Page 33 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 33
November 14, 19851We.temMaryland College/Page3 Moyer professionalizes Clements advocates security department AI OS awareness •• ,d. 'personal articles, or eating mune to a lot of things every by Bill Mann continuedfrom page 1. persons with suppressed im- We're ex- systems. posed I Following the resignation of utensils it cannot be con- day, but it's all in how our respond. The AIDS tracted from toilet seats, door bodies I Mr. Ed Shropshire in May of knobs, plates and glasses, patient, therefore, is in a very this year, a new director of I' security has taken to the Hill, clothing, books, or furniture. compromised position in Mr. Scott Moyer. "As long as everything is terms of his immune system" For six years the director dry," added Clements, "there There are no antiviral drugs was a detective with the is no way the virus can currently available that have Ocean City Maryland police survive. It can even be killed been proven to cure AIDS, force. He served as a special with simple bleach." and no treatment has yet agent of the U.S. Federal The time between infection been successful in restoring Protective Service and just with the AIDS virus and the the immune system of an finished seven years as the onset of symptoms can range AIDS patient Some drugs director of security at Mt. St anywhere from six months to have been found to inhibit the Joseph College. five years or longer. Not ev- virus, though, and doctors "Right now my job is to eryone exposed to the virus have had some success in professionalize this depart- develops the disease, how- using drugs, radiation, and ever. Diagnosis is usually in surgery to treat the various ment, train these-people and get on track," said Moyer. He the form of testing for anti- illnesses contracted by AIDS believes his priorities are first Assistant Director of Security June McVicker and bodies to the HTLV-III virus victims. "There's no cure fa safety of the students and new Director Scott Moyer About 85 percent of the AIOS, it's only a matter of treatment at this time," added faculty, secondly security of AIDS patients studied have the buildings and lastly to new services for students be able to police themselves been shown to have one or Clements, "but the best ap- proach to preventing AIDS is enforce college rules and reg- Items of value can now be in the dorms. That's what the both of two rare diseases. to educate men and women ulations engraved with a driver's lic- CA's are for. I know we are Pneumocystis Carinii Pneu- about safe sex. Safe sex "Because this is an open ence number not going to be close but we monia (PCP) and a type of campus with no gates, our Early in the year two women will not be adversaries, our cancer known as Kaposi's involves using condoms and it is In fact, spermicides. biggest task will be to support suggested an escort service goal is not harassment," he Sarcoma. Kaposi's Sarcoma thought that the chemical in foot and mobil patrols. Make to aid students who may have added usually occurs on the surface spermicide may actually kill our people more visible." to walk across campus to The fact that students see of the skin or in the mouth, the HTLV-III virus To accomplish this the their car or job. The service security as a "party break-up appearing in the form of a Campus Patrol Officer Corps exists now and any student team," puzzles Moyer. "Since blue-violet or brownish spot. Further information about has nine full time members who needs assistance can I have been here I don't think PCP, a parasitic infection of AIDS may be obtained from and two to three part-time. A calJext. 202 for officer escort we have written up anyone for the lungs causes cough, the U.S. Public Health new system of telephone and On the subject of students alcohol. If we do catch them fever, and difficulty in breath- Service, Department of Health radio communication has and dorm behavior. Moyer in the open with alcohol we ing. As Clements noted, and Human Services. The Public Health service AIDS been installed in the security believes that policing stu- ask them to pour it out. It's "These two diseases are Quite hotline is 1-800-447-AIDS. rare, and are only found in only when they say no that we dents is not his major tunc- office tion. "I think students should , ~ha~v:e_:a~o~r~ob~le~m~.~··_:~==================, Moyer has instituted many MBA at Rice University DISCOVER RICE UNIVERSITY'S JESSE H, JONES GRAOOATE Socoi, OF ArMINISTRATIOO - VISIT WITH O~ REPRESENTATIVE ~iHJWILL BE ON-CAMPUS ON Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1985 9 am - 11 am ID required To ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, CONTACT: CouNSELlN3 AND CAREER SERVICES 8ll8-70::0 Carriage House Liquors "At the Forks" I N1 UNABLE TO VISIT WITH YOUR REPRESENTATIVE SlIT WOULD YOU 113 W. 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