Page 39 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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The Phoenix _. Western Maryland College December 5, 1985 Alumni name 6 athletes to Sports Hall of Fame fifteen years. Earll's other bon- by C. Lloyd Hart ors include membership on three AUMason-Dixon Confer- Saturday, Nov. 2 the WMC ence teams and two serec. Alumni Association inducted tions as an All-Maryland six former athletic standouts player. He returned to WMC into the Sports Hall of Fame. in 1964 to lead the varsity The names and accornpush- soccer squad until his retire- ments of this year's inductees ment in 1979. will hang beside the plaques Richard N. Schmertzler '73, of other WMC sports legends regarded as one of the best in the entrance way of Elderd- wrestlers ever to compete for ice Hall and the PELC sports WMC, was honored for his memorabilia room. exploits on the mat and in Alvin R. Paul '50 was a track. His four years on the three sport standout in bas- Hill yielded four Mason-Dixon ketball, football and lacrosse. Conference wrestling titles A two time member of the AII- and two appearances in the Maryland football squad at NCAA Championships. Speaker the House Thomas P. 'Tip' O'Neill offensive guard, Paul is now Schmertzler was featured in "Faces in the Crowd" in an in his twenty-fifth year as before a packed house Nov. 18 in Alumni Hall athletic director at Columbia April 1973 issue of Sports University in New York City. Illustrated. Cole tightens alcohol 1~~m~~n~;a;l~rll~;~ti;asAI~ Jon Miller, a Baltimore years honorees, Kathryn Cole- The only woman among this policy enforcement American and head coach of Orioles radio personality continu9d on page 2 Alumni the Terror soccer team for addresses with the alcohol policy on Phonathon outlook bright breaks a regulation dealing by Barbara Abel campus. Students who carry Recently a controversy has alcohol in the hall and into be able to raise one-hundred 8-26 encompassing thirteen arisen over the alcohol policy other public areas are being by Leo Ryan thousand this year." nights of calling. Twenty! dif- at Western Maryland College, disciplined instead of merely Ms. Robin Garland, Coordi- ferent callers are slated for for many students are begin- being asked to take the bev- "We Meet The Challenge" nator of the Annual Fund, who each night, and Adams' has ning to question its "fairness." erage back to their rooms. will be the slogan for this chaired the November Alumni already begun to recruit inter- According to Or. Charlene A significant increase in the year's January Phonathon. Phonathon explained that the ested students. With Gar- Cole, Associate Dean of Stu- number of students being dis- The "Challenge" - to raise money raised will "cover land's help, she has also set dent Affairs, "There really has ciplined has not been de- one hundred thousand dollars costs that tuition doesn't up some special nights. 'Jan. not been a change in policy, tected compared to last - is the same one that last cover." These costs include 8 Ihe Phonathon will kick off but a change in the enforce- year's statistics, Cole claims. year's Phonathon fell just student scholarships, the im- with the top twenty callers ment." Last year Resident As- "Once students know they short of. "Last year they provement of faculty salaries, from last year. Jan. 12 will sistants, she explains, gave face disciplinary action, they raised about ninety-one thou- and the improvement of sou- feature the top Alumni callers warnings to first offenders, but are less likely to have an sand dollars," explained cational facilities. I from November, and Jan. 13 this year they are required to chairperson Robin Adams, The Phonathon will be ,held report any student who continued on page 2 "but I'm confident that we'll in Harrison House from Jan. continued on page 3 ~~hts: hat is the major Commuters upset by effect of violence in television on children? college parkinq crunch - by Beth Jones she explained, is a survey- notice was given of any policy no alleviates aggression in child that Nystrom claimed study done by the Student 45 students questioned, stimulates aggression in child Commuter coordinator Kris Affairs office last year. Out of change. "All we are asking for 18 is a little consideration. Fac- Nystrom is circulating a peti- replied that they find parking ulty and staff have their allot- tion to have the recent deci- moderately difficult and 20 ted spaces; we also depend desensitizes child sion to open the designated rate it as impossible. on our cars every day. Other After a two week study, J. commuter parking lot to all Scott Moyer, the new director students don't need the use of their cars to get to and 1°' has no effect students reviewed. "This is of security, concluded empty from class," she argued. very important to us and we that always are According to Nystrom, the won't go out without a fight," "there she said. spaces." The study entailed previous director of security, Nystrom stated that the peti- checking all the lots for empty Joe Manzer, allotted specific tion is their 'only hope.' "If this spaces at different times of parking for commuters. "A ~25 30 35404550556065 doesn't work, I don't know the day. "Special lots for special lot just isn't neces- sary. If someone says that it just Number of people what else we can do. We've commuters Students are aren't takes them 10 minutes to find needed. stu- already sent a copy of the Source: Phoenix I S 126 security office." The profile, have equal parking." ~u::.lV:::e:zy.,;sa=m::lp:::e:;':":'::::"' ':::::::':::;"';~=::J 'Commuter Profile II' to the dents and everyone should continued on page 3
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