Page 25 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 25
'11~ Gelhard assumes lead ~.role in Development 1 , by Robert Keane fundraising, all extra monies Ms. Cynthia Gelhard, the added to the yearly income new vlce-Presioent of Devel- This income consists of tuition opment began work here on fees, endowment accounts. July 16. Her-first wish was and auxiliary enterprises like thai Development be referred the book store. In conjunction to as "college relations," as it with the Director of Annual represents the college to the Funds, Mr. Gary Smallwcoo, external community. Its main Gerhard is engineering a purpose is "institutional ad- drive to raise one million dol- vancement," encouraging lars within the next year. If by support of the college. June 15,1985 the college can raise the amount the Kresge Institutional advancement is Foundation will contribute to also one of the major pur- the annual fund. poses of Homecoming, bring- ing people back and showing During the first and major them how the faculty, stu- fund raiser of the year, the dents, and the college itself phone-a-thon, the alumni and has changed in the short trustees raised $85,000, 13 period they have been gone. percent of needed funds in The Development office wants approximately two hours. The to let graduates know that Cynthia Gelhard, Vice Phone-a-Then utilizes volun- WMC still needs them and President of Develop- teers who call up the most wants them involved with the ment generous previous contribu- college. tors and ask them to again The office of development Funds, Public Information, support WMC. This very sue- can be broken down into and Alumni Affairs. three major dlviaions: Annual Annual Funds supervises continued on page 3 Registration causes delays Students show their Homecoming spirit in last Saturday's parade. . by Rhonda Myers full~ I~arn about an unfamiliar include: Art, Biology, Busi- Homecoming victory one sees that January is rap- !OP1C In the process. Accord- ness Administration, C.hemis- Looking calendar, at the S~lence, mg t~ Dr. Joan D. Coley, try, C?omputer \ highlights weekend idly approaching. For some, a Ass?C,ate Dean of ~cademlc Dramat.lcArt, Economics, and Affalr~, .and the DI~ector of mean . Education. will just this I month or so before having to Co~t.,~u'ng Education, the German, History, Interdiscipli- Others offered are Engllsh, definition of the four week return to school for the sec- 1 by Rhonda Myers pep rally was to get the and semester. But for others Ja~uary term is best de- nary Studies, library Science, students "fired up" for the scnbed by the whole January Military Science, Music, Pnyei- the month of January is for Homecoming weekend on Oct. 12 and 13, was full of football game on Saturday school, when students return term catalogue. cal Education. On Saturday the Homecom- many festivities on campus. ing parade worked its way to WMC for one course. January term was estab- Finally, Psychology, Politi- The weekend began with a Those who have chosen to lished sixteen years ago. The cat Science, Religious pep rally held in the gym on dpwn Main Street toward the come back to school, will term will begin Jan. 7, 1985 at Studies, Social Work, Sociol- HIli. The large crowd was Friday evening at 7:00. The attend class, become even 10:00 a.m. and end Jan. 30. main purpose of the annual continued on page 3 more independent and hope- Some of the classes offered continued on page 2 ~ghts: What effect will the Sexual Assault Service Presidential and Vice Presiden- tial debates have on the out- aids attack victims come of the election? by Monica Brunson sexual assault get through the from a hot line which others .. part series on rape and sex- psychological trauma as pos- assault and to ask for infor- can use to report a sexual first few hours with· as little no effect third four in a is This the mation If an assault is re- sible. (2) aiding the victim to ual assault. regain control that she lost ported by a hospital or the some effect dl,l
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