Page 24 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 24
Page 2lWe.tem Maryland College/October 31, 1985 Marriott offers latest Monroe offers "Senses" entry to Westminster to expand perspectives pizza delivery war by Kelly Connor continued from page 1 man. The pizza will be delivered in insulated packets duties of the participating in order to retain heat. ''We clubs will be strictly delivering are striving for a faster and the pizzas. - better quality pizza." "We want to give each organization a certain day of Rhulman also plans to cre- the week in which they will be ate an entire pizza parlor on in charge of deliveries. They the left side of the grill. Stu- will make $3.35 an hour plus dents will be able to go to the an extra 50 cents for every Grill and actually watch the pizza being made. It has not I~i!i~~.~~~d'~'YS~~I:i~nOpe:r~ yet been determined, though, ate in this manner until more when the parlor will be open groups become involved. for business. Rhulman believes this will Everything is still basically work better than assigning a in the planning stage, Rhul- particular group to a certain man explains. Prices for the month, because the work individual items and the exact might become 100 demanding procedure a student will have and monotinous for smaller to go through to place an clubs. order have not yet been de- In addition to pizza, other cided foods, such as subs, nachos, Any group interested in be- and chich ken wings with as- coming involved with the new Rev. Kirk Monroe, WMC Religious Coordinator sorted sauces, will be offered. service should contact Rhul- Delivery will be free, but a man at ext. 642. way that afl the senses (hear- than tired of the work." I'm minimum order might be re- "We are looking forward to ing, seeing, smelling, touch- tired at times, but never quired. Another feature will be it now that more organizations ing, tasting) are affected, so bored. the use of coupons, including are getting involved," she that the "eyes of the blind can ones which offer free cokes or says, stressing that an indi- speak to the ears of the Connor: What problems money off certain items. vidual need not belong to a deaf." have you encountered this "The pizzas will not be like formal dub to join the service "Senses" has its own per- year? those already offered in the Any person who wishes to sonality. It is designed to hold Monroe: I am having Grill. They will be made with earn some extra money can students' hands through their some problems getting the fresh dough, sauces and var- get a group together to han- journey through WMC so their student body more aware of ious toppings," says Rhul- dle the deliveries potential can be realized and "Senses," which is directed 10 love will show them how. excite students about reli- "Senses" also realizes that gious life. I understand that Do you need a typist everything will not be ac- college is not the place to cepted by all. I'm in no hurry realize mores of one's youth, ...... to prove the validity of God but to be productive people for your term papers, God has already done that with sound ethics and mental Instead, "Senses" will be like balance we need to come to essays or reports? water dripping on a rock grips with the creator of this which later turns to sand. It'll world. be a positive force on cam- Connor: Why do you feel $1.50 per page pus. most students stray from their Connor: How much time religious beliefs while at col- Call 239-8682 do you feel you can devote to lege? For most stu- this campus ministry without Monroe: sparing your two congrega- dents it's their first time away tions? from home, and church Monroe: Before accepting seems to be part of the home. .. the appointment at WMC, I ! don't think students stray, I made my congregation aware feel it's more of an openinq of of the position. And translated wings and a realizing of po- into modern terms, they said, tentials. "Go for it!" They saw my "Senses" will try to walk ministry as an extension of with the college students, their love. pointing out an ultimate reality I take 15 hours away from some call God. my other duties and put them Connor: What do you toward WMC. I try my best to hope to accomplish as the be available to all students. I new religious coordinator? have an office now in Baker Monroe: My goal is for Memorial Chapel. as well as freshmen, by the time that • in Union Street Church. I refer they are seniors, just to give a any major cases to the coun- thought that perhaps with the seling services at the college. force of God with them, they I want to cooperate, not com- can make a difference -- pete, with the administration. whether it be in business, Connor: Does this added architect, law, or the ministry. responsibility wear you down As Robert Kennedy is quoted, physically? 'Some people see things that Monroe: Well, as Bishop were and ask 'Why?', I see small Wheelbarrel Sheen once said, "It's differ- things that never were and ent to be tired in the work ask, 'Why not?' "
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