Page 31 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 31
The Phoenix Western Maryland College Speaker 'Tip' O'Neill I I to visit WMC Nov. 18 I" the course of the discussions, by C. Lloyd Hart O'Neill offered to make the trip to WMC and give a On Monday, Nov 18 The lecture Honorable Thomas P. "Tip" ''I've known him (O'Neill) O'Neill, Jr., Speaker of the since he replaced (John) United States House of Rep- Kennedy in Congress in resentatives will visit the 1952," said Simms. "I know Western Maryland campus. that he is an excellent O'Neill, who is retiring from speaker. He is third in line for his post as Speaker in Jan., the presidency and the top 1987 after 35 years in the man in the House. This will be House, will hold a press con- a wonderful thing for the col- ference in McDaniel Lounge lege," he added. at 7 pm and deliver a lecture Chambers, too, is excited at 7:30 pm in Alumni Hall. The as well as relieved. The presi- Speaker has also agreed to dent had advertised O'Neill's answer questions following visit throughout the fall to his address and will attend a students and alumni and ex- Phi Delta Theta president Mike Paglione receives the reception in his honor, also in pressed relief at the finaliza- Kansas City Trophy for chapter excellence from Bob McDaniel Lounge, before re- Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, tion of plans between the Fitzpatrick, Province President turning to Washington. College and the Speaker's O'Neill's appearance here is Jr., Speaker of the U.S. office. primarily due to the efforts of House of Representa- "We're all extremely Phi Delta Theta wins WMC Trustee John Simms, tives pleased thaI he will be able to '29, and President Robert H honor his cornrntttment. This Chambers. Simms, who is a to meet with Chambers, who is something we should all be Greek 'triple crown' longtime friend of the was anxious to discuss prob- Speaker, encouraged O'Neill lems in higher education. In continued on page 2 and internal chapter opera- Bachelors, Delts await sanctions by Bill Mann tion. Chapter Advisor and cere- violations which have not yet our party dates in the Forum On Friday, Nov. 1, the WMC mony organizer Robert Fried- by Kelly Connor been publicly announced. has affected us morally." He brothers of Phi Delta Theta man, class of 76, said, "We Until further notice from the claims the loss of their fall were presented the General are doing this because these A hearing will be held Mon- administration and the Greek pledge class is likewise up- Headquarters Trophy, the are the major awards given day, Nov, 18, concerning alle- council, however, the Delts setting Gold Star Citation, and the chapters. Phi Delta Theta wants to let the entire commu- gations against two Greek and the Bachelors have lost Wueste stressed his dissat- Kansas City trophy during an nity know what our activities organizations on campus -- their privileges to participate isfaction with the way their awards ceremony in McDaniel the Delta Sigma Kappa soror- in Greek functions, and the case is being handled and lounge. are. "It shows the rest of the ity (the Delis), and the Alpha Bachelors have consequently felt that more communications The highlight of the evening Gamma Tau fraternity, also lost their fall pledge class. between the Greek organiza- was the presentation of the campus that we are a worth- he organization," while known as the Bachelors. According to Alpha Gamma tions and the administration is Kansas City Trophy, which is added"!n the past two years, During fall pledge week, Tau's. vice-president, Kevin needed awarded to the chapter dem- Oct. 27-31, the groups had Wueste, "We can't do any- onstrating excellence in cam- continued on page 6 their charters suspended for thing {as a fraternity]. Losing continuedon page 2 pus leadership, participation. ~ghts: hat is the magni- Clements dispells myths tude of the toxic waste problem in the US? about AIDS virus great problem sex act which ruptures a spread the virus. Tooth- This is the last in a two part membrane like anal inter- brushes, razors, or other im- not urgent, but growing senes course, where semen may plements that could also become contaminated come in contact with blood." with - by Chuck Cruise The sharing of needles be- blood should not be shared. an no problem tween intravenous drug has contact Casual with I" the exchange of body fluids also been a contributing fac- AIDS patient poses no dan- AIDS is transmitted through ger, however. There is no tor to the spreading of the I no opinion by such acts as intimate sexe" disease (it is important to note evidence that AIDS can be sneezing, transmitted by that there is absolutely no ual relations or exposure to _ coughing, shaking hands, or I---------~~--------I ~~.~!~~ri~~ ~~~~~c~fd~ ~~~ g~e~~~e~tfo~t~~~t~~~?n~~ hugging. Also, since the virus 5 10 15 50 55 60 65 another person is extremely they use sterile equipment is quite fragile and will not survive on environmental sur- Number of people ?eann~e~~~~~~f~d07u~~s~e~~ ~~~u~~sPgra~:~e~:e?~es~aIT:~ faces, in the atmosphere, on survey sample: 125 source: Phoenix Maryland College's Student through oral-genital contact L-_.;__.;_ ~ Health Services, "as is any and intimate kissing may also continued on page 3
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