Page 29 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 29
October 31. 1985IWestem Maryland College/Page 7 Edge cuts both ways F&M, Dickinson by Jonathan Slade the muscular sex object of most entertaining moments in projects past has transformed the film. He has a cuss word squeak by gridders In the wake of Sir Alfred into a pauncy member of the for every occasion. Hitchcock's demise, mystery press. And despite the fact But the movie does have its aficionados have had to ven- that you can', stop wondering weaknesses. The chief fault, in grueling matches lure far from the mainstream if he is wearing fake flab, for instance, is the lack of I movie market in order to find Bridges handles his weighty originality in Joe Eszterhas' I a satisfying mindbender. Au- role well. He adopts the pos- script. His plot twists resem- fumble recovery and a pass I diences, it seems, were ture of a somewhat heavier ble those of Agatha Christie's continued from page 6 interception. The Terrors had a chance I' forced to seek out the works individual and tempers the Witness For the Prosecution, on a run by Sisk and an extra to tie the contest with about of Hollywood-eccentric Brian spontaneity characteristic of and he borrows extensively DePalma, whose Body Dou- his previous films with a slow from the old Perry Mason point by Andy Van Buren in two-minutes remaining in the ble was mildly successful; or and calculating cunning series.Furthermore,Eszterhas the first quarter. But F&M game when quarterback Jack the productions of relatively In addition, Glen Close, ~ppears to enjoy introducing surged back in the second Buettnerput together a series unknownfilm makers, such as whose recent comic-fantasy Irrelevant characters In the half, despite good defensive of strikes to bring the offense Cloak and Dagger and Blood Maxie shed serious doubt on name of creative license. The work by Wilson and Rick to the F&M 10 yard line. But Simple. her ability to handle a major audience, he should know, is Rockefeller, who each with 20 seconds remaining, Recently, though, Columbia role, gives her acting career a not extremely interested in recorded 12 tackles, and he was unable to pass it into Pictures released Jagged boost in Jagged Edge. Por- superfluous people -- ones Mike Chavez, who had a the end zone for the score. Edge, an intriguing murder traying Teddy Barnes, a cor- who could not possibly have '"===================! mysterywhich draws from the porate attorney who is committed the crime. more established talents of reluctantly drawn back into And yet, you ask, how many r Tinsletown.And even if direc- criminal law, Close pulls off differentways can a murderer New Parking Regulations tor Richard Marquand does her complex character with a obscure his own identity after not overcome every obstacle saucy finesse. When Barnes carving up someone with a Freshman - may park only in the Harrison House in his quest for a master- assumesthe job of Forrester's knife? Perhaps we must ac- and Water Tower Parking lots. piece, he still manages to defense lawyer in spite of her knowledge that totally virgin Residents and Commuters - may park in any lot craft a fine tribute to a dying dread dislike for the case materialof this kind is nonex- genre. prosecutor (PeterCoyote). we istant, and therefore some desrqnated as a studentlot on a first come basis. The casting, for example, is see in her a woman of noble recyling of past ideas is a superb. Jeff Bridges, from values. necessity within this genre. Against All Odds and Star- Undoubtedly the best per- Indeed, Jagged Edge is no Facultyand staff lots - Studentsmayparkon these man, plays Jack Forrester, a former in Jagged Edge, how- masterpiece.It lacks the fever lots after the designatedtimes posted. San Francisco newspaper ever, is Robert Loggia, who and intensityof a great movie Cars must be removedbefore8:00 am publisher who is charged with plays Sam Ransom, Barnes' But the actors' powerful per- on weekdaysunlessotherwiseposted. the brutal knife-slaying of his investigative assistant. formances and Marquand's wife, Perhaps the most stnk- Though he has a relatively brisk direction do make this Flrelanes, Handicap jng thing about Bridges here small part, his foulmouthed peculiar little mystery a cut and Grassareas- Carswill beticketedandliableto riS__ h_iS__Ph_Y_Si_Ca_'_a_p_p_ea_r_an_c_e_:__~_m_ar_k_S_p_ro_v'_'de__ s_om_e__Of_!~he~ab~o:ve~a:ve:ra~g~e~ ~============be:!:ow:e:d:a:!:o:wn:e:r's=:e,:p:en:,:e========:; QMLb'~-iI 7h..2~ ONE OF THE OLDEST WAYS 10'% discount _ TO BECOME AM ARMY OFFICER with this ad ISmLLONE OF THE BESt on art2:~!1:=!S""'. - W_,"irutn,JI.,.,,.rtdJlf57 .. 0 .... 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