Page 46 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 46
Page &/Weltern Maryland CollegeiNovember 8, 1984 Cross country ends season with respect by Kelly Connor the MAC. Doug Nolder fin- ished second for Western The Western Maryland Maryland, 59th overall. cross country teams wrapped Tracey Serratelli dominated up their season with the Mid- our woman's squad, taking Atlantic Conference (MAC), the ninth position out of 105 which was held at Lebanon women. She crossed the line Valley, on Saturday, Nov. 3. in 19:39. Sue Stevenson and Both the men's and Lynne Schuler placed 26th women's teams competed in and 51st respectively. good form. The men placed Franklin & Marshall's 15th out of 24 teams; the women's team dominated the women finished 10th out of field by capturing four of the 18, first five positions, winning the Brian Russo led 'the Terrors, team title. The champions of completing the 8000 meter the men's meet was Susque- Terrors and Garnets mix course in 26:35. Out of 159 hanna. men, Russo placed 12th. His members of the men's and Garnets slaughter WMC This Saturday, Nov. 10, four performance was the highest ever recorded by a Western women's teams will represent Maryland r:u_~L L~_!heyears Western Maryland at the in football massacre our school has participated in NCAA, Betes win third title by Elizabeth Leik tempts for the Terrorswas 29, yardage with 32. including a Swarthmore easily demon- with only 7 completed and 60 20 yard pass up the middle Henry. In the other semi-final, strated who is top team in the yards gained. Swarthmore ex- early in the first quarter. Andrew P. Jung the Preachers defeated the Centennial Conference Satur- ecuted 15 successful throws Combining passes with The brothers of Gamma Beta Bachelors 6-0 in a tough day, Nov. 3, when they shut out of 25 tries for 180 yards. yards rushed, WMC reached Chi won their third straight defensive games, to reach out the Green Terrors 41-0, The most distressing figures· 41 while Swarthmore gar- intramural football champion- the championship. The only boosting their personal record come from yards rushing'; nered 466. Swarthmore quart- ship and ran their undefeated score came on a touchdown to 7-1.for the season. Swarthmore with 349 and erback Glenn Bennett was streak to 27 games without a pass from Sam Kerns to Keith WMC's offense and defense WMC with 28. The Garnet virtually unopposed while loss. Berlin In the championship seemed to have little effect offense suffered 14 penalties, connecting with his team- game, VanBuren hooked up against the Garnet squad, contributing to a loss of 63 mates for 167 yards. Bennett In the semi-finals the Betes with Updike again, and the resulting in the Terrors' worst yards for a total of 286. It was ran in two touchdowns and destroyed the Sig Eps 18-0 Bete defensive picked up a showing of the year. Fresh- worse for the Terrors, as the passed for two more, racking with Andy Van Buren connect- safety to win the champion- man quarterback Jack Buett- game wore on. Swarthmore up more than half the team's ing on the three touchdown ship game 8-0. This was the ner had a disappointing day, cut 47 yards off WMC's mea- scoring. passes, two to Jay Updike with two interceptions, com- ger accumulation, leaving the The Terrors travel to Johns and the other to Skip Mc- continued on page 7 pleting only 4 of his intended Terrors 19 yards in the red. Hopkins for their last game on ~==::========::::::::::::::::::==::~r2_0_D_a_ss_e_s, __o_ve_ra_II__Da_s~s~a~t.__ s_C_Otl__ F_Un_k_l_ed__th_e_T_e_rm_r_S_in__ s_a_ru_rd_a_y_N_o_v_,_10_, --, INTERESTED IN 857-0325 A MASTERS DEGREE IN ~ fiRSt GW} ~ For all your .BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION? ~ ImpReSSions ,~ beauty needs PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION? 30 w. MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND ACCOUNTING? DISCOVER RICE UNIVERSITY'S JESSE H. JONES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATION -- A REPRESENTATIVE ~u""-d1 7JJ..2~ WILL BE ON CAMPUS ON Wednesday, November 14, 1984 Counseli & Career Services Z8WutJiainSmd, ~. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT:,"iMt~r. Maryla1Vl21l51 Please send an application and a brochure about T."pholl. 301/848 . 0060 Rice University'. JONES GRADUATE SCHOOL to: Come visit our~pen h()use on . NAME (please print) _ Sunday, Nov .. 25 TrOm 12·5 pm iao ...... 25% off on all oil paintings WKLCOIft ADDRESS------------------~~----------~- CITY STATE ZIP------------------------ _ COLLEGE OEGREE DATE RICE UNIVERSITY JONES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATION P.O. BOX 1892 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251 (713) 527-4918 Rice UoivenitJ is an equal opportunity/a_!'f~ati~e action inatitution.
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