Page 46 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 46
Page 2IWestem Maryland College/February 12, 1986 Public Info. robbed No-show snow eludes continued from page 1 one of those who lost equip- JAWS participants ment in the robbery "I'm very upset by the to carry it out." things missing from our office Whatever the case, Moyer because a lot of it is (com- From its inception, the class Snow, however is necessary stresses the severity of the puler) disk information," she by Michael Norkus was a success, and appears for the JAWS excursion, and offense. said. "It won't do anybody to be holding its popularity, unfortunately none fell this "This is a serious crime," else any good, but it is invalu- January marked a decision According to Boore, "every year. The instructors, as a he said, "not something you able to us. point Scholastics VS. Vaca- year (they) have always had result, planned activities on a just close your eyes to." "We've aU grown very de- lion. For some of those taking at least eight or nine people day by day basis, some of Ms. Joyce Muller, Director pendent on computer technol- the Jan. - Term, it was possi- on a wailing list" for the which included basketball, of Public traormattcn, was agy," MuUerexplained ble to have both, provided course. As a result, the volleyball. and repeUing. In ,-------------------, ~~~te~~:a~~~ing forward to course was quickly expanded addition, trips were taken to from 10 to 25 students nearby ski resorts that did ." .-:A The Military SCience pro- have snow so that members gram, January Arctic Winter In addition to skiing, JAWS could participate in downhill Survival, (JAWS), annually prepares the student to sur- skiing. The primary activity cross-country 141 West provides this chance to those vive with only basic provi- was to In place of this, be who want to ski and discover sions. In the classroom, a skiing. ~ the secrets to survival. The person is taught how to pre- though, hillside hikes were main thrust of this experience vent and treat cold weather taken. Also an Evasion Day Tanning Salon however, is to teach students, injuries, and how to behave in was held in which students whether a part of ROTC or not, how to live in a winter emergency situations such as were taught how to use a a stranded car. compass and map, and told environment during times of "n the field, students re- to find a planned location. To Have a Great Tan for Spring Break emergency or recreation ceive the opportunity to prac- keep the course moving, stu- The program began nine tice what they have learned. dents were chased with eggs Mo. daily use - $34.95 in our years ago. Sergeant Major A survival night is spent in the it Donald F, Boore started, mountains. Here one must An ceremony awards suntan bed or if time is a problem to make students more aware fjnd the materials for a shel- marked the end of the trip. of the dangers as well as the ter, a fire, and food. Moreo- Captain Michael Fitzgerald, try our tanning booth. One minute possible enjoyment of the ver, physical training a member of the military sci- is equal to one hour. winter season. He originally exercises, orienteering, and a ence staff, explained that held the program at Loyola grown-up version of cops and JAWS makes you "prove to College in Baltimore and car- robbers called Evasion Day yourself that you can do more 5 sessions for $12.50 ried it with him when transfer- are included in the curricu- than you thought you were ring to WMC. lum. capable of." 141 West Tanning Salon Faculty 141 W. Main St. 848-1199 to play SPRC Can you picture Ethan Sei- del popping in a jumper from 20 feet? Or how about Dick Claycombe dominating the of- fensive boards? How about John Haker penetrating down the lane for an easy layup? Your opportunity to see all .........-......MONDAY this and more wiU take place this Sunday, February 16, at the Physical Education learn- ing Center when the WMC P-~COLLEGE Faculty/Staff basketball team :nut. NITE. ,--------------------, lions Recreation Council takes on the Special Popula- (SPRC) squad. Game time is 2:30 p.m The SPRC represents and provides recreation to physi- cally, mentally and emotion- ally disabled youth and adults. They are using the game as part of their prepara- tion for the upcoming Mary- land State Special Olympics ~--,:_-~.~~F_:::_=~~:l. inT~:rc~aa~~lt~;~~I~ff team, coached by Seidel, is cur- rently sporting a 2-2 record WESTMINSTER 848-0007 Admission for the even! is 140 .,.... ShoppIng eem.r ~~~-;;;;;;'£i~;;;:;;~'1 ~~or~atti~~0~'7~~ ~~~~Uo~h~~ REDEEMABLE ONLY ON COLLEGE NfTE the Speciat Populations Rec- L- --' reation Council. call 848-0904.
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