Page 52 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 52
Page 4IWe8tern Maryland CollegelNovember 15, 1984 Editorial Inauguration benefits outweigh sacrifices Very few Western Maryland college students attended Ihe recent Inauguration of the college's seventh president, Dr. Robert Chambers. And thai's a shame. Some felt that this abstention was a form of protest because of the amount of money spent on the festivities and the lack of student-oriented events. It cannot be denied Ihat the inauguration cast an extraodinary, sum of money. By nr. James Lightner's best estimate, the three day affair will come to a total of $30,000. Lightner was in charge of all innauguration arrangements, and is also responsible for making sure that all outstanding bills are paid. When the issue is examined in greater depth, however, many positive aspects will come from the inauguration, First of all, a new president is not chosen every four years for the college. Dr. Chambers is only WMC's seventh president in 117 years. As for the size of the bill, Dr. John also. had an extravagant welcome -- the cost here was $20,000, Adjusting for inflation 12 years later, $30,000 is not an entirely irresponsible' figure. _ On the subject of student-related events, it is obvious that students were not the main focus of the weekend, Dr. to give those hundreds of visitors a good idea of what WMC is Smallwood praises volunteers Chambers himself will probably tell you that the main idea was about and let them leave with good feelings about the school. This was most certainly accomplished. Editor, In theory all of those visitors that came and enjoyed the Inauguration weekend has Foundation are to be com- bring words of praise to the best that this college could offer, will not forget the school in come and gone. For the mended for transtormlnq Gill Greek community. Indeed, the future, especially when we may need them to better some hundreds of guests visiting Gym into a banquet hall, this type can only bring works aspect of this institution -- an aspect which will undoubtedly campus to take part in the changing it into a cabaret for of praise to the Greek com- benefit the students. Many of the people in attendance hold many activities, everything Saturday evening activities, munity. Indeed, this type of important academic positions around the nation, or perhaps went perfect. Of special note and for cleaning up on Sun- group effort will serve to they are involved in govemment or bdsmess, More importantly, was the Inaugural Luncheon day afternoon. I am also in- strengthen and promote the some of the guests were parents who may decide to send their attended by more than 600 debted to the Bachelors, Greek system as being a vital children to WMC. Isn't that the best endorsement we can get. people.- The .luncheon was a Betes, Delta. Omegas, Phi part of the WMC community. And therefore, was this catering to non-students as unfounded tremendous success due, in Atphs, Phi Delta. Phi Sigs, To all the student volunteers as first thought. large part, to one- very key and Sig Eps for their tremen- who helped to make the . We have no doubt that many campus. residents still factor --- you, the student. dous turnout to serve as wait- weekend a success, I ex- I remain bitter about the inauguration ceremonies and the More than 130 student volun- ers and waitresses. Some 110 press my sincerest thanks for tradition that has been upheld, And that is indeed, a shame, I teers gave an estimated 750. members representing the 4 a job well done. Your efforts "personhours" to create an fraternities and 4 sororities, are appreciated. l The event termed "awesome" by along with 5 independents, Director of Annual Funds Dr. Chambers. responded to the call for help. Gary Smallwood - This great response can only of the Student Members Phoenix Marriott thanks student help Editor-in Chief , Bill Mann Managing Editor Michael Kraig Editor; At WMC I was pleasantly writing this letter to express Layout Editor : C. Lloyd Hart I am employed by Marriott surprised by the enthusiasm, my admiration and apprecia- Copy Editor Jonathan Slade as a catering coordinator. ability and dedication dis- tion to the WMC fraternity and Features Editor , .Barbara Abel Working on events as lmpor- played by the fraternities and sorority volunteers that made Sports Editor , , , Elizabeth Leik tant and difficult as WMC's sororities and other student Inaugruation Weekend a Inauguration Weekend has Photography Editor Stacey Pucci been a normal part of my life. volunteers at WMC. They pleasant and memory for the a successful worked hard in confusing and guests Photography..... Margaret Gemski, Ursula Weidmann In the course of my expert- new circumstances and did event for Dining Services. Business Manager , , Eric Greenberg ences with catering, I. have an excellent job. The set-up Congratulations and thank Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien had the opportunity to work volunteers from the Student you! Reporting Staff Hobert Miller, Steven Rossman, with large numbers of college Foundation produced a beau- Michael Quillin, Jill Grabowski, Cindy volunteers. Usually coordinat- tiful, well set room and the Schafer, Melissa Renehan, Jennifer ing and training these volun- serving volunteers did a ter- Julia Inman Martin, Michael Miller, Rhonda Myers, teers is one of the hardest rific job ensuring that the Catering Coordinator Kelly Connor, Andrew P. _Jung, =~~~~~:~i~~andl,:;,gu;;e;;st;s~n;;e.ediiis.wiiie.re_miiiet•.•".C.o.rp.o.ra.tio.n . Thomas Garland Meadows' remark insults Greeks Published by and lor Ihe students 01 Westem Maryland Cottege.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not Well, once again the- hac- felt to be derogatory and terparts, the Non-Greeks, necessarilyreflectthoseof the staffor administration.The kles are up. This past Satur- insulting. have been doing more than Phoenix reservesthe right to headline,edit for length, day, at the luncheon following As usual I have an- looking a gift-horse in the clarityand libelouscontent.Attlettersto theeditormustbe the inauguration of President other, hopefully more basic mouth; they've been reaching signed, authorshipwiUbe verified. Robert Chambers, Suzanne point. Suzanne Meadows' hol- an arm down its throat, seem- We welcome commentsand/or suggestions,Pleasead- Meadows, Vice President of low insults are less a concern ingly trying to pull out its dress all mail to The Phoenix,WesternMarylandCottege, the SGA, speaking for the in themselves than a symp- heart.What we want to get Westminster,Md. 21157. students, was heard by the tom -of a regretable attitude out in the open is that this IP 100 or so members of Greek that pervades this campus. gift-horse is tired of being Memberof the AssociatedCottegiatePress letter organizations attending For a couple of years now our ridden so hard. We'd like l_ ~ _J to make remarks which many administration and our coun- to see a change in attitude.
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