Page 54 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 54
Page 6JWe8tem Maryland CollegelNovember IS, 1984 Runners miss nationals Weak Terror offense by Ke~ Connor· qualifying for the nationals, folds before killer Jays taking the thirteenth position. Saturday, Nov. 10 marked Serratelli finished 42 from a the occurrence of the NCAA field of 103 women. Consider- by Elizabeth Leik Brad McLam led the Blue 155. The Terrors did most of Division III Mid-East Regionals ing the tough competition WMC e,nded th~ir football Jays with yardage, reaping their field movement in the for cross country. The best they faced, the Terrors put on season with, a major loss to 112, while also running in two first half, stiffly halted by Blue runners from colleges and a good showing. Johns Hopkins 26-0 last Sat- touchdowns. Jay defense throughout the universities throughout the urday, ~ov. 10. game. Eastern region of the United The men's cross country Offensively t~e Terrors were WMC displayed some hope Hopkins was more success- l States were present. Top fin- teams that qualified for the weak, .gather~n9 only 100 on the field, making 4 inter- ful. grabbing 269 yards rush- were Glassboro, ishers of this race qualified to nationals ceptions off to Hopkins. Oar- ing and 189 passing. Losing In rushing. Freshman Y!irds compete in the nationals. Frostburg, and Susquehanna JimFultz ran a cool 47 yards rell Guyton snatched the 32 yards, the Blue Jays accu- The four runners from West- The women's squads from on the Blue, Jay t~rf, leading longest pass for the Terrors at mulated a grand total of 426 ern Maryland were Brian Franklin & Marshall and Cali- the Terrors In rushing. Quart- 23 yards, and kicker Jack yards, greatly separating Russo, Doug Nolder, Sue fornia University of PA placed erback. Jack Buettner com- Collins caught his first pass them from the Terrors. Hop- Stevenson, and Tracey Serra- in the top two spots. These pleted Just8 out of 23 passes for 12 yards. kins scored twice in the first telli. Russo placed 51 and teams will continue to the for a total of 72 yards. Set quarter, but missed a kick Nolder 100 out of a field of national meet. which will be back for 17 yards, WMC The Terrors commence the and attempt run in, leaving 164 men. In the women's held in Delaware, Ohio at reached a net yardage of season with a 3-6 record. the score at 12-0 by half-time. race, Stevenson just missed Ohio Wesleyan. Basketball opens 61st Volleyball heads to NCAA playoffs season against Baruch The Western Maryland powered the Terrors a year son. Sophomore Chris Lam- men's basketball team opens ago, and forward Henry Mon- bertson (Thurmont, Md.) is an continued from page 1 to her credit while freshman its 61st intercollegiate season tague (Baltimore, Mo.). a agile swing man who ap- Mary Washington before reel- Laura Ciambruschini has 71. Friday November 16, 1984 dominant force on the inside. peared in 18 of 24 contests ing off 23 straight victories Co-captains Beth Lauriat and against Baruch College in the Hursey, a 6-4 junior, aver- last year. Classmate Gilbert .including a tst place finish in Carole Templon have played first round of the Westminster aged 14.3 points and 6.3 Mack (Baltimore, Md.) is a the North/South Tournament. well all season setting the Rotary Tip-Off Tournament at rebounds per outing to cap- quick point guard who saw The Green stumbled twice at soph hitting duo and have the new Physical Education ture the team titles in those action in nine games for the the end of the regular season been the Terrors' most accur- Learning Center. Head Coach departments in 1983-84. Green and Gold. These two against Gettysburg and ate servers. Other key players Alex Ober has returned to Malin, a 6-1 senior- who will be relied upon for depth U.M.B.C. but still compiled a for the Green and Gold in- lead the Terrors after a year scored 9.1 ppg, and Monta- in the speed-oriented Terror fine 34-5 record. elude junior Nicky Pesik and off gue, a 6-4 senior who pulled gameplan The Terrors are led offen- sophomore Barb Cumberland. down 3.8 caroms per contest. sively by sophomore hitters Western Maryland squares Ober, the winningest coach should contend with Hursey Newcomers in the Terror Karen Miles and linda Ba- off against Brooklyn at 7 p m for those titles in 1984-85. frontcourt are forwards Bob ~iec. Mi.leshas recorded 356 Friday night The winner takes in WMC basketball history Junior Dwain Woodley (Tow- Forsythe. (Westminster, Md.), (128-120), hopes to make his killS. while Bawiec has 304. on host UNC-Greensboro at 2 tzth. year on the Hill as son, Md.) has earned a start- John He!nzmann (Somerville, Bawiec has 74 service aces p.m. on Saturday. ing berth after substitute duty N.J.), Mike Murphy (Bowie, successful as the previous three seasons (16-8. 16-7,'16- in 14 games a year ago (1.8 Md.) and Dave Talbert (Seat Md.). 7). Returning to the starting ppg) and junior college trans- Pleasant, as rookies Joining in the FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Bender fer Dick Bender (Grantsville, -,,- Szechun' .~': . .~Westminster lineup tor the Green and Gold Md.) should receive the ball- Green and Gold backcourt are John McDonnell (Timon- handling chores. are co-captains David Malin c:emr- ium, Md.), Todd Staub (Hano- Two other players are back (Pikesville, Md.) and Jim Hur- 848-0919 PolynesIan , . 59 W, MaIn St. sey (Sykesville, Md.), a guard on the court, for WMC after ver, Pa.) and Jeff Stempler and forward tandem which seeing varsity action last sea- (Bethesda, Md.). AmerIcan .. 87&-3166 CockIai1 S8IVice QuIckey Lunch & Carry Out REVIEW COURSES Plioenix 11 'AM-10 PM 81m-Thul8 11 AM-11 PM Fri-5at Catering !Dr Banquets. Parties. Harsd·oeuv .... Staff I December '84 - January '85 , L.S.A.T. For. December 1 exam Meeting i II~mO~!i!~'~t 19, 20, 26, 28 I RC501-06 - November Mon., Tu~s., Wed. 6-9:30 pm I \ G.R.E. For December 8 exam RC501-14 - December 1,2 Mini-Review: I , Carry-Out· Restaurant Sat., Sun., 9am-4 pm I I offering the best in G.M;A.T. For January 26 exam 7, 9, 14, 16, 21 RC501-03 - January i subs, pizza, Mon., Wed., 6-10 pm gyros, full line menue Faculty: Monday 1 Randall Donaldson, 'It's Worth the Trip!! Ph. D. Dean of Continuing Education 1 4 pm I 532 BaRo. Blvd (Rt. 140) Next to McDonalds For Registration or further information in the Pub 1- 148-5666 or 876-2611 open 7 days a week please call: 323-1010, ext. 697. -
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