Page 55 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 55
November IS, 1984lWeotem Maryland College/Page 7 Burns' dual performance Westminster area saves Oh God part 3 offers theater-goers comic doubleheader by Jonathan Slade talents into overdrive to save now is not one of fun and like a fine wine George the picture. Starring as the AI- games. The countenance, in- "Come on down and get Bums gets better with age. mighty Himself,the crusty co- deed, belongs to a rneticu- For those students who are into the spirit of things," Palm His charisma, cunning. and median brings the story alive lous, calculating madman, looking tor off-campus enter- says "Blithe Spirit may just caustic wit have yet to reach with his rendition of an aftec- and it strikes the audience tainment "this weekend, the surpriseyou. It is a thoroughly a peak, for they refuse to tionatelyhumandiety. We find when all defenses are down. Westminster High School enjoyable show."The priceof relent in their upward surge in Burns a God who cares There is no Question, no Thespians will be presenting admission is two dollars. toward perfection. Unfortun- about the common folk and doubt, that before us stands Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit in Those who do not wish to ataly,though, scripts and sto- concerns Himself with their the embodiment of evil. And the auditorium at 8 pm on venture from the WMC rylinesdo not follow this same affairs, rather than planetary the Burns acting ability is Friday,Nov. 16 and Saturday, grounds, however, have an- the..()lder~they~are~the~better~crises of astronomic proper- underscoredas he plays both Nov. 17. other treat in store for them. they~getsort of pattern.A plot tions. No Red Seas are split roles, God and Devn, without "We believe that this is an that has seen the screen in this movie, but one man fault, flaw, or foible. . extremelyintellectual comedy Tribute, a play of potential many times rarely becomes a does discover the sout-snet- Oh God, You Devil!, now- and students from Western tragedy, makes it easy for the gripping experience for the tenng price of success. ever, is technically a sequel Maryland may especially audience to find the courage audience,and usually expires But perhaps Bums' best and consequently is open to enjoy it," says Andy Palm, under a tombstone reading performance comes during comparison to its parent pro- who stars as writer Charles \~a~~~ie~a~~~i~~g~o~'~~~ campus on Nov.16, it is sure "tired cinematiCcliche." his portrayal ct the Devil. ductions. In the original Oh Condomine. And sadly .in Burns' latest Sporting red tinted glasses God!, John Denver played a This play of three acts re- to be a hit. work Oh God, You Devil! ,the and a fiery bow tie, he con- supermarketmanagerwho re~ vowee around the author's As New York Magazine appearance of the latter stantly forces us into a post- ceives a visit from the AI- interest in a homocidal me- dramacritic John Simonsays, neany destroys the former. tion where we want to laugh mighty while taking a shower. dium, Madame Arcati, who is Tribute "takes the sting out of Warner Brothers, it seems, at his whimsical exploits. In (The miracle thunderstorm played by Helen Lowe. Arcati, adultery, divorce, prostitution, was intent upon using a story fact, we fight the urge to that occurs in this movie in- it seems, has brought Can- faHure in business,' nona- whose hems were torn t,rom smile only half~heartedly,in- side Denver's car probably dornlne's first wife back from chievementof artistic asplra- constant employment and temally enjoying this flame- belongs in the comic hall of the dead, only to find that this tions, family infighting, and whose colors have long since spawned funny man. Then fame.)4'he idea of a divine resurrectedspirit severelydis- best of all, death itself!" faded in the hot movie spot- suddenly, amidst his humor- spirit coming to earth dressed likes her husband's second Tribute will be performed light. Indeed, these tenden- aus one-liners,Burns turns to in fisherman's attire was a wife, Ruth. Ruth is portrayed Nov.'6, 17 and 18 at 8 p.m. cies toward rehashing the camera and flashes a shocking novelty that; in- by Natalie Regensburg, and on the AlumniHall Mainstage. popular plots from the past maniacalstare that slashesits trigued atheists and evangel- the newly arrived ghost, EI- For ticket reservations, call almost ruin the film. fngid blades deep into our ists alike. Thus, the initial Oh vira, is played by Chris 848-7000, ext. 599. Almost. very hearts. And the smile God! set the high mark in Kempf. - ~B_um__s,_h_o_w_ev_e_r,_t_hr_o_w_s_h_is__t_ha_t_s_p_re_a_ds__a_cr_os_s__hi_S_li_PS oo_n_ti_nu_e_d_0_n__Pa_9_e_8,~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Carriage· House Liquors EVEN STRAIGHT «S CAM'T "At the Forks" HELP IF YOU FWNK TUITION. 113 W. Main Street, Westminster specials this week.... Today, the toughest thing about going Heineken 12pk $6.99 to college is findi~g_the money to pay for it. Grizzley Beer 6 pk. $2.99 But Army ROTC can help - two ways! 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