Page 34 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 34
Page 4IWestern Maryland CollegelNovember 14, 1985 Editorial Greeks: Of trials and troph ies Finally there is something so spectacular happening in the Greek system thaI the fraternity responsible actually fell like sharing the experience with the entire campus. Phi Delta Theta has been declared, by its international brotherhood, the best small campus chapter in the system. This news, when stacked against the recent happenings in the rest of the local Greek community, is fantastic. The Phi Delts were rightfully proud of their positive contribution and were eager to share their success with the college. Faculty and staff members were asked to attend the ceremony and a Phoenix reporter was invited to view this, a truly positive aspect of Greek lite at WMC But, while the Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority was also showing off its award for best academics in the nation, two ~ree~ organizations were awaiting sanctions for hazing Violations.The disconcert ing part about this news is that we at rather expected the hazing. So again, we are prepared to offer New Right advocates weren't looking for the awards story, but we The Phoenix an idea about how to curb degrading hazing practices on this ~ampus .-- just don't do it! There is si~ply no reason for it and censored education It is a disgusting, unproductive activity. Hundreds of Greeks across the nation are saying no to hazing, as well as opting for a dry, non-alcoholic rush. At last by Anthony T. Podesta teers on about 150 campuses tasteful from the point of view the national Greek organizations seem to be advocating Special to The Phoenix across the country, and has of our national heritage or brotherhood through friendship rather than the bottle. Certainly national security... Just plain a pledge would rather have her sisters help her pass a tough Efforts to make people con- raised $50,000 of a $160,000 bad facts." annual budget. Now AlA has history exam, than force her to consume a case of Schaefer, form to one particular position Take, for example, Dr. Mark the latter of which makes for a short-Jived college career. or ideology are almost always hired as its new director a Reader's political science And so, credit where credit is due: We are not here to justified with lofty-sounding former New York. Ccnqress- course at Arizona State Uni- choose sides in the current Greek/administrationdilemma. If we rhetoric, such as the need to m~n, John L~B.outl~lIer,whose versity. According to AlA, it see an organization led by example) and perform as they protect our country from sub' skill at fundraismq IS matched constitutes "anti-nuclear prop- were intended, then they get all the praise we can muster. But, version. or the need to pre- only by his tal.ents at red- aganda" because it overem- when an organization casts a harmful shadow on the whole serve order. The New Right baitinq those With whom he phasizes such things as has just come up with a new disagrees. f~aternal structure and the college, then perhaps the persecu- "fears of nuclear war, power tion that many claim exists, is deserved. excuse for intimidati~g those When LeBoutillier warns and weapons." II isn't "verifia- who don't agree with Its ideol- against creeping SOCialism, ogy: to protec~ college stu- he's referring to activities by ble" facts AlA is worried dents from "misinformed" or members of the Democratic about, it's "bad" facts dictates that "inaccurate" teaching.. Party leadership, like House there is only one correct way AlA "logic" Speaker Tip O'Neill. Accord- This fall, a new national The Phoenix organization was In Acade- ing to LeBoutillier, former to teach students about our founded called "Accuracy presidential contender Sena- involvement in Vietnam; there mia." While AlA clai":ls to tor George McGovern is is only one true cause of the "combat the dissemination of "scum." When he talks about Civil War; and there is only Editor-in-Chief Bill Mann misinformation" on our colleg~ radical brainwashing, he's one acceptable interpretation Managing Editor Ke/ly Connor an~ university campuses, It lalking about what Harvard of Franklin Roosevelt's presi- Copy Editor .. . Jonathan Slade epitomizes the New. Riqht's professors did to him. LeBou- dency. And if a professor tillier contends that Izading doesn't toe AlA's line, he or theory of educatio.n, In which Production Supervisor .. . C, Lloyd Hart diverse pOin.lsof view and the American journalists and nu- she will be investigated by News Editor. Leo Ryan free flow of Idea~ ~re seen as merous liberal groups are AlA, perhaps pressured to Sports Editor . Cynthia Schafer un-American activities . pawns in a Soviet-sponsored change the content of the Photography Editor Margaret Gemski AlA's founder, Reed Irvine, "disinformation" campaign, course, or vilified in AlA's new Tina Paqliocchinl, Ursula Wiedmann ~as headed up an orqan-za- and while in Congress, co- national newsletter BUSinessManager. Eric Greenberg uon for the past. 16 ye.ars sponsored a bill that would Advertising Manager .Carol O'Brien entitled "Accuracy In Media," have created a House sub- Any effort to limit the ex- Reporting Staff-.:Chuck Weinstein, Chris Ginther, Robin whose purpose is to intimi- committee on internal secur- change of ideas leads to the Adams, Sandy Brant, Beth Jones, Stefani date and harass the members ity "dumbing down" of education Call, Boxanne Benjovsky, Wendy Haug, of the media who don't agree Given AlA's founder and as a whole. Those who are Owen Limstrom, Karen Rex, Chuck Cruise, with his right-wing views. lr- new director, it comes as no trying to keep "biased" facts vine has b~ilt his rep~tation, ideas out of the surprise that this new watch- or "bad" Joanne CoIliflower dog group isn't concerned, as and a $1 million organlzati00, Advisor ".. . Or. Eleanor L. Schreiner on the principle that there IS the name suggests, With up- college classroom are follow- ing in the tradition of those only"accurate" way for a grading the quality of educe- who want to keep the teach- and for the studentsof WesternMaryland' jounalist to cover a story. Now tion at our nation's institutions ing of evolution out of high he's decided there's only one College.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not "right" way for a professor to of higher learning. It's not school science classes, and in encouraging who want to censor Shake- interested necessarilyreflectthose of the staff or administration.The Phoenix reserves the right 10 headline,edit for length, teach a course. academic freedom or balance speare's Romeo and Juliet. clarity and libelouscontent.All lettersto the editor mustbe When "Accuracy in Acade- in the classroom. Instead, it is They have forgotten that the signed, authorshipwiH be verified. mia" was announced this designed to intimidate those purpose of education is to We welcome comments and'or suggestions.Please ad- summer, many were hornfie~ who are teaching what AlA's teach students to grapple dress all mail to The Phoenix,WestemMarylandCollege, by its rhetoric, but few took It first director, Malcolm Lawr- with complexities and learn Westminster,Md. 21157. seriously. AlA, however, is ence. calls "incorrect informa- how to think. Not, as Reed emerging as a formidable in- tion which reads to Irvine would have it, what to stitution. It already has volun- conclusions that may be dis- think
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