Page 57 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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ThePhoenix Freshman ROTC cadet thwarts High's robbery As Goldberg walked toward the door, the man yelled On Nov. 22, Thanksgiving "freeze." night, WMC freshman Gary "I looked back and I didn't Goldberg, a pre-med major, see a gun in his hands, so single-handedly helped to thwart a robbery attempt at a without thinking, I just slammed through the doors High's dair.; store in Rockville, and ran the two blocks to the Md. From left to right: Nettie Barrick. Pamela Hamm. Lisa Goldberg, explains that he 'firehouse. The dispatcher there called the police and a • Ricci and Michael Lewis receive Honors and awards. had gone to the convenience cruiser got there in one min- pm to market around 6:45 WMC student pick up some milk after a ute and arrested the' guy." large holiday dinner. Upon Being the only one in the excellence honored entering and going to the High's store besides the two back of the store, he noticed elderly cashiers, Goldberg at- a man pacing around, shak- One Carroll student was standing achievement during ing, and generally "acting tributed his actions to "mov- ing without thinking." recognized at the Western the 1983-84 schoolyear. Mi- suspicious." Goldberg then When not fighting crime in Maryland College Fall Awards chael Lewis, son at Laverne approached the counter to the street,' he enjoys weight Luncheon on Thursday, Nov. Brown at Baltimore, Maryland, pay for the milk. Gary Goldberg lifting and the occasional 29. Nettie J. Barrick, daughter received the Felix Wood- "I knew something was up shaving cream battle. Gold- of Mr. and Mrs. William S. bridge Morley 'Memorial when they asked me if I stead of a receipt, I got a slip berg is also an ROTC cadet Barrick of Patapsco, Mary· Award, made annually to that wanted anything else three of paper that said 'Please call and a member of the col- land, received the Clyde A. member of the freshman times," he says. "Then in- police' lege's Ranger Platoon. Spicer Award in mathematics. class who by his or her The Spicer Award, estab- development on "The Hill" lished in April 1969 in honor has most happily justified ad- Health campaign launched of Dr. Clyde A Spicer, profes- misslon to the college com- sor 01 mathematics at West- munity. Running the service full-time but to be aware of the "stqns ern MarylanaCollege for 40 Lisa A. Ricci, daughter of WARNING - WMC wildlife is Ms. Marlene Clements, R.N. and symptoms your body years, is made annually to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Ricci of may be hazardous to your Clements says the main focus telling you," . IS that student who, during Mechanicsburg, Pennsyl- health. A fellow student is for the Health Services this Several workshops and pro- freshman and sophomore vania, received the James B. receiving a series of 6 injec- year is prevention and educa- grams on preventative medi- tions for rabies prophylaxis years at the college, shows Moore Memorial Award for after being bitten by a cam- tion. cine are scheduled. These the most potential for becom- superior qualities of character programs, such as birth con- I ing a mathematics major. and leadership in all phases pus squirrel. Rabies is a fatal This focus is especially im- trol and nutrition, Will be disease. DO NOT feed, taunt, a graduate of West- I minster High School and a of campus life and activity. or play with campus wildlife. portant because there are no presented directly to students Barrick, longer overnight 'stays. The 1 junior at WMC, received a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray and other changes on cam- Student Health Services has uled for April 9 in order to in the dorms. Hamm, Pamela And A. A Wellness Day is ached- Along with the new gym been distributing certificate, a year's member- a poster ship in the Mathematics Asso- D. Hamm of Stewartstown, pus this fall, the Student which says "Feeling bad? present health information. Pennsylvania, was recipient of ciation of America, and a the Freshman Chemistry Health Services has moved Plan ahead - visit the Health Exhibits, displays, and inform- subscription to Mathematics Achievement Award in recog- from the Thompson' Infirmary Center." This poster has been ative pamphlets will be organ- Joumal. nition of outstanding_scholas- on Main Street to its new misunderstood by many stu- ized in the Forum to "raise the Three other WMC students tic achievement in chemistry location across from ttie caf- dents, says Clements. The level of consciousness of par- were also recognized tor out- during the freshman year. eteria in Decker Center. idea is not to plan to be sick, ticipants regarding health" Sideliahts: hat approach Eating disorders surface should science take to aid dying heart patients? during holiday feasts artlflcal heart by Leigh Cohn women (also many circum- with unrealistically high ex- men). ... to holiday vacations as a nated by low self-esteem, own appearance and weight. Under pectations ordinary of achievement, Special to The Phoenix stances, their lives are domi- concerning especially their transplant Most students look forward The initial binges might be generalized fear, and obses- about joyful time for reunions and food. sive thoughts triggered by specific events, such as: moving away from During the holidays, however, large family meals; but, for both these feelings are intensified. people with eating disorders, home, rejection by a lover, or family pressures. The behav- With a well-thought-out plan these instead may be times for confrontations, lies, and ior often starts as a way of against experimental surgery these individules can use this painful anxiety. Bulimia, which is characterized failed diet. It becomes time off to start a program for by bingei coping drug-like recovery. numbing, purge behavior, and anorexia and plenty of motivation, dieting or in reaction to a a Although underlying the mechanism that provides in- 10 30 40 50 60 70 nervosa, a less common but causes vary, eating disorders stant relief for emotional pain related condition of self-star- Number of people vation, are dangerous epi- typically begin for psychologi- or boredom. Bulimics often demics affecting between '25- cal reasons and become add- Survey sample: 125 Source: Phoenix ~ per cent of college-aged ictive. Most cases are women continued'on page 2
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