores earlier dren in turn, expect bigger shut-ins in nursing homes and Managing Editor Kelly Connor and earlier. This year I first and better toys, in order to hospitals, are true examples noticed them one week be- Copy Ednor Jonathan Slade fore Halloween. What's the remain popular. And advertis- of Christmas caring. Acts that Production Supervisor C. lloyd Hart point? ers play on both. Is this transcend the selfishness of many current practices. Acts Christmas? Families in turn News Editor. .. Leo Ryan Believe it or not. Christmas wander the stores in exhaus- Sports Editor... .. Cynthia Schafer . is a celebration of the birth of tion looking for the final few ~hu~tt~~Ou~~a~O?~i~t~~Jh~~U?~~•• Photography Ednor Margaret Gemski Christ. It is a time for caring, items that will put them further buy, buy, buy. Tina Pagliocchini, Ursula Wiedmann fellowship, and giving. In the in debt. Yet. the fear of falling Let us not forget. then, the Business Manager Eric C'~~rg Biblical account of Christ's to find the elusive "perfect simple joys of Christmas. The Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien 'birth, the three kings gift" constantly haunts the smell of a fresh-cut tree, the Reporting Slaff·':chuck Weinstein, Chris Ginther, Robin traversed many miles to pay shopper. Is this Christmas? singing of carols, the visiting Adams, Sandy Brant, Beth Jones, Stefani .. homage to the Saviour. They The point of Christmas giv- and fellowship with relatives Gall, ROxanne Benjovst
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