Page 28 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 28
Page 6IWe8tem Maryland College/October 31, 1985 WMC drops DickinsonIce hoc~ey.set for 9 in 4-0 soccer rout games In first season needed to defeat WMC, 3-0. sponsor them, and the Skip- The game Oct. 5 against by StefanI Call jacks have donated jerseys to Susquehanna however turned On Nov. 5 a new sport will the team. Money has also out much better. Junior Neil skate into WMC, for this is the come from individual players Gwinn led the Terrors with a date of the first official club Junior Matt Dunne will act goal and an assist. Steve ice hockey game. The match as the player-coach for the Lutche, Joe Nattans. and will be held at Franklin and learn. Haas says, "We Dennis Snyder were the other Marshall University in their couldn't have lucked out any- goal scorers in the 4-0 vic- own rink. more on a coach with the tory. Gardiner once again had According to sophomore knowledge that Matt has." Mickey Haas, general man- Dunne is currently an Ameri- ager and goalie of the Terror can Hockey League linesman squad, the idea for an ice and has much experience in hockey team originated last the sport. year from casual games of So far the team has sched- street hockey. He claims that uled three "on ice" practices before the first game. These this year "the interest was there," so he started calling will take place at the North- other schools to "check out" west and the Mt. Pleasant ice existing programs. rinks in Baltimore. Games will "That's the hardest part," also occur at these rinks as Haas says, "finding contacts well as at the Baltimore Civic in other schools. But it's worth Center it." Haas has scheduled at "It was a little rough getting least nine games so far, in- Mickey Hass back on the ice for some cluding matches against Uni- people," says Latona after the versity of MD, Dickinson, Because the team is a club. first practice. "But when we Towson, Georgetown, and both faculty and alumni may actually got out there it meant Hopkins play. One such player is that we started something: we Other arrangements that WMC's trainer Paul Welliver finally got this thing off the had to be made in the organi- who is considered "a definite ground." . zation of the team were de- asset to the team." Haas says Having overcome the obsta- ciding on the practice location of Welliver, "He's been fantas- cle of establishing a team, the and times, as well as locating tic and a great help in getting players now look forward to a playing equipment. A basic started." "fun and competitive" season. tactor in handling these To cut down on expenses, "One thing that's kept us needs was monev. ThE ice time for practices will be psyched is the response from .team's assistant general man- shared with the club team the student body," Haas re- ager, senior Tom Latona, re- from Johns Hopkins Univer- marks. He encourages the marks that the biggest sity. In addition, a search by community of WMC to come obstacle was finding funds, several team members for to their first home game on but that "the team has an sponsors has been produc- Nov. 15 against Hopkins "to attitude that nothing's going tive. The local Budweiser dis- cheer on" the club ice hockey to stop them." tributor has already offered to team V-ball ranks 9th in nation the game-tying goal. WMC games the past couple of by Cynthia Schafer also outshot Dickinson. 24-17, weeks. On Oct. 19 the Terrors but once again could not dropped a heartbreaker as VOLLEYBALL score. The terrors finally got Dickinson edged them, 15-14 their first goal of the week Tailback Fred Sisk scored when Stacey Bradley beat the WMC's first touchdown on a Elizabethtown goalie to give two-yard run that put the the Terrors a 1-0 lead. But the Terrors on top 7-0. Defensive Blue Jays scored again in the back Chris Scannell gave the House of Liquors second half for the win Green a 14-7 lead when he picked off a Devil pass and ran it back 23 yards for the Carroll Plaza, Westminster CROSS COUNTRY touchdown. But with four min- Senior Brian Russo led the utes to play, Dickinson scored way with a second-place fin- and converted a two-pointer to pick up the win. Junior Ken ish as the WMC cross-country team defeated Johns Hop- Boyd gained 79 yards on 19 kins, 25-30, and Gatiauoet, carries, and Sisk motored for 15-50 on Oct 19. Russo cov- 68. Defensive tackle Peter ered the Gallaudet course in Wilson and line backer Tony 28: 12 and was followed Callahan each had 11 tackles closely by Chip Rembert. who for the defense. finished third in 28:59 Doug Franklin and Marshall's Nolder and Steve Kauffman strong running game was the finished fifth and sixth respec- key to their come from behind tively. Russo, Rembert, and victory on Oct. 26. Quarter- Nolder finished one-two-three back John Travagline scored as the Green downed Dickin- twice on the ground as they son, 21-34. Russo hit the wire amassed 158 yards rushing in 27:36 over the 8K course. to WMC's 80 for the 14-7 win Ken Scale! alone gained 84 SALE~' ItLSTAlLA1101l' ~tPAJR.S FOOTBALL yards for F&M. WMC scored 848-9518 The Western Maryland Foot- ball Team has lost two close continued on page 7
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