Page 50 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 2IWe8tem Maryland CoUegelNovember 15. 1984 SGA Today Blair elected treas., weekend destruction prompts probe The SGA would like to ex- some housing problems. The tend a hearty congratulations Executive Council has also to our new treasurer Randy proposed a change in policy Blair. Randy was unanimously that concerns the unlocking of elected to fill the post at the meeting rooms and other fa- last. full Senate meeting. cilities prior to their usage. As Randy has consistently been it now stands Security is often an enthusiastic senate mem- unaware of which rooms they ber and we're looking forward should have unlocked: the to his presence as a member change would necessitate a of the executive council memorandum to alert security at least one day ahead of Other positions that were room usage. fillec at this week's meeting were the Publicity committee . . of the SGA and the Action Due to Increase In dorm A 'Make me laugh" participant collects her $25 for not laughing committee chairmanships. In "destruction" throu9hout ~he addition to these two senate semester, the SGA IS seeking Impact slated for weekend positions numerous other stu- to get some adminiSlrator~1 dent/faculty committees re- fac~lty to. accompany CA s by Sandra Carlson Nov. 29, Laura Whyte will "Party" .Weekend was a big cetve o their student dunng their weekend roun~s. The College Activities Pro- perform as Emily Dickinson in success and added a nice members. Most of these posi- !he purpose IS to the admin- gramming Board will present Alummi Hall's Understage at touch to the President's Inau- lions are filled' pending full istranon to behold for them- the movie Sudden Impact on 8 p.m. Both the Graham lec- guration activities. The cele- senate approval. :;elves m.any of the. types. of Friday, Nov. 16 and Sunday, ture and the performance are bration began on Thursday Irresponsible behavior which Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. and 7 p.m. free. with "Make me laugh." Two Issues now before the SGA occur. Hopefully, as a result respectively. This is the last students managed to sit at present include proposals they will be able to find some CAPBOARD event before The video series, "Rock- through the 6 minute require- to change publication budget- means to deal with the prob- Thanksgiving break after stu- world" is still being shown on ment without laughing, and in Ing procedures as well as lem more effectively. dents come backe, however, the pub's large screen televi- doing so, each won $25. The sion and Wednesday on Chip Franklin, Pub singer, I = ==================~ Fred Graham will lecture on of Thursday nights at 9 p.rn. was also well recieved and "The Sights and Sounds Justice" on Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. There is no charge for watch- made the audience laugh as , Earn Free Travel and in McDaniel Lounge. free to sit down and enjoy much as the comedians on ing, and students should feel Graham is a legal corte- spondent for CBS and is part while grabbing something to Thursday night. the Saturday night dance, featuring Lucifer, Extra Money As A _Campus Rep!!!' gLis~eAIBL~~t~~~~s ~~~;t~~~ eat or drink in the pub also provided a distraction CAPBOARD's Celebration from studies N.E. #1·Student Travel Company is seeking Code home rule question reps for its Bermuda. Bahamas & Florida Spring Break Trips. provides study of county Call Paul. Person to Person collect at (6U) 449-1112 9 am _ 5 pm continued from page 1 Allegany County in the west- more radical step which would abolish the commis- ern part of the state. Resi- or any other' counties or not, dents there claim that they stoner system in favor of a must be presented to and can see . little difference in county council. (617) 444-7863 6-10 pm. approved by the lawmakers in their government. In fact the The students of Western Allegany commissioners Maryland College, most of ~~;:;;:;;:;;:;~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~;:;~~~~ Annapolis. Proponents believe admit they have passed only whom are not residents of the the adoption of code home ~ rule would allow the "county six laws in the last year, county, know very little about commissioners to consider mostly pet and traffic ordi- the politics of the county and .. __ .. __ ..... _ ...... _ .. '"'" __ """'1.1 ~~~ro!F~~Un~~w~IO~~n~e~:i~ nances. the people of Carroll. The residents of the Hill have point of contention has been Code home rule is not a gotten a unique opportunity to that laws that the county license to legislate freely. discover the people who will needs are being delayed by Counties would still have to be their neighbors for thenext the lengthy state lawmaking approach the state legislature several years. Though many process and unnecessarily for approval on questions see local residents as "town- burdening an already over- concerning weighty issues ies" or farmers, countians loaded, legislature. Others such as taxes. However. value their traditions and are are less worried that the some still argue that if a fiercely opposed to change.As • Test 'n Tape county's laws are being held county operates a govern- one student observed, maybe Reinforcement uptnan the possibility that the ment then that government this opposition to change is commissioners would be able ought to have some real just what has allowed this Call Days Evenings & Weekends to pass their own salary in- power to accomplish the de- coUege to retain its own "old creases. This was based on a sires of the local electorate. fashioned" liberal arts values commissioner salary hike The question of code home while others are abandoning TEST PREPARATION 243-1456 proposition that was not sup- rule for Carroll County wit! them in favor of high level, SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 ported by Carroll's Annapolis arise again in the next elec- but often narrow, technology. delegation during the last tion according to its propo- These are the same liberal 3121 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 21218 session. nents. Some observers say arts values and qualltites Other areas in Maryland use I!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the code system including the next time it will take the once again being sought after in the job market. form of charter government, a
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