Page 51 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 51
November 15, 1984iWestem Maryland College/Page 3 College regalia fills _News Analysi... _ Chambers' ceremon Voter emotions by Jonathan Slade override issues Amid the silence of a crammed gymnasium, Dr. in '84 campaign Robert H. Chambers bowed his head slightly to allow the bulky, sparkling presidential medallion and chain to be by Eric Greenberg became more aggressive placed around his neck. The mood was a bit sedate later in the campaign, Men- Then, stepping forward to the at Capboard's Tuesday night dale was not able to shake podium, he spoke his first election party as students the Carter shadow. words as the inaugurated ad- watched Dan Rather proclaim Yet as sophomore Chris ministrator of Western Mary- a Reagan victory. Most stu- Ginther (a Reagan supporter) land College. dents expected a Reagan pointed out, "you have to give "I'm beginning to feel the win, the only question was - it to Mondale for persist- weight of office already," he would Reagan sweep all fifty ence... He kept going even in quipped, motioning to the states? When the papers hit the face of a losingĀ· battle" dangHf)g gift. the streets in the wee hours of One political theory is that Such was the climax of the i the morning, the results were voters will vote with their in: Reagan captured 525 out ~~ 1~ ~~~~m~~~e~~~Ch;~~ I by resident Ralph C. John. of 538 electoral votes. Only pocketbooks in mind. Four years ago Reagan asked the president in the college's 117 President Peter Brooks looks on. Minnesota and Washington, American people, "Are you year history. Wilbur D. Pres- tion. places of higher education D.C. could be claimed as better off now than you were ton, Jr., Honorary Chairman of Using an old New Yorker cater to an extremely narrow Mondale territory. four years ago?" In 1980, with the Board of Trustees, pres- cartoon in which a vendor is field of study. Students and faculty alike ided over the inauguration, selling school pennants, "(Dr. Chambers) knows that felt that both campaigns at- inflation over 13 percent and which was attended by stu- Warch underscored the com- a. liberal arts education gives tempted to appeal to the interest rates peaking at 21 dents, parents, faculty, al- mon attitued toward. a liberal him the ability to master any voters emotionally. Dr. percent the people re* umni, and the news media, as arts education. When a stu- subject with facility. His job, Charles Neal of the Political sponded with an overwhelm- ing "no." well as 199 representatives dent in the cartoon, he ex- therefore, is not to introduce Science department was in from various universities and plained, is presented with the these (creative ideals here), the pub talking to a group of In 1984, Reagan asked the educational institutions choice of purchasing a Yale but to express them. students as the returns came American people the same throughout the world. pennant and a WMC pennant, "Today," Warch concluded, in. Neal commented that, "it question. This time the Ameri- Dr. Richard Warch, presi- the vendor asks the boy "we celebrate the happy was Reagan's Teflon-coated can people feel that they are in fact better off. Inflation is dent of Lawrence University, which one he wants. union of the right man for the personality that won the elec- now under 3.5 percent. When provided the keynote speech. "Great heavens, are you right job at the right place tion... issues were not very Opening the address by men- mad?" the studenl replie in and the right time." important to most voters in students travel down to Little George's these days, they will tioning that he and Chambers shock, suggesting in a rhetor- After the ceremony of inves- this campaign." Indeed, Rea- notice that prices won't be met in 1963 and that they had ical manner that an ivy league titure, Chambers reacted to gan seems to appeal to many rising quite so quickly. Inter- taught together at Yale, education is more highly val- his new position by stressing younger voters as a father or est rates are now under 12 grandfather figure. His warm Warch explained that his ued than one from a coUege the basic premise on which percent. Students going out presence at the ceremony such as Western Maryland WMC was built. reassuring personality offers to buy new cars after gradua- us a reality where "everything was his way of returning a "Great heavens, we are "Western Maryland College I favor to a friend. mad," Warch affirmed, "but is founded on two pillars...a is going to be ok." tion will save hundreds of A majority of the population I "Dr. Chambers attended my we are not suffering some liberal education and strong believes' that Mondale, how- dollars in interest costs. Fi- "Four years ago," he said, nally, has unemployment teaching," he said. sort of academic dementia. ~ fallen from a post World War l inauguration as president of In.stead, our madness, if you ing for its own sake, not confidence in the American II high of 10.8 percent to 7.4 ever, has inspired no such "A liberal education is train- Will, is predicated on the value Lawrence University." percent and almost 9 million people. Many saw him as Warch then proceeded into (with which we hold the pri- training (with only the market- the heart of his address, illu- vate institution). place in mind). It reveals the weaK, caving in to various new jobs have been created and interest groups, being in the private sector. minating the benefits of at- "The liberal arts. college fundamental human With these kinds of numbers tending a private liberal arts must stake its claim on per- being...and we come to terms soft on the Russians. In part, under Reagan's belt, it was of image weakness this college, as well as discussing formance rather than promin- with ourselves. This is, in fact, no wonder that Mondale the stereotypes that many ence," he continued, the central purpose of all stemmed from Mondale's Car- hold toward such an institu- suggesting that too many academic endeavor." ter days. Even though he faced such stiff challenge. cele,brat.e autumn PI. . I Drtnk Lhe6apeake HARD CIDER >~> ~'''=iIl 7h~~ 28 Wr.tMa;fISmd, ~. A~lable at Wor.tmwforr, Maryland 21157 . Telephoflor 301/848 . 0060 Carriage House Liquors and . Come visit our open house on . Sunday, Nov. 25 from 12-5 pm IUOWSE .. Country Liquors 25% off on all oil paintings WELCOIR 11 ...
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