Page 25 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 25
October 31, 1985IWeolem Maryland College/Page S Bell gives dramatic, Panel launched emotion-filled reading lected to be given directly to .continued from page 1 . victims of the earthquake ticfpation in communications there, was received by Ms End of the World (1985), Bell related activities as well as Armida Guerrero-Galdeano By Susan Lauzau is the author of Washir:gton exposure to professional ex- According to Schreiner, the Square Ensemble (1983) and periences," she says. main goal of The Network is "He's difficult to approve of a third novel, as yet untitled, The Network began its ac- "to expose students to all In fact. he's downright offen- which has been accepted for tivities with the presentation of levels of the communications sive," said author Madison publication. His short stories $304 raised by communica- discipline, academically and Smartt Bell of the dwarf narra- have appeared in Harper's tions majors and campus or- professionally as well as to tor in his short story "Beggar and The Hudson Review, and ganizations, to a guest from provide hands-on experience Man, Thief.' The story was his essays and book reviews Mexico City. The money, col- on the WMC campus." included, along with an ex- have appeared in Esquire cerpt from Bell's latest novel and The New York Times Miller works for Waiting for the End of the Bell's short story "The World, in a fiction reading Naked Lady" was selected by Sto- more SGA influence held in McDaniel Lounge at John Updike for inclusion in 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct The Best American Short 29. ries of 1984 "He's an up and "I was thinking about a coming writer," said English continued from page 1 suicide as the center of the professor Dr. Kathy Mangan, story," said Bell as he ex- "and I think it's a real coup plained the origins of "Beggar for the school to have had Man, Thief," which featured a him read." dwarfs observations on his Bell was educated at own life and thai of a woman Princeton University and Hol- he though! at as "Ladybird," lins College. "It was interesting to hear Originally from Tennessee, an aufhor read his own work," especially liked the "poetic Bell recently moved to Balti- said senior Tim McLaughlin, images" that Bell's reading more from New York City. He "I've never gone to ,8 reading evoked currently teaches fiction writ- before," Junior Linda Cavileer In addition to Waiting for the ing at Goucher College. Sci-fi club hosts convention Western Maryland College's be Star Trek episodes, the Concluding the day's events Star Trek and Science Fiction "world's worst" science fiction will be a masquerade/dance Media Club will host "Genesis films, games, trivia, panels, from 7:30 pm to 12 am in the l." a science-fiction mini-con- slides, and folksinging. Guest Forum. Costumes will be vention, on Saturday, Nov. 9. speakers include: Dick Pres- judqed at 1 pm and prizes will be awarded for the best The convention, which is also Ion, director of International costumes in various categor- ~================::=~ sponsored by the Baltimore Star Foundation; Vincent Gig- Metro Association of Star liotti, program analyst of ies. The dance, which will r- ..,N. ~~ Trek, Inc. (BMAST), will be NASA-Goddard Space Flight feature a D.J and some live II',,----- Jt'J 1-. __._. g~A"" held from 10 am to 6 pm in Center; Patrick Kelly, presi- music, is open to all, With orJt.fD.""_" • the Forum. The cost is $5 for dent of Baltimore Metro Chap- without a costume The cost· students and senior citizens ter, L-S Society; and Robin (with proper 1.0.), and $8 for Ciardutlo, astronomer from ?~eth~o~:;~~nlS ~n~~g:r~hll~ / ," ~ ~ the pubic. Space Telescope Science In- price. but others are welcome Greet your Parents with Featured at "Genesis I" will stitute to attend for $2 fil something special this weekend Improved board judges peers j Featuring roses, carnations, by Lorle Schanzle Members of the board can isted on a test baSIS last year lilies, sweethe.arts ... etc. disqualify themselves if they and worked well for the first A new governing body, con- believe they would be unable time around CarrrageHouse Liquors sisting of ten student repre- to maintain impartiality. The "One problem we encoun- sentatives, exists on campus opinions of the members will tered was that when the "At the Forks" this year. Known as the Resi- not be disclosed to any per- members were elected from dence Hall Judicial Board, its son outside the board, and the residence halls they did 113 W. Main Street. Westminster purpose is to consider cases the record of the hearing will not take the job seriously and specials this week .... involving possible misconduct only be available to a select had no concept of what the by WMC residents few -the accused and his job entailed," he says. This advisor, members of the year the administration plans Coors and Coors Lt. $2.99/6 pk. Dr. Charlene Cole, Asso- board, the appeals board, the to stress more heavily the ciate Dean of Student Affairs, dean of student affairs, and necessity of this board to its Seagram's Coolers $2.99/4 pk. explains that the group will the president of the college participants assemble once a week to The neme of the accused will "Although it will take a lot of examine allegations. Those not be released, but the work and cooperation the ad - presiding over the hearing charge and the sanctions are ministration feels strongly that FAN'S a.ESE RESTAURANT appear on a rotating basis, public information Represent- it will benefit the college Szechun f@TWestminster and each meeting will have atives on the board are greatly," Poling explains. "The five members present, in ad- elected from each of the six students are claiming that dition to Cole, a chairman, residence halls: Smith House, they are adults and should be Calanese . &> W. Main St. and a secretary. Elderdice Hall, the Garden treated as such, so here we Polynesian 84&-0919 "What we're trying to Apartments, and the Pennsyl- are giving them the opportun- American . 87&-3166 achieve here is students judg- vania Houses; and members ity to prove how mature they ing students," says Cole will serve for one year. are Coct
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