Page 58 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 58
Page 2IWesiem Maryland CollegeIDecomber 6, 1984 SGA'To@ Year-end diversions offered Ouestionnalres requested, By Kim Groover few of their favorite methods: work, so Ihal a nap of at least . 1) Go out to eat. Make sure three hours is necessary the IS e committees ~sta bI' h d As Ihe end of Ihe semesler to choose a restaurant where next day. one musl wail 10 be sealed 4) Eat maralhon meals in approaches, students are re- and served. Order items from Englar Dining Hall. Arrive at - Please don't forget to and the Students. alizingthat time is runningout the menu that will take a lunch at 11:15 and remain IQuUrnestilnonalh'·rees.19T8h4eseSIUqdUeenS~be-eThslaebFII.oodshedcoSmhomrti,ttye,eawnid ll ,for ',hose. ten-page papers. considerable amount of prep- there until 1:45. For dinner, and flVe-mln,ute speeches. Yet aration time. Order a drink ptan to be the first-one in and tionaires are extremely impor- we expect this group to start: as the tension mounts. other without an 10. This means a the last one out. tant for establishing a meeting over Jan Term. ! emotions are also running trip back to school is neces- 5) Call your old old high platform in the SGA. rampant on the Western sary. Have them hold your school friends and catch up - The Housing Committee - A Constitution Committee Maryland College campus: order during your absence. on the last three or four years. is actively involved in remov- has been set up to revise our boredom and apathy. Bore- This method works especially During the conversation, ask ing the Fire door from first present Constitution. dam towards semester-old well during the restaurant for details. This way, not only Rouzer Hall. The door will only - Good Luck on all your classes and apathy towards rush do you avoid work, but you be removed by mutual con- exams, and have a pleasant the work still remaining. Wl)ile . can help your friends avoid ~se:n:1=hV=I:he=A:d:m:in:iS:I,:a:tio:n=b,:e:ak:.======~ ~:~rca~~u1~~tsth:r~e:o~~~r~ 2} Wander the halls of your . WO:e:~~'re only a few meth- I'" of the night, others are work- ~~~ e~~ry~~~th~~e°i~edO~e9~ods, but the possibilities are ing even harder to avoid work endless Spend a few hours at all costs. Watching fellow If they are working diligently, each day creatively thinking" ~~:~~~~n i~h~nl~ttt~c~~~T~u~ ~~y~h~. t~~~lka~~i~o~~~~hat ~:o~y:n~o b~vf~a~~:iv~.r~~t as to some of the best means 3) Stay up late the night hurry, the semester is almost of avoiding work. Here are a before you plan to avoid over! ~ Eating disorders surface :=:::::================~ durlng holiday feasts g~N.~~, continued from page 1 kidney failure, or . impaired for themselves. such as plan- should set reasonable goals metabolism. Dr. Jean Rubel, president of binge on several thousand II). .- 1- - -- - . . ~ L.._ calories after ealing what Ihey Anorexia Nervosa and Re- ning non-food related activi- ties, perhaps by setting a limit IGCU84 fQ,..".. feel to be one bite too many lated Eating Disorders for weight gain, or avoiding at a meal. Since they have (ANRED), a non-profit organi- specific incidents that may adds that special- touch to ealen more Ihan Ihey zation which serves as a trigger binges. She adds, "If national clearing-house of in- you do slip back into a food . all your holiday floral needs ~~~~~'d~n~nb~~~, 1~~6wi~~ formation and referrals, oo- behavior, remind yourself it serves that college students does not mean your plan is Merry Christmas to all ~~~~~~~~:~~ifl~; ~~~:el~a"x~: commonly fall victim to food not effective. It merely shows from your local florist 848.9350 lives. These purges confuse problems, "Students are vul- you a place to make some nerable to a cycle of stress revisions so you can more ~=================~ body signals causing ex- r tremely low blood sugar lev- inherent in the structure of the easily achieve your goals." Most who are cured find Carriage House Liquors els, electrolyte imbalances, school year. There is a sepa- that the commitment to get- and cravings for more sugary ration from home and all that ."At the Forks". foods. This cycle perpetuates is familiar, anxiety resulting ting better is made easier with itself, dangerously upsets nor- the important first step of from having to make new .13 W. Main Street, Westminster mal digestion, and further friends and learn one's way confiding in someone who complicates the original psy- around campus, plus class- can help. Vacation time may specials this week .... chological reasons for bing- work and studies which pile provide the perfect setting for ing. pressure on top of stress. All getting support from friends Heineken $3.76 six pk. Lindsey Hall, who cured the while, women are being or family members, who are vigilant about presenting to often understanding and com- Riunite Wine $1.99/5th herself after nine years of the world an immaculate, thin passionate, despite the eut-' appearance. Many students fears of rejection. bulimia has co-written three ferer's r =~jiiiiiiiiiiiliiii~~l which on this subject, efforts to gain some peace However, even with the help resort to disordered eating in of loved ones, overcoming booklets are used in more than 500 colleges and universities. bulimia or anorexia nervosa and release. "That student returns home, She writes in her first booklet, apy and medical treatment. Eat Without Fear, "I binged perhaps still preoccupied with may require professinal fher- up to four and five times a problems at school, to find a Without proper attention, the day after the third year. There different set of pressures and behavior does not suddenly were very few days without 'expectations awaiting. To fur- end and can continue for a of Westminster one. My vision' often became ther complicate matters, hell- lifetime. blurry and I had intense days are traditionally times of Lindsey Hall's bulimia de- headaches. What used to be feasting. For some
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