Page 44 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 44
P"IIe 4IWestem Maryland CollegeJNovember 8, 1984 Editorial! Inhuman Greek hazing practices must cease now Recently Nancy Young, acting director of resident llte, sent a letter warning against the practice of hazing to the two I sororities on campus who have not yet violated WMC's policies in this area. Yes, it is only seven weeks into the school year and- two sororities have been cited as having inflicted some . form of humiliation and/or pain upon their pledges. For what possible reason could such actions be justified; , is hazing' fun for. the pledges? It is often said that hazing . promotes the spirit of kinship among perspective fraternal members. Is it realty necessary to degrade and harm an individual in order to give that person a sense of belonging. If to build you do accept the premise that hazing is a mechanism hazing Democrats must shake strength and character, you must also realize that is dangerous. Pledging ~ertain organizations can bring you serious harm. It has happened on this campus in recent years 'Cartermondale' jinx and we suspect it will happen again. Other colleges have had to send students home either in pieces or dead. Of course, the parents accepted the Joss because of the ~pirit of the by c. LloydHart last days thing. You know, these things happen. Most Incidences. of four years and the showed that around lately is running Sen. Edward of the campaign (D-Mass.) Kennedy hazing gone afoul begin innocently enough. The consumption "Turn out the tights, the Mondale never had much of a again. Whoever thought up of alcohol becomes the overconsumption of alcohol. A night party's over." The election chance against his Hepubli- that idea ought to be excom- spent in a damp field, however becomes severe pneumonia parties are over and the Dem- can chejlenqet. municated from the party. No the next morning. . ocratlc party is overturned. one is more liberal, and less This may seem like a rather cold and harsh way ~o In 1984 the Democratic With Mondale in retirement, i suited to lead his party back approach an issue such as hazing, but the fact of the matter IS party suffered its second con- the door is open for some of 'to the middle than the man humiliation, destruction, and death are nothing but cold and secutive humiliating defeat at the rising stars of what will who once advocated and still harsh. the hands of the American have to be the new Demo- dreams of a national health If there is a Greek or an independent that has a good, ~~~~~'rd N~. s~i~~n,:reh~~1~r~~ cratic party. Presently, Sen. insurance. Trading on the intelligent reason to substantiate the practice of hazing, this landslide victory in 1972, car- '~:;'ae~:~k~~-~~'~o~~~at~~~ ~e~~~~y ~:g~~~hd~~~~ s::~ newspaper would be interested in hearing lt. In this specific rying forty-nine states, has the for 1988. A predicition such once did. In the words of one instance, it is not nessary to sign your name if you feel that a party been trounced so badly. a~ this so far. in . advance political columnist, "Ted Ken- Signature may cause you undue grief. The Phoenix will re~erve This time, not once but twice, might not. 0!9lnanly have nedy for president is an idea the right to print any submission that appears to offer some in a row. much crediblllty. However, whose time has come _ and intelligent ins_ight into this intriguing ritual. ou~iS c~~es~u~:!s ha;o~ sf~~ ~~~~~tP~~~t:~e~'~~~o~l~ ~a:! gone." Democrats. Their first priority Deal coalition, and the tradi- Another priority of the party The is demoralized party. divided and tional have gained a measure is House to recover lost on Tuesday. the rebuitd some to Democratic of a philoso- seats phies Declslons in the light of the on new this base Phoenix must be forthcoming Democrats of disrepute Mondale of Heaqan- Without Democrats can't in the states to recent leadership hope and strategy the new successes on the represents quickly, or omics. significant the make gains could be in a poor position in both of these aspects. national scene. The party Editor-in Chief Bill Mann which 10 enter the 1986 mid- must recover its traditional Managing Editor Michael Kraig term elections. Losing a sig- If Hart can put "the beef" in power base in the industrial Layout Editor C. Lloyd Hart nificant number of seats from his plan, the one Mondale so northeast. The "ruatbowl" is Copy Editor... . Jonathan Slade either house two years from effectively picked apart in the trouble America made in Features Editor... . Barbara Abel now would be a tremendous primaries, he may well attract heaven for the Democrats. Sports Editor .. . Elizabeth Leik handicap to take into the next many former Mondale sup- Yet the so-called party of the Photography Editor Stacey Pucci presidential election. porters. The only other sen- under-dogs is not even close Photography Margret Gemski, Ursula Wiedmann So, the impending actions ous challenger, the Rev. in even one of these states. Business Manager Eric Greenberg . of the Democratic party will Jesse L. Jackson, doesn't The reasons are quite simple. Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien have great impact on the have a realistic chance to Steel workers with no jobs .... political climate of the next wrest the nomination from the and laid off coal miners do Reporting Staff Robert Miller, Steven Rossman, decade. more moderate, middle of the not want to hear about higher Michael Quillin, Jill Grabowski, Cindy The following are some road Hart. Jackson, to put it taxes. The defection of even Schafer, Melissa Renehan, Jennifer areas to which the Democrats bluntly, is too black for the the most die-hard Democrats Martin, Michael Miller, Rhonda Myers, must pay special attention in majority of the mostly _middle should make it apparent that Kelly Connor, Andrew P. Jung, the near future. class white electorate. Vice Mondale's tax strategy is a Thomas Garland First, and this is not an "Presidential candidate Geral- complete failure. The Demo- earthshaking revelation, Fritz dine Ferraro is also a write-off crats must shake their image is through. He was through for the national ticket in 1988. as committed tax raisers and Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not ~~o~~d h~inS!f,~edad~~e~~~ ~~jo~~;gt~~ei~c~U~~~g b~~~r: big spenders. necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. The President Jimmy Carter did away from her. Her aspire- The Democratic party must Phoenix reserves the right to headline, edit for length, toward clarity and libelous content. All letters to the editor must be long ago. His disappointing tions lean 1986. a Senate divorce itself from this cam- signed, authorship will be verified. administration and subse- seat in She will be paign and from Walter Mon- quent defeat in 1980 reafstl- back, however. dale if it hopes to regain its We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please ad- cally finished everyone In the meantime, the Demo- lost luster. It had to rid itself dress aU mail to The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157. connected with his record. crats need a party leader of the "Cartermondale" syn- And there's no one more around which to rally. Again, drome in order to win this Member of the Associated Collegiate Press connected than Walter Mon- Hart could be that man. One election and it couldn't do it. dale. Polls all through the last idea that has been bantered Bye Bye Walter.
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