Page 48 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 48
Page 8IWeotem Maryland College/November 8, 1984 Mistletoe Mart shows Body Double reverses crafts" goodies latest horror trends by Hilary Hansen throughoutthe year, selecting If you feel like getting out to and inviting craftsmento par- crunch through the leaves, ticipate in the MistletoeMart. by Jonathan Slade tuned in for more erotic enter- Thus, we come to accept the enjoy the cool weather and This year, craftsmenwill come tainment, he witnesses more painfully slow beginning as a than just the rhythmic motions means of unveiling the plot then maybe warming up with from all over the East Coast, Out of an era where' the of a female dancer. Indeed, and defining the rules by some hot tea and home- representing such stales as blood-gushing exploits of he sees a murder. which this movie plays. baked goodies, you might Connecticut, New York, North machete-wielding maniacs want to take a walk over to Carolina, Virginia and, of have all but forced the mys- DePalma,who directed and The only other weakness, the Mistletoe Mart at the As- course, Westminster. tery genre into extinction, wrote Body Double, jumps off though, involves the cinema- cension Episcopal Church According to Harshey, comes Body Double, an en- from this point, and the sec- tography. Steven H. Burum, next week. these exhibitorswill be selling tirely captivating film that ca- and hour proves to be a gut- the director of photography, For a student admission of crafts for their own profit. The ters to mindplay more than wrenching, suspense-strewn uses far too many static $1.50, you' can browse Ascension Episcopal Church mutilation. Released by Cot- venture into mindplay may- shots. Often the straight-on, around a collectionof all sorts is raising funds from the umbia Pictures,it is the latest hem. One can't help but to frontal view becomes so an- of crafts and exhibits. Some project by charging rentalfee work of Hollywood-eccentric squirm in his seat, beg for noying that we start to ques- of the attractionswill be hand- for the craftsmen'suse-of the Brian DePalma, who forces Scully's safety, and plead the tion whether or not this movie crafted jewelry, patchwork facility and by taking admis- his stash-happytendencies to actor's case' before a cynical was produced by amateur quilts, dolls, dried flowers, sion at the door. take a back seat while in- investigating officer. It takes high school students. At pottery, wooden toys, and The Mistletoe Mart will be trigue, in the grand Hitch- all of one's faculties to _keep times,the characters let loose candles. open 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. on Nov. cocklan sense, takes over. pace with this sensory en- with extended conversations Ms. Maryl Harshey, interior 8 and 9 and 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The movie centers around slaught. (especiallyat the bar) that are designer and ownerof Maryl's on Nov. 10. For some lazy the tribuiatlone of Jake Scully uninterrupted by a new cam- Interiors in Westminster, ;"!. weekend entertainmentand a (Craig Wasson), a struggling This, however, directly op- era angle. This makes the coordinatingthe project along chance to pick up some actor whose life has suddenly poses the film's first hour actors appear extremely ner- with Ms. Sue Barnett. To-- hand-crafted knick-knacks. taken a tum for the worse. which crawls by with the vous and uncomfortable.The gether, they attend craft stop in and visit the Mistletoe After arriving home one day finesse of a slug. Here, un- audience, as well, becomes shows around the area Mart. from the set to find his fian- doubtedly under the influence irritated. Tribute cast decided cee romantically attached to of Sir Alfred Hitchcock's Ver- in the first half of the picture tigo, DePalma concerns him- another man, Scully vacates But again, this only occurs self with Scully's phobia, as the premises and proceeds to "Tribute," a play wrltten by Neil Boyle" Julie Ann Elliott, be fired from his job. It'seems well as the actor's purhSusit0lf 'pCOIUld,it. be ant.other10f De~ he went into claustrophobic Gloria Revelle (Debora e - h a rnas mnovarve p oys t 0 Bernard Slade, is a comedy and Max DIxon. shock if! the coffin of a grade ton), the woman that he be- throw viewers off balance?), whuhmiCahnbe'Iienm9SentOsutofthl"fee,vTheryeD~~~ a~~6~tt~:~~~~~eto~~~ B vampire flick just one time neves he sees from his and Burumcompensatesfor it too many to be forgiven by window. These sequences with superb shots later in the play centers around the reta- man.who devoted his lil.e to his employer. Consequently, before her murder involve his film. tionship between a father'i makinq people laugh. Dlx~n, he wanders from bar to acting sexual infatuation with this Yes, even that sideways Scottie Templeton, and his a professor In the dramatics class to bar in search of a stunningly beautiful mystery angle that is so strongly remi- I :~~'h~~~'de~ne10~:~sf~~~Ji~~~~ry~~a~~:~~e,a~s :e~~~~ place to stay. ~r~w~~~II~e~nt~~~~'g~n~,~~~ ~1~~~~tt~fi~h~s~gh~~~dB~~~ parents' divorce. Althoughthe cOf!1er to t~e theatre. HIS Enter Sam Bouchard every shopping mall and hotel cho fI, can count in Burum's I play is a comedy, it also vaned roles Include Calaban (Gregg Henry), a fellow "per- in the Hollywood district. At credit column. He uses it so well in Scully's claustrophobic former" and new acquaint- this point. amidst the yawns deals with the seriousaspects in "The Tempest,"Valponein I of life such as death divorce "Valpone", and ThomasMen- ance who directs Scully to of audience members, we attack scenes. And the shot ' , dip in ''The Ladie's Not For begin to look at our watches, some living quarters. The of the down-and-outactor ac- and ~oping. I Burning." place turns out to be the wondering why we shelledout tually kissing Revelle,conveys 1 Peter Brooks, Wendy Moore, in Alumni Hall on November gentleman who is out of the four dollars for such a bum ecstasy ad infinitum. The cast is made up of of an extremely rich "Tribute" will be presented home ticket. Thus the movie succeeds. And, at this point, DePalma DePalma,though it is not his to house sit. And from this ; :Q:ui:nn=c:,e:SS:,:D:eb:,:a:W:ax:m:a:n:,,:1:6:,:17:,:a:nd=1:B'====~ country; thus, Scully is hired has us right where he wants intention,may indeed become ritzy perch above the Los us. The deluge of action, the next master of mindplay. But, whatever happens, Carriage House Liquors AngEtlesValley, the bedrag- then, arrives unexpectedly, don't leave the theater after glad actor views, via a tele- and, as the audience is still "At the Forks" scope, the sensual dances of reeling jn surprise, he turns only seeing the first half hour a disrobing neighbor. One the film from one of worn-out of BOdy Double. You may end 113 W. Main Street, Westmi!lster night. though, as Bouchard is dialog and cliches into a up missing the cinematic ra- ~ro~t~in~to~wn__ ~an_d~&~UI~IY~iS~s~u~sp~e_n_se_fu_I~,_d_a'_in~9~d,_a_m--,a,~b_irt_h_O_f_CI_aS_S_iC_m_y~s_te_ry_,__ ~ speeials _this \V~k .... Labatts Beer 2,99 six pack Plioenii Sun Country Coolers 2.994 pack Staff Meeting 1~~~~ Monday it pin _11'Jt=-~ · in -the 'Pub GMAT. LSAT • GRE MeAT. OAT & Weekends EvenIngs ,"College Night -At The Pub"· Call Days, 243-1456 Every Wed. night from5-elose.presen~ I.~ W.M.C. I.D. and receive Everyone: please-attend 10% Off of 1";"'" total bill.
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