Page 32 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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Page 2IWestern Maryland CollegelNovember 14, 1985 Judicial board prepares for Delt, Bachelor hearings continued from page 1 She stressed, however, that all decisions reached will fol- "The new administration low the disciplinary guidelines brings a new style of ruling, outlined in the stude~1 hand- and we are the brunt of the book. If the organizations are change in sanctions, he found guilty of the charges, said. then a discussion of further Dr. Charlene Cole, Aesocla- actions will follow. If they are te Dean of Student Affairs, dismissed of the charges, explains, though, that the Judi- Cole said, then the reasons cial board, which will deal for this decision will also be with the DeltiBachelor issue, studied is still in its formative stages. Since she does not want to Speaker of the House Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, Jr., converses with WMC The committee, which is part influence the board's actions, President Robert H. Chambers and Trustee John Simms in Washington of the larger 16 member Cole refused to comment fur- Greek Council, consists of a ther about the charges representative from each fra- Ann Kessler, vice-president O'Neill confirms visit lernity and sorority. of Delta Sigma Kappa, also "In the past, fraternities refrained from making a state- have heard fraternities, and men!. sororities have heard sororr- "We don't wanl to say any- continuedfrom page 1 office. Even as the label of But the speaker will con- ties. This hearing will be an thing which will influence the "lame duck" comes closer tinue to be very influential educational process. II pro- judicial board in any way. We proud of," said Chambers. and closer to sticking, he even in his retirement. He vides cohesiveness among will be happy to talk after the O'Neill, many argue, is the refuses to give up his age-old vows to continue fighting what the Greeks as a collective decisions have been made," second most powerful man in pursuit of "government with a he calls "the evil in the White group, and allows the differ- Kessler said. American politics, and he rel- heart." O'Neill still holds des- House." The President and ent organizations to take re- Cole explained that judicial ishes his position as the perately to what many around the Speaker have had their sponstbttttv for their own board members needed to spokesman for the Demo- him call "a sinking ship" - the differences over the past five governing," stated Cole. receive instructions before cratic party. But at 72, will idea that government has a years. Hopefully through this proceeding with the case. step down from the Speaker's moral obligation to help edu- "[He] has no care and no process, she explained, "the This training, which occurred rostrum for the last time at the cate, feed, and protect its concern for the working class. Greeks can stop hazing be- on Tuesday, involved expla- conclusion of the 99th Con- citizens. He's cold. He's mean. He's fore it happens." nations of general hazing gress Rep Trent Lott, House mi- got ice water for blood," said "Part of [the problem] is that sanctions and violations and Before leaving, however, the nority whip, believes that O'Neill. a lot of groups don't under- information concerning ways outspoken Democrat, who O'Neill's style and New Deal "I like (Reagan) as an indi- stand what hazing is," Cole to handle these problems. has represented Massachu- politics are the last echoes of vidual," says O'Neill. "He and added. "Hazing is outlined [in Cole has faith in her deer- setts in the House for the past what O'Neill himself admits is Nancy you couldn't find the student handbook], but sian to allow the Greek Coun- three decades, plans to make the "old school." "Time has nicer people. But ! violently not many students know what cil to handle this case. "The the most of his last year in past him by," said Lott. disagree with his philosophy." it really is." Greeks will be working to- Cole stated she con- gether to fin? the best solu- fronted the Individual organi- tion." she said. and the Mangan to review zations with allegations and Both the Delts allowed them to do internal Bachelors are anxious for the investigations She then hearing to be held. As asked them to give her a Wueste explained, "We'd Merton novel today factual report on what they rather get on with things than believe should be done be stuck In neutral." Kathy Steele Mangan, asso- project. As the first authorita- ciate professor of English at tive biography of Merton. Western Maryland College, Matt's The Seven Mountains will review The Seven Moun- of Thomas Merton has been tains of Thomas Merton by described as an "intelligent, Michael Mott at 12 pm exciting, marvelous" work that today. reveals Merton's "almost too The third in the Books human heart and absolute Sandwiched In noon-hour truthfulness about himself and everything else." book reviews in McDaniel Lounge, the activity is free "I've always wanted to know and open to the public. more about Merton's role as a poet and twentieth-century Merton was author of the spiritual leader -- the paradox widely acclaimed autobiogra- of his chosen monastic life of phy, The Seven Storey Moun- privacy in contrast with his tain, which first appeared in public life as a writer and philosopher," says Mangan, St: ~t:~ f~~da~:~:~~o~ o~o~~~- in reference to her selection Westmln.ter, MD 21157 and women concerned with for review. (HOME OF THE WHEEL BARREL) questions of faith and war "I also met Michael Matt at ~--$-1-OFF-"'-.-ny----r-----';_---l ~~~s.seekingdirection fpr their Dr. Kathy S. Mangan a publication party for the book last January. He is a $2 Off any Michael Matt, poet, novelist, working on the biography of compelling personality in his own right and former poetry small Wheefbarrel large Wheelbarrel ~~~ti~~Of~r~~n °LnT~e~~~~~ ~~=I~nd~at~9~? JaO~e~~hoew~~d editor of The Kenyon Review." L ....L __J Bowling Green, Ohio, began Griffin, who had begun the Mangan adds.
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