Page 23 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 23
ThePhoenix western Maryland College October 31,1985 Miller fights to expand student government role "The SGA at WMC is not as by Stefani Call important within the college community," he explains. It is "When I took office in May, I his intention, however, to had just developed a very change this. One of his major small ulcer. Since then it's goals includes "getting and grown four times in size," slaying organized as a senate says Student Government in order to be receptive to President Mike Miller. ideas from every section of A senior history major, Miller campus." Another aim in- claims that one must be a volves "initiating fundamental "trickster" to balance classes, changes in the responsibilities personal life, and the SGA. of the SGA, most importantly He spends many hours each its role in getting done what week working on signs, or- people or clubs in their indi- ganizing meetings, writing vidual capacities can', get senatorial letters, meeting with done," Miller sees the SGA as administrators, and watching "the collective and official WMC quarterback Scott Basset (16) rifles a pass the allocation of funds. voice of alt the students on over Franklin and Marshall's defensive line in last Miller is no stranger to the this campus." Miller believes, though, that Saturday's gridiron confrontation. For details, see area of student government, there is a "critical" lack of though. He held a senatorial page 6 seat last year. Also, as a communication between stu- transfer student from Towson dents and administrators. By State University, Miller has the Mike Miller, SGA Presi- reorganizing the senate, he intends to rectify the situation. Marriott enters local advantage of having seen land's governing body is "not "We want high quality sena- another system in action. At dent tors that know exactly what's TSU, he held the office of pizza delivery war election commissioner. But, even comparable" to that of continuedon page 3 Miller remarks, Western Mary- his former school. Network launches '85 program by Barbara Abel from this," says Ms. Lee Ann Rhutman, who is in charge of mental communication), and Ellen Knisely, director- of phi- Marriott and several West- the new delivery service. Or- by Beth Jones grew into a more "ambitious" lanthropy; Heather Price, di- ern Maryland College organi- ganizations, such as Sigma project. Members of last rector of alumni; Karyn Upton, zations have gotten together Phi Epsilon, Alpha Nu The Network is a student year's public relations class program director; and Chuck to solve the late night mun- Omega, Alpha Gamma Tau, organization within the com- compose the nucleus of the Weinstein, director of hosting chies. Starting tentatively in Phi Sigma Sigma, and the munications department organization, and it has since and recruitment. And Dr. Eleanor Schreiner, December, a pizza delivery Terror baseball team have formed for the purpose of expanded to involve other service will begin to combat already expressed interest in "promoting a sense of com- members of the department. chairperson, sees many pos- sibilities for The Network. the hunger of nocturnal schol- becoming involved in the pro- munity not only within the The central committee of "It will be a real service to ars. gram. department, but throughout The Network consists of the deparYnent by creating "The program is a way for Marriott will be preparing all the college community." Robin Adams, director of student orgamzations to raise the orders in the Pub. The The group began as an publicity; Peter Brooks, direc- opportunities for student par- money for their functions. expansion of the former C.l.C. tor of the media team; Joanne continuedon page 3 Marriott won't make any profit continuedon page 2 (committee on interdepart- CoUiflower, newsletter editor; ~ghts: ith 1985 being the AIDS epidemic spurs ~orst year in aviation history in erms of accidents and death, nationwide confusion ~ould you feel safe flying? This is the first of a two part Should a student with AIDS munities." The ACHA also series. be admitted to college? If so, states that "there is no reason yes should he allowed to attend to exclude AIDS victims or aca- carriers from campus class with other students? by Chuck Cruise Should he be allowed to live demic, social, or cultural ac- in dormitories with other stu- tivities. Shared classrooms, The AIDSĀ· crisis may seem I" no irrelevant here at Western dents? These questions were study areas, libraries, thea- - among those recently raised tres, etc., do not represent Maryland College, but in the problems." On the subject of at the mid-Atlantic conference near future the college could I undecided disease is spreading so rap- of the American College dormitory living, the ACHA be forced to deal with the concludes "there is no medi- Health Association. In its pre- epidemic directly. In fact, the cal reason whatever to alter the statements, liminary l 5 10 15 20 25 30 v 100 105 idly that there is a growing ACHA recommends that col- dormitory assignments simply because of a gay or bisexual leges "in approaching policy among nationwide concern Number of people educational institutions to del- aware of both the roommate" The general opinion of the need to avoid paranoia and velop a policy regarding the survev sample: 125 "':'==';""== handling of students with the the legitimate concerns of all continuedon page 5 source: Phoenix L::::~0L...::.Y::::':':l:::::':"":':;::" disease. members of our campus com-
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