Page 49 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 49
Pesik honored as Academic All-American by Bill Mann batting average of .491, 16 RBI's and two nomeruns. Nicky Pesik, junior, not sim- From regions, ply an ordinary student, not are placed eight into a pool names by the just an average softball sports information directors. player. Pesik happens to be Mr. Steve Ulrich summitted an extraoridinary example of Pesik's name for WMC. The both student and ball player. regional winners are put into a Her academic and sports pur- national pool and then ten suits have earned her the distinguished title of Aca- national winners are chosen. demic All-American. In addition to softball, Pesik is a member of· the WMC Pesik was chosen to be on. volleyball team. She is a the first team by the sports starter and the only junior on information directors associa- the team. This scholar ath- tion. With the plaque she lete is happy with the sports received, Pesik also has a program at the college, she chance to apply for a gradu- said, "I believe the sports ate scholarship with the NCAA. \"T J program for women_is ade- Pesik said "The award is quate." based on an academic GPA .... As for next year's softball and softball statistics, RBis, team, Pesik added, "I think batting average, fielding, etc." '" the team is going to be good Pesik's GPA is 3.89. Some next year because we have of her softball stats include a Nicky Pesik many returning players." Volleyball accepts bid The Western Maryland Col- perspective, Western Mary- that the Terrors have qualified lege volleyball team made it land is a small institution and for post-season play. In 1981" four in a row Sunday when having the chance to play at WMC traveled to Laverne. the NCAA Division III Volley- the NCAA Tournament is a California, where they were ball Tournament Selection distinction." eliminated in three matches. Committee invited the Terrors The Green and Gold will In 1982, the Green and Gold MIT Greensboro, I to their 24-team post-season travel on to Brooklyn College NC to in were upset the by Terrors and last knocked season, take . party. l has Coach Fritz feels season team the first The round winner of tourna- the off being UNC-Greensboro the before of the the tour- bumped from ment. and had a good nament by national-runnerup will matchup WMC-Brooklyn is honored the invitation. "Getting there for is hardwork. If advance to the round of 16 California-San Diego. Dr. Robert Hunter Chambers, III, we can relax during the finals, and face North Carolina- Western Maryland suffered of Western Maryland, looks on during closing we can win," Or. Fritz stated. Greensboro. just an early-season loss at "Winning is not the important The invitation marks the continuedon page 6 remarks at Saturday's inauguration ceremonies. See thing at stake. When put in fourth time in as many years related story on page 3. Sidelights: ill Reagan increase Code home. rule question taxes within the next year de- spite his campaign promise not provides study of county to? by C. Lloyd Hart Commissioners Jeff Griffith measure also were somewhat Yes and William Lauterbach Jr. surprised that Armacost. op- Included among this year's banded together to place the posed code home rule be- ballot questions for the citi- code question on the ballot cause he is often No zens of Carroll County to over the opposition of fellow characterized as the "power decide upon was the contro- commissioner and president hungry" member of the versial issue of code home William Armacost. However, in board. supporting. the gov- Those Undecided counnans' rule code home m rule. The was a resounding the past, have been initially ernmental change argued that questions preference increase Carroll's would it from vote no. The count "\'-'_~_=_=-=-----:-=-_.,- I more than final 2 to 1 against was raised government. outside This the re- measure of independence county the 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 question. home rule had not versal caused many voters to from the Maryland all laws that Leg- State Presently islature. Code question the two commission- Number of people been placed on the ballot for ers' motives. Some cam- are sought by the citizens or seven years. In its last outing paigned so loudly that Griffith the commissioners, whether the referendum was defeated and Lauterbach were only the proposed bill would affect by a margin 133 1- Source: Phoenix Survey sample: __~ This election of 5 to 1. County lntereated in increasing their continuedon page 2 year ow,n power. Those against the
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