Page 26 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 26
Page 4IWestem Maryland College/October 31, 1985 Editorial Cafeteria style- through the line So how many of you really invited your parents t? the Hill for Parents Weekend 1985? Nov, 1 is Ihe day wide-eyed parents will rush through the Quad for a high speed glimpse of WMC A great deal of planning and preparation has qone into making the weekend special. There are over 18 individual functions rationed out over a three day stretch. We do wonder if any parent will have a clue that there are about 16 more events to attend than their offspring usually have Some of the events will be quite cerebral in nature. There will be two lectures given by some of our distinguished faculty members. These will be presented by Dr. Sam Case and Ms. Christianna Nichols in their respective disciplines. We are VALl-DINE ...don't leave wondering if perhaps Nichols won', be able to te! which parents belong to her students by the classroom behavior Rouzer without it !! &'%., these elders display. "Mrs. Jones, please wake up and tell Mr Smith that he can not cut this class to watch little Fred play football." will Boston, Birds, baseball; • There is a humorous note to the breakfast planned for Saturday morning. A big deal is being made of the fact that the meal wilt be "cafeteria style -through the line" This certainly impress Ihe parents who think that these things are cute or quaint. Of course, our favorite part of the WMC dining not the best of years experience is going "through the line." Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Ihe upcoming parents weekend is the fact that the events planned ar~ ones that we might like to see every weekend, and not lust to by Kip Koontz which appeased her for a came to a beautiful day at the impress our parents. There is no doubt that "Mom and Dad" Well, another season of while. baseball is ballpark for me, though it may not Part of watching deserve special treatment, and w~ hope that they have a great baseball is drawn to a close, have been so terrific for drinking I ~id lime. But what about the followl_Dg weekend. what a pity. I love baseball, with true beer, something contin- Leslie fervor. This We cannot think of any greater thrill then having a Coney but this season certainly has That day at Memorial Sta- Leslie Island Lunch every now and then. Having a huge candlelight not been one of the better ued until seat and reached dium illustrated what I love under her realized dinner with the president would be great fun too. And how ones for me. Of course I went best about the game - the I claimed about including a small show during or after the meal. To the to some games and had that one beer finished actually 10 fans, the food, the American already have best of our recollection, there has never been an aU campus some good times, but boy did past-time. However, fans on her purse. It hap- party or dance that the faculty and staff have actually my teams lose! spilled in a fit of excitement, I again had to hear the con- pened attended. The irony of the situation, however, is best displayed This season, as usual, I claimed. stant whining of the players by the fact that students spend nearly eight months of the year supported the Boston Red concerned about their sala- on this campus and would welcome the diversity of entertain- Sox, who started off well and ries. "We'll strike." they cried, ment that is now being offered to our parents. ended up a disappointment. also Eating a part Esskay of the hotdogs is and strike they did. The world baseball As of the present, such varied activities occur only once Being a Marylander, I, how- mystique. At our game I was was forced to suffer through a year probably the longest, drawn ever, must have a soft spot in dispatched to the concession out. most tragic strike in his- my heart for the Orioles. Bir~· stand to buy two. l, in my tory - all one day of it. What a unable The Phoenix land wasn't their all that festive of this haze, catsup, Leslie can't to find depression this we all It definitely into was sank suffered either they or mustard. as Un- season, time. during eat comedy er- fortunately, through rors as well. However, I still these delicacies without them. was a black day trudged to some games, es- Therefore, I threw the dogs at Then came the World Ser- pecially those between the her in bewilderment and ex- ies. We, the fans, made it Editor-in-Chief BiIt Mann BoSox and the Birds. claimed, "Find them yourself." through the strike and looked Managing Editor Kelly Connor One Sunday morning, be- Strike two for the Kipper. forward to watching the tops Copy Editor... . , Jonathan Slade fore the All-Star break, Leslie Being that the game was in baseball. I had hoped Production Supervisor C. Lloyd Hart and I awoke with the anticipa- before All-Star break, we were Toronto would make it News Editor.... . Leo Ryan tion of seeing a great game of lucky enough to vote for the through the playoffs, but alas • Sports Editor... .. Cynthia Schafer baseball. It was her first game All-Star teams. The little old they didn't. Maybe it's for the Photography Editor Margaret Gemski at Birdland and the Orioles lady from Delaware wanted best. Who wants a Canadian Ursula Wiedmann and Red Sox were both play- me to vote for one particular team in the US's World Ser- Business Manager... . Eric Greenberg ing "good" ball. We left early Orioles, even offering me a ies? So, we had Kansas City, Advertising Manager , Carol O'Brien in order to buy tickets at the beer for the vote. That was and St. Louis, the Missouri game, Reporting Staff·;Chuck Weinstein, Chris Ginther, Robin box office before and the bought easy, I thought, know since the I got a Series. Neither team inspired player, didn't beer, and we splurged Adams, Sandy Brant, Beth Jones, Stefani me, but my nod went to St Call, Roxanne Benjovsky, Wendy Haug, six dollars lower reserved and no BoSox was up for the Louis. And SI. Louis nodded behind seats homeplate position off. 0Nen Umstrom, Karen Rex, Chuck Cruise, We were led to our seats by For the true Oriole fan, the If you're a Kansas City fan - Joanne CoIliflower an aging usher, with a kind game was a disaster. II was . my hat's off to the team that Advisor Or. Eleanor L. Schreiner face and clean rag. There we close until the last three in- won the USAIMissourilWorld found an old lady from Dela- nings, when Boston blew it Series. However, if you rooted ware, who never missed a wide open with a 12-0 rout. I for Boston, Baltimore, Toronto, Published, by and for the students of Weslem Maryland' home game. She was to be College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not our companion for the next was openly cheering rout for both SI. Louis, that and tried all the other but just began teams until the teams necessarily reflect those of the staff or adrTlinistration,; The nine innings. However, being Phoenix reserves the right to headline, edit fOr length, Leslie, fearing death from an couldn't make it, you must be white, red, clarity and libelous content. All letters to the editor must be bedecked in my and she in her increasingly pleaded hostile with Birdland to in the same position as my- crowd, and blue attire, me exhausted. signed, authorship wiH be verified. orange and black, she...§.bQt keep it down. She eventually self, another season Thus, we of base- close We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please ad- me a look as it saying, "Go left me and sided with the baU, a little more tired, a little dress all mail to The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, BACK TO FENWAY!" Conse- Delaware fan, who I think wiser, but always ready for Westtninster, Md. 21157. quently, we explained that I desired to bludgeon me with the next crack of the bat, and would root for both teams, her umbrella. Thus, an end the roar of the crowd,
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