Page 121 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 121
~April 25, 1985IWeotem MlUYland CoUegeJPage 5 60 seconds on camp-us -...steven Rossma . How do you feel about the Down In Front current housing situation? GARY FROTH _!ilrthplace: The Brooklyn Age: 20ish. Bridge in the back seat of a BIrthplace: Finksburg. yellow 1957 taxi. OccupatIon: Hopefully. Occupation: No. MajorIng In: Philosophy. Majoring In: Microbiology My earliest memory Is: I am presently strug- My father gelling ready to gllng wIth: My five (5) slap me because of a terrible page take-home micro exam. Ihing I did. I was two years The worst job on earth old. must be: Collecting money I am presently '5trug- from candy machines. gllng wIth: My 36 page The last good book I philosophy paper which was saw: "Jaws: The Real Story." due yesterday. It has a great cover. The worst job on earth The last bad movIe I must be: Writing political saw was: "The Cassava speeches. Melon Murders" - I should The last good movie I never have seen this movie. saw was: "The Wizard of Favorite MusIcal It doesn't give peo- I feel that all Greek I feel there should ·Oz." Group: The Weird Balloons ple enough freedom organizations be equal housing I try to stay home and NIcknames: Lucy. Mick. to choose what should have an ade- for both Independ- watch: As much TV as I FavorIte year: 1984. Less dorm they want. It quate living space ents and Greeks, can. people died of prickly heat would be good to or (section). and that there Favorite Musical group: last year than in previous get a set pattern should be an option The Bleeding Stars. years. heroes (IIv- The book I've been rec- Personal Instead of changing of single sex or ommendlng lately Is: Ing): Geraldine Ferraro, It each year. coed dorms for ev- "All Quiet On The COoed Jonas Salk and Wink Martin- eryone. Front." Not available in book- dale. """011 Tammy Graf Buddy Parker Liz Fox stores yet. Personal heroes (dead): _ Anderson' Nickname: Gary Froth. Abott and Costelio, Alfafa and FavorIte year: 1974. So Wink Martindale. Vote Yes: Carriage House College many great people died that The worst advice my mother ever gave me year. Rumor has it that the col- boose recreate the regional confu- Personal heroes: Dr. was: "Go to your room." lege is thinking of changing The red caboose, now, J sion With the letters Joyce Brothers, Albert Ein- The worst advice I ever its name. There are a lot of feel, is trailing a "train of "D.C." emblazoned on them, names being kicked around. thought" which may rapidly strangers will come up and rei~:~~C;~Ckt::~i~. m gave someone was: One I heard is "Oecker Col- be going off track. If the say, "Where'd you get that. Y "You. 're not old enough to do lege" - after Black and name should be changed to in Washington?" And so it ch.lld: The art of motorcycle thai." He was. Decker, a major WMC funder Decker College, let's look at begins again. maintenance. - how does that grab va? some of the implications. You think this is a nightmare I'd like to be: More sexy. If I could be relncar- Part of the difficulty stems An artist will have to be -- the new colors would even In high school, people nated I would be: A Nike from the conversational chal- commissioned to melt down be those of Halloween -- the thought I was: A nerd. sneaker. lenge of trying to explain the the metal of the red caboose green and gold would and be They were right. My most ratIonal act and to refashion it into the changed Black to non-regional aspects of West- highly indecipherable abstract Decker's black and orange. QuestIons I'd like to was: Eating all my vegeta- ern Maryland's name and the sculpture of a giant power Add to this nightmare a have answered: implication that we are lo- drill. The artist's cornrnlssion Why bles as a child. cated in the far western, un- alone may justify another hornet's nest of other prob- do~'t suits come with two Would you believe: That students lems. Alumni and charted section of Maryland. I $1000 tuition hike. Instead of would swarm out like angry pairs of pants anymore? Why . ? can see why it would present The Hill, we'll be referred to bees. It would be interesting did they take Star Trek off the I'm a curable romantic; a recruitment problem. draw- ing the "dueling banjo" back- as "The Power Tool School." to watch who finally gets to air in-19697 Questions I'd like to make "The Sting." Teams will no longer be re- woodsman rather than the My most· ratIonal act have answered: How upwardly mobile Yuppies of ferred to as the Terrors. In- If the philosophy of this was: Opening a checking come men never teamed how stead they'll be called "The America. college is now to make its Dust Busters," "The Power name reflect those from whom account at the bank. to dress properly? Is Russia The college may also feel Vacs," or possibly even "The it most benefits, then maybe Would you believe: That really as big as it looks on a that its history is not that Cordless Egg Beaters." we should consider other important. Western Maryland The logistical problems, in- possibilities. "Carriage House I sleep in my underwear? map? Are Bugs Bunny and College did not begin as a deed, would be infinite. Let's College" has a nice homey My peers hate me be- Alan Aida related to each massive tax write-off, but as take just the bookstore, for ring to it; "Maggie's College," cause: They know I'm right. other? the dream of a visionary example. They will have to be for the personal touch; and To my face they say: M' rs hate me be- teacher, Professor Fayette R. paid overtime to begin shred- how about "Little George's "You're a nerd." Which is true. Y pee Buell. The first corporate ding reams and reams of College" for the community bucks were those of John 201b. vellum stationary with convenience approach? I've What I really want to do ~~~~: My socks always Smith, college benefactor and WMC printed on them. It got a better suggeston. A few right now: Is sleep. president of Western Mary- would be a packer's night- thousand other students and I My Idea of a really land Railroad. If cherished mare to wrap newspaper have given literally MILLIONS memories fade so easily, take around hundreds of glass KAREN LOOS good tIme Is to: Have a a stroll to the football field mugs to be shipped back for ~o~~"~~h~o ~~II;;!e·~r· ~g;,Age: 23 years, 4 months picnic with the one I love in a and note the artifact of the relabelling. And those cute Bill, Dave, Usa, Brian, Larry, and 8 days. tropical rain forrest. visionary age, the red ca- freshman beenies would only Julie, Annie, scon. .!l!" L... .-J
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